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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 4.3-bhAgawathas [dAsabhUthar] have right to sell us even.

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,

In last two tens, AzhwAr enjoyed ThirumalirunchOlai Divya Desam and

EmperumAn Azhagar. Here and hereafter, he enjoys the glory of the Divya

desams due to its bhAgawathas residing therein and due to their residence,

EmperumAn Sriya: Pathi smiles even grander and broader- and one can enjoy

havingh such a darshan here. Hence, for the seekers, it is not only to enjoy

Him and His smile, also to enjoy mixing with such great BhAgawathas residing

here. AzhwAr while glorifying these Bhagawathas, he also mocks at those who

do not have a semblance of devotion to Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan. An

excellent pAsuram- good for Tamil lovers as well.


naavakaariyamsollilaadhavar naaLthoRumvirundhOmbuvaar

thEvakaariyamseydhu vEdhampayinRuvaazhthirukkOttiyoor

moovar_kaariyamumthiruththum mudhalvanaichchindhiyaadha ap

paavakaarikaLaippadaiththavan eNGNGanampadaiththaan_kolO! 1.


1. In this grand Divya Desam ThirukkOttiyoor, [where blemishless and

faultless Srivaishnavas who never speak ill-intended words and

unparliamentarily; who learn and recite Vedas daily and regularly and

perform Yagnas; and who donate food (perform anna dhAnam) liberally to

have-nots reside) where Sriman Narayanan – the Primordial Chief who performs

the creation, sustenance and destruction through the trio ceaselessly and in

an organized way;- resides permanently. Why at did He create these (human)

beings- the incorrigible sinners- who never even hear the glories and

pastimes of such grandest and greatest sarvEshwaran Sriman Narayanan and

mediate on Him?


First one should not utter wrong words, speak unpleasant ones; [jihvA mE

madhu matthamA- says Thaitthriya Upanishad. ]. Hence AzhwAr talks about it.

Thus, akruthyam (What needs to be avoided), then kruthyam- which is studying

Vedas- performance of yaahags, etc.. are listed for srivaishnavas. Also one

should offer food to others, partake with others before personal

consumption. (athithi). Sriman Narayanan the primordial chief, carrying out

the duties of Sivan, four faced Brahma are also mentioned. He acts as

antharyaami in them, and enables them function. While he himself takes

Vishnu roopam to perform the protection or sustenance work. Also it may be

interpreted as Brahma, Siva and Devendran as trio. Thus, in as much the

Srivaishnavas do their duties, he also does his duties regularly.


AzhwAr feels bad about those who do not think of this Grand EmperumAn Sriman

Narayanan [need not be ThirukkOttiyoor EmprumAn- but can be of any Divya

Desam]. Why at all did he create them? He fails to understand. Perhaps to

make them like the asuras and Raakshasa thereby he can destroy them and save

them as well. Or He creates them again and again with a faint hope that they

may transform some time or the other.. ( with some poorva janma sukrutham)


kuRRaminRikkuNamperukkik kurukkaLukku_anukoolaraay

seRRamonRumilaadha vaN_kaiyinaar_kaLvaazhthirukkOttiyoor

thuRRiyEzhulakuNda thoomaNivaNNan_thannaiththozhaadhavar

peRRathaayarvayiRRinaip perun^OyseyvaanpiRandhaar_kaLE. 2.


2. In this grand Divya Desam of ThirukkOttiyoor [where faultless and

blemishless Srivaishnavas who keep on enhancing their good and auspicious

qualities (and guNAs) and serving their unparalleled Acharyas

uninterruptedly; who are devoid of any anger; who have magnanimous heart and

large hands to offer to poor- reside] where Sriman Narayanan- KaNNan – the

one who ate all seven lokas (worlds) together- the pristinely purest blue

hued gem stone like Beautiful Divine Lord- resides permanently, and those

who do not bow down and prostrate at the feet of such grandest Lord- have

appeared in this world only to cause disease to the wombs of their mothers..


The parents get their children– devoted ones – who perform trikala

sandhyvandhanam- nithya karmanushtanams- undergo samasrayanam- etc.. thereby

be devoted with an unflinching and unconditional faith to Sriya: Pathi

sriman Narayanan and thus make their parents avoid going to hell (narakam).

If one does not bow down, prostrate to the lotus feet of Sriman Narayanan,

of what use is he to his parents? He thus causes them only never ending

disease to them.. – says AzhwAr.


