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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 4.1- neelakaNtanum naanmuganum praised Him naturally..

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Dearest Srivaishnavas,


AzhwAr who has been enjoying KaNNan right from childhood and also Ramavatar

along with that enjoyment, narrated so divinely entire Ramayana in the words

of Hanuman to the suffering SitA PiraaTTi and thus jumping from one avatar

to another. In this ten, he enjoys the same in a more elaborate fashion.


Those who practise bhakti yoga need to meditate and concentrate their minds

uninterruptedly on the divine form of the Lord and their minds get fixed on

one particular form so that that facilitates deeper and better concentration

and saakshathrkaram. However, for those who have performed Prapatti,

(Saranagathy) it is enjoyment of Diva mangaLa vigraham, His kalyANa guNAs

and His all avatars. Thus, the Prapannans enjoy all avtars though

individually he has a favourite one as well.


Also, the bhakti yogi, when listening to other divine avatars and pastimes

of other Divya Desa perumAL, even if that is different from what they have

been concentrating. Thus the Lord in all avatars become enjoyable and is

insatiable nectar (ArA amudhan) to us in each of His avatars and each avatar

has a glory and purpose in it. AzhwAr thus enjoys the same in this ten. He

is the same one and only one irrespective of any of the avatars whether if

Poorna avatar or a partial avatar¡K whether it is a human avatar or any one



With that brief, let us enjoy the pAsurams. [due to the size of the posting,

I have not reproduced the Translietarted PAsurams. Let me know if anyone



1. If ever you wish to realize and enjoy the One, having an unparalleled

Crown on top of His head (that He is Supreme Lord) that shines resplendently

many more times than even thousands of sun put together, thus declaring His

SarvEshwarathvam unambiguously to all worlds, - the Lord Rama who was

mentioned in the earlier pAsurams (last ten), [do not worry], here there are

many who have been blessed to see Him in His entirety of taking the Lion

faced human- Narasinga avatar who effortlessly tore open the strong chest of

HiraNyakasipu with His sharp nails and played the blood with His fingers.


Thiruvaymozhippillai mentions that the thousand suns with thousands of rays

melted together is referred to by AzhwAr, while Jeer (Sri Manavala

mamunigaL) explains that it is thousands of rays from the Sun. It is also

mentioned in Swamy Desikan¡¦s Devanayaka Panchasath- ¡§dEvEswarathva mapi

darsayithum kshamasthE¡K sahasradeepthi: ¡K.. Here it is mentioned that

thousands of brightness. Thus, thousand can be linked to the sun or to the

rays or even both.


You are not at all satisfied just by listening to my pAsurams and His

glories. You want to see Lord Rama as well. Not to worry. It is all

reasonable and fair desire. And there are great BhagawathOtthamas who have

been blessed with that vision ¡Vdivine ¡V and there are many. The place

Hanuman was sent by Rama was mentioned in last ten as identification and now

AzhwAr completes the same by saying the One who shines resplendently with

His divine crown (after Pattabhishekam) ¡V Lord Rama- if you wish to see¡K.


Where can we such GREATEST Rama? Here who appeared as Azhagiya Singam.

HiraNyakasipu was walking arrogantly unchallenged by anyone in the world

with great strength. With no weapons, with no support from anyone, with no

time lost, with not even a place for battlefield, our Lord Narasingam (en

Singapiraan perumai- Araayum seermaitthE) appeared then and there ¡V so

huge, with such thunderous noise and intense glitter, effortlessly took the

asurA on his lap and tore His chest to death. Those who have realized His

such greatest unparalleled strength are the one who have seen Lord Rama. It

is Rama who thought of Narasinga avatar, when he said, just by mere fingers

are enough to conquer the enemies, Sugreeva (and not your support)-

angulyagrENa thaan hanyaam¡K


AzhwAr did not just see the Lord; also wish to see Him through those who

have seen Him and along with them who are BhagawathOtthamas. Those who have

seen Him ¡V though the avatar has not appeared now- it is enough for us to

see merely by listening to the seers who have seen and been blessed.


Also it is in similar lines of Naachiyaar Thorumozhi.. patti mEyndhu¡K Those

who have heard Rama¡¦s glories have started searching. AzhwAr looks at them

and asks.. ¡§hEy.. what are you all looking for?-¡§ Searching for that great

Rama.. Azhweer.. Okay. Why are you here? Go and see that Narasingan. He is

the same Rama. He was Rama yesterday (in Rama ThirukkOlam in Utsavam) Today

He is Narasimha ThirukkOlam. Go there before the curtain is drawn.


