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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 4.2- Thirumaal irum chOlai- Sriya: Pathi residing place

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SrImathE Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


AzhwAr who explained beautifully about various avatars, had mentioned that

there are those who have seen such avtaara leelas of EmperumAn. But it was

all performed at sometime when we were not there (or we did not have that

jnAnam to enjoy Him). Now the same perumAL appears in various divya Desams.

AzhwAr starts enjoying these most divine Divya dEsams. Especially

ThirumallirunchOlai and Thirumalai are being taken up for enjoyment by



Thiru maal- Sriya: Pathi. irumchOlai- Sriya: Pathi residing place. So,

perhaps, all Divya Desams of His can be addressed also as

ThirumalirunchOlai. {I have not reproduced the transliteration of pAsurams-

in case someone is interested, please visit

http://ramanuja.org/sv/prabandham/texts/periaz4.txt and read.


1. Raakshasas- who went around shouting and yelling unabated and unbeaten

fearlessly – creating fear among saadhus- were destroyed effortlessly by

this Lord Rama- the lustrous lamp of Manu. The place where this Lord Rama

resides is: ThirumaalirunchOlai- where the celestial damsels come walking

musically with their anklets making musical sound, enter into the beautiful

nUpura ganga to take bath. [This nUpura ganga is the water that splashed

from the lord’s feet when the feet was washed with the kamandalu waters by

four faced BrahmA (the remaining waters were captured by Siva in his matted

locks ]


In last ten, if ever you wish to see Rama, there are those who have seen

Him. Now AzhwAr shows where He (Rama) resides permanently.


2. The One- who cut the heads of Raavanan, and his strong shoulders,

possessing the sword by name chandrahaasam; and cut the nose of his sister

Soorpanaka- resides in this mountain of ThirumaalirunchOlai- where one can

hear the divine rendering of Thirupaallandu everywhere.


Here one can refer this cutting shoulders to VaaNan (Ayiran thOLum

pozhikurudhi paaya). But having been referred to Rama and Rama cutting the

shoulders of KumbakarNan and the heads of his brother Ravana and the nose of

his sister can be interpreted as well.


pollA mooku – says AzhwAr. The ears that did not listen to sweet and good

words of Rama, Lakshmana were cut. The tongue (naaku) alone should have been

cut for having spoken. But instead of cutting naaaku, He cut the mookku.

(and also nose adds to the beauty of the face).


3. Those equal to Him and those who are not bound by His punishment – are

troubled by their enemies- raakshasas. Their wrong paths are blocked by this

Lord Rama and his most favourite residence is this ThirumaalirunchOlai-

where His devotees who come flocking to this place paying obeisance to Him

at all times with folded hands, thus ensuring that they do not go to such a

path (wrong papth where Ravana et al went). .

(thakkaar- equal to Him; mikkAr- above Him- meaning: they (those who have

surrendered to Him- Srivaishnavas- are not bound by His nigraham- as He has

considered as His darling devotees; he does not punish them, though it is

His duty.


4. the cattle rearing cowherd folks joined together and started to perform

Devendra pooja- and that was stooped by the Lord KaNNan and His favourite

sthalam is this ThirumaalirunchOlai- where the celestial tree kaRpaka

vruksham flowers drop their honey on this place and this honey flows like a

river, full of water.


5. The One who blessed and received the kaimkaryam of an elephant that was

caught by the crocodile in the middle of the pond; the one who took the life

of an elephant (kuvalayeepeetm) at Kamsa’s palace; He is residing

permanently at this Divya Desam of ThirumaalirunchOlai; where, when the lady

elephant tries to leave due to minor squabbles (oodal), the male elephant

vows in the divine name of Azhagar (the male elephant of ThirumalirunchOlai-

Azhagar mEl ANai..) and makes peace… to loiter the place with its mate.


Thus, the elephants, jointly with its mate, devotedly walk around in this

place. When there is little bit suspicion, quarrel between them, and the

lady walks away weeping (deadly weapon), the male says: Here is the Lord who

saved one elephant and accepted its kaimkaryam; and destroyed the wrong

elephant which attempted to kill Him; in his name, let me tell you.. I am

with you.. [“ThiruvANai ninANadi kaNdaay- says NammAzhwAr]. The lady

elephant also due to her devotion for Azhagar accepted its male… The lady

also says: Since you went alone, the suspicion arose in me.. Now hereafter

let us go together around His temple. It is ThiruvANai… Thiruvaaymozhi

Pillai interprets as PiraaTTI ANai…


6. Whatever and whoever Kamsan sent- all were destroyed by Him effortlessly

and also happily- Also, in spite of all those fights with wrestlters,

elephant, etc.. Still the sndal paste offered by the hunch back old lady (on

the way to Kamsa’s palace for a hug with the strong shoulders of KaNNan) did

not go away at all on His divine chest- Such Grandest Lord resides

permanently in this mountain ThirumaalirunchOlai sages, Devas et al come

praising it (the divya Desam) as the Place for protection during times of

danger and crisis. (Avatthanam)


The paste also did not go away.. thus not even little bit of sweat- If the

sandal paste is smeared, also there may be doubts among Gopika sthrees that

KaNNan must have spent some time with someone in Kamsa’s place; thus even

that is not there- enjoys Acharyas. Also, if there are enemies, he destroys

them effortlessly. But if there is a anukoolar (devotees) who offers even

sandal paste, He keeps it safely and protects as a treasure on his divine

chest (and inside his heart as well). jnAnitvAmaiva mE matham). Thus, the

place where He stays is our dhanam. (Avath dhanam)…. nAsthi pithrArjitham

kinchith- na mayA kinchithArjitham; asthimE hasthisailaagrE vassthu

paithAmaham dhanam||



7. Much to the “shock and awe” of Kauravas (Duryodhanan et al), Arjuna (with

the blessings of KaNNan- who was sitting a charioteer) brought the water

from the ground using its arrow for the horses to drink… , with anugrahams

of KaNNan, who resides pernenently in this divya desam of ThirumalirunchOlai

where the king (who has sharp spear that can destroy enemies; virtuous one)

of Madura, praises Koodal azhagar with devotion…


When there was battle to kill Jayathrathan, KaNNan noticed that the horses

have become tired and need some water. Arjuna immdeitaely said, “till then,

let me stand on the ground and fight; you can take the horses for the water.

