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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 4.3- naal vEdhak kadal amudhu--

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SrImathe Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,

Let us continue to enjoy PeriyAzhwAr pAsurams: Do not miss the last one in

this 11 pAsurams.. An excellent anubhavam by Acharyas on this great pAsuram!


Last set of pAsurams (4.2), AzhwAr enjoyed the Divya Desam

ThirumaalirunchOlai along with the Lord Sriya: Pathi Azhagar and now he

realizes that the Lord has not left his mind at all still. As NammAzhwAr

says: ThirumaalirunchOlai enREn – ennath Thirumaal vandhu en nenju niRaiyap

pugundhaan… [i just uttered ThirumaalirunchOlai; Upon that utterance,

Thirumaal (Sriya: Pathi) immediately entered into my heart fully..], AzhwAr

also now enjoys the Lord Azhagar of ThirumalirunchOlai again. He is

Sundarabaahu- beautiful strong shouldered Lord which can destroy the

enemies; hug His Gopika devotees; and thus AzhWar enjoys KaNNan and Raman

and then other avatars in Azhagar(n) of ThirumalirunchOlai in this ten. Let

us enjoy AzhwAr’s enjoyment.


{I have not reproduced the transliteration of pAsurams- in case someone is

interested, please visit http://ramanuja.org/sv/prabandham/texts/periaz4.txt

and read.


1. When the most beautiful RukmiNi PiraaTTi (UruppiNi), who has all

auspicious attributes desired to marry KaNNan, in order not to let KaNNan

take her along with Him, Rukmi (her brother) chased KaNNan’s chariot and was

conquered effortlessly by KaNNan. Thus the Lord who remained victorious,

stays at this divya desam of ThirumalirunchOlai (as mentioned earlier-

adhE..) This malai (mountain) has tall trees gorwn in between that can be

seen even from afar and these “konRai” trees appear to be giving golden

coins and rings to the world in the form of tender leaves [in golden colour]

in the branches of trees turning towards us.. Such most wonderful place is

this ThirumalirunchOlai.


Thus, when RukmiNi is with KaNNan in this divya Desam, even the mountain

(where they reside) can grant such golden coins and rings to the residents

and seers. The same ThirumalirunchOlai (adhu) that was mentioned in last ten

is now narrated even in grander fashion is AzhwAr ThiruvuLLam.


2. Kamsa- KaaLingan- Kuvalayaapeetam- YamaLaarjuna (marudhu trees)-

ArishtAsura (yerudhu- bulls) were all destroyed by Lord Sriya: Pathi who

grew up in Ayarpaadi- the Blue Hued KaNNan- maNivaNNan. He resides in this

place ThirumalirunchOlai mountain where the poisonous snakes thinking that

the moon is its food appear to touch the same with its tongue.


The place is so grand and the mountain so tall.



3. The stable asurA- NaraskAsuran- one who thought he is eternally

undefeatable- was conquered and cut by His divine chakrA by the blue hued

maNi vaNNan KaNNan who released and wedded the virgins who were imprisoned

by the asurA - Such grandest Lord resides in the place- Mountain

ThirumalirunchOlai- where trees of different kinds grow in rows with full of

flowers like a garland on the golden mountain around the whole Divya Desam.


4. The peerless and unparalleled Youthful KaNNan- who removed all hurdles of

Ushai- [the daughter of BANAsura- the eldest son of MahAbhali] resides in

this Divya Desam – ThirumalirunchOlai mountain on his own accord. The gypsy

ladies sing in praise of the cowherd Boy KaNNan in KuRinji raag and dance

happily in this mountain.


Ushai informs her friend Chithra lekhA about her dream with Aniruddhan

(KaNNan’s grandson) and from the drawings of ChithralEkhA she identifies

Aniruddhan. ChithralEkhA also spots who is the dream man of Ushai with her

yogic powers and brings him to Ushai. Seeing them united, her (UShai’s)

father BANAsura gets angry and imprisons Aniruddhan. Narada informs this to

KaNNan and Youthful strongest bull like KaNNan conquers him in the battle

with the asurA (who had called Agni, Vinayaka, Subramanya and Rudran to his

support) and cuts his 1000 shoulders after chasing the supporters away in

the battle effortlessly. Later BANAsura agreed for the wedding.