2. If ever you wish to reach the place of Lord Rama, the One (VishNu) who

has Naandhakam {sword); Paanchajanyam (Conch Chell); thaNdu (Gadha-mace);

the ChakrA (Discuss) and the divine Bow (saarngam) that resonates and gives

rise a divine sound; [not to worry], there are those who have seen Him in

the yagnya of Janakamaharaja, the great among kings, breaking the bow there

standing matchless- matching only to SitA..


One should not see Rama as mere Rama; He should be seen with pancha Ayudhas

like the four handed Lord VishNu. One should not be satisfied just by two

handed Azhagiya Manavalan (Moolavar of Srirangam); also see and enjoy the

four handed NamperumAL (Uthsavar of Srirangam).


When the tender fingered femininie SitA played as a small girl, the ball

went rolling beneath the Rudra dhanus the huge one that was placed in the

palace and SitA simply pushed aside to take the ball from the inaccessible

place; Janaka having seen such an effortless push (which none could even

touch) decided that one who does similar deed can only be a match for her.

Here came our Lord who effortlessly picked up and broke the bow itself,

compatible and matching only to Piraatti. Thus He proved His Supremacy -the

Only One and They proved their SarvEshwarathvam as Divya Dampathi.. and as

Sarva sEshi¡K


3. If ever you wish to reach and see for sure the Lord ¡V the One plucked

the tusker of the huge cruel elephant Kuvalayaapeetam killing the same (that

was kept to kill Him) in His Krishnavatar, the One who in his previous

avatar of Rama, killed effortlessly 14000 Kara dhUshaNa raakshasa enemies

just in a matter of time single handed; - and who sent an arrow through

seven trees , there are those who have seen Him along with the army of

monkeys when they carried huge mountains and built a mountain bridge across

the deep vast ocean to reach lankA and seated Himself majestically in the

shores of the ocean declaring His Sathyavrathathvam and His vow to protect

and grant abhayam to anyone who surrenders at His feet.


4. If ever you all wish to see that grandest Supreme Lord, the most

mysterious Lord- maayaavi- the One who has taken the form of

KsheerApdhinAthan reclining on Milky ocean surrounded by waters, listen to

me. Come one and come all. The divine groom of the most beautiful cowherd

princess Nappinnai PiraaTTi, the Cowherd Boy, the One who fought and killed

seven bulls standing victorious with sweat all over his divine body, to win

the hand of Nappinnai ¡V He is kaNNan and there are many who have seen Him

truly in his Kutti KaNNan form.


5. If ever you all wish to see and enjoy EmperumAn, who is fond of His

divine consort Periya PiraaTTi, MahAlakshmi; who is praised uttering verses

impregnated with deep meanings and rhyming words declaring His Supreme

Lordship by four faced BrahmA and Sivan who got himself purified by holding

the waters that washed EmperumAN¡¦s lotus feet and who consumed the poison

and had his throat blue (neelakaNtan)- there are many who have seen Him

certainly here ¡V He is that KaNNan who held His divine love Rukmini

PiraaTTi by His side, and made her climb the chariot and fought with (her

brother) Rukmi in the middle of his army and conquered him- such most

valorous Lord is here and there are BhAgawathas who have seen Him.


The Trimurtis- (so called) Vishnu, Sivan and BrahmA ¡V out of them Four caed

Brahma and Sivan have realized and known their positions and the Surepamcy

of Lord Vishnu. They grabbed the opportunity and praised Vishnu uttering

slokas and holding waters that washed the feet of the Lord respectively.


Why am I wandering with such tresses and matted hair? It is only to hold the

water that washes off your feet, Lord!- says Sivan. If at all I have any

strength and power due to my thapObhalam (penance), it is all only due to

your grace and the power of your lotus feet. It is all due to the waters

from your lotus feet- SrI paadha theertham. When you churned the milky ocean

(due to your great love for PiraaTTi), the poison that emerged out- I took

¡V knowing your mind that you wanted to give me an opportunity to serve You-

and consumed that poison, uttering Achyutha, Anantha and Govindha. You also

out of your mercy, stopped that poison in my neck, making me neelakaNtan.

Thus, in as much as you desired for Piratti [and later even during Rama

avatar broke my bow to hold her hand], you should also have your liking and

affection on us as well- Says Sivan. Similarly, Brahma also praised Sriman

Narayanan uttering four Vedas with his four faces.


Thus those two Brahma and Sivan praising Lord Vishnu- is proper and is in

accordance with saasthras and like any Jeevathmas, they are also his

property and they praise Him. Only if He does so on Sivan or Brahma, then it

is unsaasthric and is not proper. If there is any stories in that fashion

then, it is non-vedic. That is why AzhwAr uses the word muRaiyaal- properly-

SeerERu- in greatest content of meaning and words as it is declaring the

sowseelya, Parathva qualities of the Lord.