Let them drink water.”. Kannan felt pleased at that statement. KaNNan said,

“there is not a necessity to go anywhere. Use you VaruNasthram and get the

wtare from the earth.. Arjuna sent his asthra and fountain water bursts out

to let the horses have their day… DuryOdhana et all were bewildered at the

strength and skills of Arjuna. It was KaNNan who made Arjuna achieve the

same- that’s how the pAsuram needs to be interpreted in line with Jeer’s

vyAkhyAnam. AzhwAr enjoys Paandya King’s devotion for this Lord Koodal

Azhagar of ThirumalirunchOlai. This king is also called malayadwajan. When

he drove his chariot to go to Ganges in the north, it stooped and refused to

proceed further on top of this mountain. He took his bath in silambbaaRu –

taking this as the divine command of Azhagar (in lieu of Ganges) and he

became more devoted to this place- is also the commentary.


8. The kings who do not come in his way (like the way paandya king did), are

simply crushed by this Lord and asked to go in the narrow path in the

forests leading them astray; such greatest Lord Sriya: Pathi (selvan) stays

here permanently in the divya Desam of ThirumalirunchOlai where six legged

bees sing the divine 1000 names of EmperumAn rendering Thirupalliyezhucchi.


KuRugaa mannar- The Ones who bend themselves infront of this Lord… are given

lots of wealth here and there; wheareas those who do not bow down to Him,

are not given. How the bees can sing 1000 names and Thiruppalliyezhucchi?

AzhwArs means the ParamaikAnthis as bees..the six legs are the six padhas of

Dwaya manthra. Those Dwaya nishtans are referred to thus as six legged bees.

OR.. prAtha kalam (morning), sankhavam, mAdhyAnnam, aparANNam, Saayaannam,

Night- thus six times they perform ArAdhanam to emperumAn. Thus along with

jnAnam, dAsyam and anushtAnam are found in abundance in this place.


9. The bootha kaNanGaL (Bootham, Brahma raakshas and other wild animals)

beat the prey hard and offer the dead ones to this Lord with devotion before

their partaking it- and that Sarva Swami resides here permanently at this

Divya Desam where Lord KaLLazhagar’s red coral mouth and lips are matching

to flowers that fall onto the ground from their trees in the dense forest.


In last pasuram, the kurugAtha mannar (the kings who do not bow down are

lead astray in the narrow forest paths by the Lord…) was referred to. These

kings walk into the forest and are snatched by the Boothams, Brahmaraaskhas,

tigers and lions to their heart’s content. It is sort of punishment to the

kings and also food for the animals. These animals in this

ThirumalirunchOlai are so devoted [as He is their Lord as well] that they

also do not eat without offering to the Lord. How can they offer the flesh

and dead ones? Why not? That’s what their food is. Also the food is sent by

the Lord himself. It is EmperumAn’s krupA to give us such food at least –

thinks these animals and offer them with devotion. Since these blood

dripping flesh is offered to the Lord, perhaps the Lord’s mouth and lips are

so reddish in colours- it appears- enjoys the Acharyas. Thus, these fleshes

thrown and found in the forest are the pieces of His mouth- stupefy us.


10. On all eight directions in all harems, there are so many spouses

)dEvigaL) in Dwaraka coming out along with KaNNan when he starts to go to

the palace- such nirmalan- Vimalan- Blemishless Lord SarvEswaran resides in

this Divya Desam of ThirumalirunchOlai – Thirumalai- where the lady

elephants go to male elephants and play with them merrily drinking the joy

of being together.


There were 16000 spouses for KaNNan and He used to be with everyone of them

and when he comes out, all send Him off from their respective harem for

their respective husband KaNNan and He becomes one to drive the chariot.

Like sri, BhU, NeeLa dEvi, they have no jealousy among thesmevles. Because

He is vimalan- Blemishless; Faultless; having no imperfections at all.

AkilahEyaprathyaneekan. Priya saarvabhouman- why should there be jealously?

Everyone deserves to be His wife- including us. Thus, unlike the lady

elephants that wander everywhere during the day and finally go towards the

Male the spouses of KaNNan always think of Him, be with Him and serve Him. -

(all jeevathmas are considered as ladies -sthrees - and He alone is

PurushOtthaman- They need to go and be with him joyously drinking the joy of

being with Him forever and ever)-


11. Thus unlike lady elephants, instead of wandering here and there and like

the Pathivratha spouses, this Sri VilliputthUr VishNuchithhar, the

ParamaikAnthi vrathar- who is like a Pathivrtha sthree for the Lord- without

any Devathanthra sambandham, and PrayojanAnthara sambandham, (no other goal

and no other means other than His Lotus feet)- has sung this ten on

ThirumallirunchOlai KaNNan- mahApurushan pf Thirumalai- the dark blue hued

lord – and those who read this ten will be blessed to see His two Lotus Feet

for sure.


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana





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