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Padhuka Sahasram-698

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


698. shathamaKhamaNiBhangaIrunmayUKhaIrdhishanthI

sharaNamupagathAnAm ranganAThEna sAmyam

praThayasi jagathi thvam pAdhukE! haIthukAnAm

upaniShadhupagIthAm thathkrathunyAyavArthAm


Oh Paaduka! To those who surrender to You, You grant a blue colour

very much like the Lord's. This You do by utilizing the radiance of

the sapphires. In this manner, You propagate the Upanishadic 'rule of

Tatkratu'-that a person contemplating on Brahman with certain

characteristics becomes one with those traits themselves.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S)


SlOakm 698


1) UtthamUr Sawmy's anubhavam: Here , Swamy Desikan focuses on

a VedAnthic principle known as " Tath Krathu nyAyam " . According to

this principle , jeevan attains the form that he used to worship

the Lord . Tath means that and Krathu means the UpAsanA or mode of

worship of the Lord. " He becomes it " is the meaning of this aphorism.

Swamy Desikan says: " Oh PaadhukE! You make true the Upanishadic

statement of " tat krathu " through making the devotees of

RanganAtha attain His bluish-black hue through the falling of

the blue rays of Your sapphires . This way You prove to

the unfaithful that the Upanishadic statement can not

be falsified.


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam:Oh PaadhukE! Sapphires are

enmeshed on You. Their color is the same as that of the hue

of the Lord. Those who come near You have the contact with

the blackish-blue lustre of Your rays from those IndhraneelA

stones and acquire as a result the same hue that Your Lord has.

This fits with the message of the proverb: " SamsargajA dhOshaguNA

Bhavanthi " (Association leads to the acquirement of the guNas

with which one is in contact).This is in agreement with

the Upanishad vaakyam , which states that one becomes like

the object that he is deeply associated with.


3)Oh PaadhukE! Through the intense dark blue rays

of Your pieces of sapphires (Thvam sathamakhamaNi

bhangai: uth mayUkhai:) transform those , who approach

You seeking Your protection to resemble Your Lord in

hue ( SaraNam upagathAnAm RanganATEna sAmyam disanthi).

This is consistent with the tathkrathu nyAyam referred to

in the Upanishads ( Upanishath upageethAm tathkrathu-

nyAyavArthAm ) and fights off those who question

the veracity of such a happening (Jagatheem haithukAnAm

Tathkrathu-nyAya-vArthAm praTayaseeva)..(V.S).

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