6. If ever you wish to attain the Lord, the blue hued gem stone coloured

one; the one who took the poisonous breast of Poothanai raakshasi on His own

(to suck her life)- then there are those who have seen and enjoyed Him as

the King of Dwaraka, along with thousands of spouses, ruling the great

Dwaraka divya Desam, sititng majestically on that SimhAsana.


EmperumAn for attaining PiraaTTi was explained in last pAsuram and Brahma,

Rudra et al praised Him. In this pAsuram, AzhwAr implies that EmperumAn, the

only one- unparalled One- the King majestically sitting on SimhAsana along

with His thousands of spouses, and is being surrounded by His citizens-

meaning that everyone is a sthree and He is the Purushan- Purushautthaman.


If sthrees become crule and cunning, He kills them as well as if they are

purushas. He is the bule hued one. He destroyed Narakasura and KaNNan

married the 16000 girls who were imprisoned by Narakasura and rules Dwaraka

majestically; The citizens looking those spouses and Rukmini, sathyabhama

along with KaNNan, desire for that position, as to when we would get such

Bhagyam and be close to this saakshaath manmatha manmathan. Pumsaam mOhana

rUpan. Thus, all Chethanas are qualified to be His sthrees and they are. It

is also His desire to get all of us to His consort position. Thiruvudan

vandha sezhumaNi pOl Thirumaal idhayam¡K.


7. [AzhwAr enjoys the Lord with Sankhu, ChakrA now]- if ever you wish to ask

for the Lord who has in his resplendent hands, the divine sankhu (conch

shell) and chakrA, come.. I will show you the place of identification, in

which people have seen Him. Riding the chariot with white horses, with a

victorious flag hoisted on top of it, sitting in front of ARjuna and of

enemy army, and cunningly helped [with His army] and supported Pandavas to

conduct the Mahabharatha yuddha and win the battle.


8. [How did He help Pandavas is explained beautifully in this pAsuram]- This

Devaki¡¦s son KaNNan- the one who has various kinds of weapons or the one

who started the yuddha, so to say, (the moola kaarNa of the battle); when

the Kaurava kings wished to protect Jayathratha awaiting for the sunset,

KaNNan sent His ChakrA and made the sun disappear for little while (with its

lustre), thus enabling Jayathratha to come out thinking that it is already

sunset. Immediately Arjuna made Jayathratha¡¦s head roll down- Thus, there

are people who have seen this Lord who has the sparkling, lustrous divine

chakrA in his hand¡K


Jayathratha had killed Abhimanyu- son of Arjuna. Arjuna took a vow in

vengeance that he would kill Jayathratha with the next day sunset, else he

would jump into fire and commit suicide. KaNNan thus did this trick, as

Jayathratha did not come out till sun set¡K ƒº and Kaurava kings shielded

him till the sun set. When the sun was hidden by Lord¡¦s divine chakrA, they

all thought that it is over and Arjuna lost and then was history.


When Jayathratha¡¦s head rolled down by Arjuna¡¦s arrow, the head can not

fall on the ground as that would make Arjuna¡¦s head bursting to pieces with

the curse and power of penance of his father Vrutthakshathran¡¦s. Thus,

Arjuna¡¦s able arrow pushed Jayathratha¡¦s head be floated to the lap of his

father who was doing his thapas (penance). When he (father) got up

immediately awestruck finishing his penance, his head thus burst to pieces

as per his own statement.


9. The Lord, who keeps the mountains, the universes, the deep, vast oceans,

and all beings and non-beings in his small stomach during the cosmic

dissolution (mahApraLaya) in his jagathvyApAra leelA, and brings them back

after dissolution.. ¡V if ever you wish to see Him really, then there are

those whoa have seen Him taking the huge boar avatar (Varaaha avatar) who

lifted effortlessly the vast big universe (the most beautiful dark haired

BhUmi PiraaTTi) on his horn taking her out of troubled deep waters, closely

and tightly hugging her, and saving her from HiraNyaakshan killing the



10. BhattanAthan- who spends his time in Vedantha vicharam, who is blessed

with ParamaikAnthyam, hailing from Sri VilliputthUr- composed this beautiful

ten verses in chaste tamil elaborately, indicating the identifications to

see the Lord ¡V the most mysterious and the most wonderful one- the blue

hued One- the One with the divinely beautiful Divya mangala form and those

who erad these ten (or their meanings) with love and interest in their

minds, will be blessed to attain the Lotus feet of such greatest and

grandest EmperumAn.


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana




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