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Padhuka Sahasram-694

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


694. dhraShtum kadhAchana padhAvani! naIva janthu:

shaknOthi shAshvathaniDhim nihitham guhAyAm


siDdhAnjanam thvamasi yasya na dhEvi! dhruShtE:


Oh Paaduka! You look very charming indeed by the sapphires that befit

Krishna, who is the one entity fit to be sought and seen. The

sapphires fit You well too. As long as Your help as a collyrium to

see is not available, one can never hope to see the great treasure,

the Lord laid in the heart-cave.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 694


1)UtthamUr Sawmy's anubhavam: Earlier , Swamy Desikan

pointed out that the PaadhukAs help to discover the hidden

treasure of RanganAthA resting under Ranga VimAnam. Here,

he states again that it is impossible to see the Lord residing

in the caves of hearts of the Yogis without the magical power of

the blue rays originating from the sapphires serving as

the treasure-detecting collyrium. Swamy says: " Oh Devi

PaadhukE! Your sapphires are dark in color and resemble

Krishna " s complexion . Yogis use the rays of Your sapphires

as unguent for their inner rays to detect Krishna (the dark

Lord) hiding in the caves of their hearts. Without Your

sapphire's help , Yogis would never succeed in tracking down

the Lord sitting quitely in their heart lotuses.


2)SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: One who does not apply

the collyrium of the bluish rays of Your sapphire

can not see the Lord seated in the cave of his heart.

The anugraha balam of the Indhraneela stones confers

the boon of visualizing the Lord inside the heart lotus.


3)The dark hued sapphire on the Paadhukais have

the color similar to the bluish-hued Lord ( KrishNa

anuroopa harineela:) and are especially beautiful

to look at (visEsha dhrusyA). If these blessed sapphires

do not become collyrium to the mind's eye of a person ,

he can never see the priceless treasure of the Lord

seated in the heart lotus ( Yasya dhrushtE: Thvam

siddhAnjanam na asi , sa: janthu: kadAchana guhAyAm

nihitham saasvatha nidhim dhrushtum naiva saknOthi)..(V.S).

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