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Padhuka Sahasram-701

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


701. thvayi vinihithamEthath kEpi pashyanthi mandhA:

shathamaKhamaNijAlam shArngiNa pAdharakshE!

vayamidhamiha vidhma: prANinAm BhAvukAnAm

hrudhayagruhaguhABhya: pIthamanDham thamisram


Oh Paaduka! Certain observers, of dull thinking, regard the blue

lustre on You due to the blue gems inlaid on You. We however,

confidently declare that the blueness arises from the inner darkness

that You had swallowed while being in the cave of the Heart-Home of



Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 701


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam:Oh PaadhukAs of SaaraNgapANi!

Some dim-witted people see Your sapphires as the cluster of

blue rays of a precious gem. We consider them as the destroyer

of the darkness in the caves of hearts of those , who meditate

on Your Lord. The blue rays of Your sapphire banish the darkness

in the heart caves and reveal the location of Your Lord residing



2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! The superficial obsevers

think that the dark object on You are a cluster of sapphire stones.

They do not recognize that it is the ajn~Anam consuned by You

from the minds of those , who meditate on You. The inner meaning

is that the minds of those blessed by AchAryAs through upadEsam

and anugrahm will not have even a trace of Ajn~Anam. They will

comprehend clearly the five topics through such AchArya anugraham:


(a)clear Knowledge about the Svaroopam of the Jeevan ( aNuthvam ,

Jn~Anathvam ,Aanandathvam and amalathvam) and its total dependency

on the Lord ( Karthruthvam, BhOkthruthvam as IsvarAdhInam )


(b)Clear comprehension of the Isvara Tatthvam( The undrstanding of

His LakshaNams as AnanyAdhInathvam , NirupAdhika sEshithvam and

nirupAdhika Niyanthruthvam).


© Awareness of Our sins through trespasseses of His Saasthrams


(d) The need for sincere supplication to the Lord to protect

us through the act of SaraNAgathy


(e)Engagement in duties that please the Lord .


Through a clear understanding of these five sangathis ,

AchAryAs make the Lord pliable to them and kindle

the Jn~Anam of their sishyAs and protect them from

ignorance and misunderstandings to propel them towards

Moksha Maargam.


3)Oh SaarangarAjA's PaadhukE! ( SaarngiNa: PaadharakshE!)

There are some dullards( kEapi mandhA:). They see the dark

stones on You as sapphire gems ( Thvayi vinihitham yEtath

sathamakhamaNi jaalam pasyanthi). We with the benefit of

AchArya anugraham see some thing else in those dark-hued

sapphires( vayam idham itharam yEva vidhma:).We recognize

those dark stones as the confusing dark ajn~Anam hiding

in the heart caves of the janthus , who meditate on You

( vayam idham bhAvukAnAm prANinAm hrudhaya gruha guhAbhya:

peetham andham tamisram vidhma:)...(V.S)

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