The Grand father saves the grandson during his wedding and hence the grand

pa is Yuvaa- Youthful- thani kaaLai


5. In numerous abusive language and words were uttered by SisupAlan and

finally he was stopped by KaNNan – Sarva nEthramanOharan and this azhagan

resides beautifully in this Divya Desam ThirumalirunchOlai mountain and this

mountain is the most appropriate place to reside for everyone; a wonderful

mountain with cool, chill climate; and its is the most victorious mountain

and fertile as well.


6. KaNNan, The Lord who removed the sorrow of Draupadi, the spouse of Pancha

Paandavas, and made the spouses of DhuryOdhanas otherwise (widows); - this

Swamy resides in Divya Desam of ThirumalirunchOlai where the groups of bees

flock together singing in praise of KaNNan, drinking honey from flowers in

fertile gardens and ponds.


Paanchaali (Draupadi) itself is enough. AzhwAr refers her as Paandavas’

Panchali- meaning with the five strong Pandavas- still she was troubled by

DuryOdhanas in the assembly (when the Pandavas lost her in Gambling-

Soodhaattam). In front of the elders, they disrobed her. Helpless Draupadi

cried and shouted for help praying to KaNNan with hear arms raised above her

head: [when everyone kept silent]: hA KrishNA! dwArakA vaasaa! kvAsi yAdhava

nandhana! imAmavasthathAm samprAptthAm anAthAm kimupEkshasE! – KaNNan melted

at her prayers and showered her with clothing… and ensued that the spouses

of those 100 Gauravas become widows in the battlefield for the harm done to

His devotee Draupadi.


7. In order to save and retrieve PiraaTTi from lankA; This Lord (in the

battle field) made the huge eagles climb on to the bodies of Raakshasas of

lankA- such strong shouldered Lord- our Rama (em Raman) resides permanently

in this Divya Desam of ThirumalirunchOlai – where people come in groups of

families and take bath in the holy river water that flow therein. Such a

beautiful divine place is ThirumalirunchOlai.


8. This Lord who had sent the fiery arrow to the king of lankA (RaavaNan)

from His divine Bow and crushed his words (uttered earlier thereby that He

(Ravanan) will kill Rama even if he is able to come crossing the ocean –

which itself is impossible to achieve). This RaajathiRajan- Rama resides in

ThirumalirunchOlai mountain where Devas along with their DEvEndran and Sun,

the moon and Fire (agni) come surrounding the same (for paying their

obeisance to the Lord).


9. The Lord who picked and saved the bhUmi [from troubled waters]; who

lifted the earth; who measured the worlds; who swallowed the worlds;- and

brought them again back after Cosmic dissolution- Like that He plays with

the worlds in different ways. Thus this blemishless Lord (Nimalan; Vimalan)

resides in this mountain ThirumalirunchOlai- and this river from this

mountain [by name silambARu] gathers gem stones and other precious materials

as an offering to this Lord Azhagar of this Divya Desam


10. Spreading thousands of shoulders, with thousands of heads with its head

shining with the lustre- reclining on the 1000- headed AdhisEsha serving the

Lord as bed – the Lord shows Himself so divinely charming; and this Lord

resides in this mountain of ThirumaalirunchOlai which is full of thousands

of fertile, beautiful charming gardens full of flowers; of thousands of very

many rivers, streams, ponds and fountains.


Except for the thousand heads, all other thousands in this PAsuram refer to

many.. not necessarily thousands… Thus, for the huge beautiful Divine Body

of the Lord, AdisEsha takes such huge form to serve Him. Perhaps, that’s why

Adhisesha is called Ananthan- endless.. Thus, with sahasraseersha purushan-

showing himself at ThirumalirunchOlai which is also with many 1000s- thus as

a personification of the Lord Himself. (Refer Thiruvaymozhi 8.10.8- naaLum

vaaykka nangatku naLineerk kadalaip padaitthu padar pookaRpagakkaavum ..

maNi malaipOl kidanthaan.. He reclines like the mountain. Thus

ThirumalirunchOlai itself is He..


11. This ThirumalirunchOlai Divya Desam- the Lord who has this divine place

as the residence – the huge mountain which houses the divinely beautiful

mountain (the Lord); the One who has eight forms; the one who is the nectar

that emerged out of the ocean of vast four Vedas; the most compassionate one

- who is like the ever granting grand celestial kaRpaka mountain; the

Azhagan at ThirumalirunchOlai - who is grander than the one in Nithya

vibhUthi- which is beyond the essence of all Vedanta. About this Azhagar at

ThirumalirunchOlai- Sri VishNuchitthar elaborated in the above ten PAsurams

[the reciters of which will be blessed to see and enjoy KaNNan’s lotus feet

for sure.]


The phalasruthi though does not talk about KaNNan lotus feet- AzhwAr just

ends saying elaborated (viritthanavE..) thus combining with the previous

decad (4.2) GIVES THIS meaning.


Malaiyaiudaiya malai- The mountain that houses the mountain; or the mountain

which is the support for even the mountains (AdhAra AdhEyam);


naalirumUrthy- Thus at ThirumalirunchOlai there are eight (or six) number of

deities- perhaps. OR The One who has six vasthus as sareeram as mentioned by

Alavandhar in “prakarithi purusha kaala vyaktha mukthA yadhicchA

manuviddhathi ninthyam nithyasiddhair anEkai: OR it may mean that he is the

one who has prakrithi, kaalam, nithyavibhUthi, dharmabhUtha jnAnam, and

baddha jeevathmas and non baddha jeevathmas as sarira.


It can also be interpreted as: Deva, animals, plants, humans.. muktha,

nithya mUrthy..

Or AshtAkshara mUrthy..

Or.. Sankarshana pradhyumna, Aniruddha, Vasudeva..

Or Rama lakshmana bharatha chathrugnan..

Or the Lord of ThirumalirunchOlai who has Para vyUha, vibhava haardha rUpa..

also.. and Vasudeva, Prayadhyumna.. four forms..

OR it may mean: Sathya, jnAna, anantha, amalathva.. jagathkaaraNathva,

mOkshapradhathva, muktha prApyathva and Sriya: Pathithvam …

OR it may also mean: Krishna, Rama, Adhivarahan and Ananthasayanan..


Naal vedak kadal amudhu- The Lord as Sabda mayan.. The One who is the

essence and object of four Vedas.. He is the nectar of all four Vedas.. naal

vedak kadal amudhu… The meaning of BrahmasUthra is Brahmmam Himself. Thus

the nectar of Vedas is He.. When the ocean of four veads is churned, He was

there everywhere in all the ocean of four Vedas. He is Sarva Veda

prathipAdhyan. He is the PradhAnan in those four Vedas- thus, the nectar and

essence of the same… When you churn the Vedas, you get Him.. When you

analyze the Vedas, you see Him..


Malaiyai udaiya malai- Thus, this mountain Lord- the four forms – the nectar

of four Vedas- the kaRpaka tree- the essence of Vedantha- the lamp (jYothis)

of Azhagar- is elaborated by Sri Vishnu chitthan. Thus, SaasthrayOnithvaath,

Parama purushaarttham, the chEthana, achethana sakala vishEshanam, Vedantha

were all briefly touched by AzhwAr with an end note saying – such a jYothi

(viLakku) of Vedanta is here at ThirumalirunchOlai.. That’s why NammAzhwAr

says: ThirumalirunchOlai enREn.. [i just uttered ThirumalirunchOlai name.. ]

enna, Thirumaal en nenju niRaiyap pugundhaan.. [uttering that, Sriya: Pathi,

entered into my heart in His entirety fully and completely.


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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