Alas! One should feel bad that such a child (who never mediates on Vasudevan

even once) is born to us and instead they are still surviving merrily

earting and enjoying!


vaNNan^almaNiyum marakadhamum_azhuththi nizhalezhum

thiNNaisoozh thirukkOttiyoorth thirumaalavan_thirun^aamangaL

eNNakkaNdaviralkaLaal iRaippozhudhum_eNNakilaadhupOy

uNNakkaNdatham_ooththaivaaykkuk kavaLamundhukinRaar_kaLE. 3.


3. In the shining resplendent land of Thirukkottiyoor Divya Desam- which is

surrounded by sapphire, and emerald gem stone laden corridors and halls; -

where Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayaana resides (who shines also like blue hued

gem stone along with the lightning like golden coloured Sri Mahalakshmi).

Those human beings who do not use their mouths (and lips) to utter the japam

on this grandest Lord and count with their fingers which are meant for only

for that; and instead use those fingers to shove in more and more food to

their foul smelling mouths! Alas! [ by taking more and more food, they get

indigestion and cause stinky mouths and further more they hog and munch..-

just living to eat.. ]


urakamellaNaiyaan_kaiyil uRaisangampOlmadavannangaL

niraikaNamparandhERum sengamalavayalthirukkOttiyoor

narakan^aasanain^aaviRkoNdazhaiyaadha maanidasaadhiyar

parukun^eerum_udukkungooRaiyum paavamseydhanathaangolO! 4.


4. In this land of ThirukkOttiyoor, where beautiful swan birds [which are

beautiful and whitish like the Paancha janyam (conch shell) being held in

the hand of Sriman Narayanan reclining on the tender soft bed of Adhi

sehsan]- swim in line… so gracefully in the midst of red lotus flowers in

the ponds. And Sriman Narayanan resides here on his own accord permanently

and those human beings who do not utter the divine name of His with their

tongues and call Him- of what use and what sin the clothing they wear and

the water that they drink committed in the past for them to be consumed by

such people !


The clothing, the food, waters – are all if used by devotees – it is their

pUnya and if used by non devotees – it is their (those clothing and water’s)

paapam. [Thus those who do not call devotedly and lovingly the Azhiyaan (The

One who has conch shell in His hand) are equal to cattle and sheep. And

hence comes next pAsuram from PeriyAzhwAr]


aamaiyinmudhukaththidaikkudhikoNdu thoomalarsaadippOy

theemaiseydhu_iLavaaLaikaL viLaiyaadun^eerththirukkOttiyoor

nEmisEr_thadangaiyinaanai ninaippilaavalin^enchudai

poomibaarangaLuNNumsORRinaivaangip pullaiththiNiminE. 5.


5. In this divine land of ThirukkOttiyoor, where the small beautiful fishes

in the ponds jump on to the back and hop on top of the tortoises, kick the

flowers inside the ponds- such mischievous fishes live in this land where

Sriman Narayanan – the One who has the white conch shell in His large

resplendent hand – and those who have not thought of this Piraan even for a

fraction of a second- are sinners and burden to the earth. Remove the food

from their mouths and shove the grass that is meant for cattle.


How can they eat grass? They can- and they will get used to. Until they

realize their follies (of not thinking of the SarvEshwaran- peerless one),

they can eat the grass meant for the cattle and sheep. Thus when EmperumAn

shows Himself holding the divine conch shell in his hand gracefully and

destroying the burden whenever there is burden to the earth (by means of

raakshasas) all that we can do as service to Him is: to snatch away the good

food of those who do not realize His greatness and give the grass to them

instead. (in the lines of Thondaradippodi AzhwAr’s vilakki naaykku idumin

neerE..) – Thus when they behave like animals just eating and living, they

deserve only beastly food.


poodhamaindhoduvELviyaindhu pulan_kaLaindhupoRikaLaal

EdhamonRumilaadha vaN_kaiyinaar_kaLvaazhthirukkOttiyoor

naadhanain^arasinganai navinREththuvaar_kaLuzhakkiya

paadhathooLipadudhalaal ivvulakampaakkiyamseydhadhE. 6.


6. In the divine land of ThirukkOttiyoor, where Srivaishnavas [who have

absolutely no blemishes even with Pancha bhoothams- five elements; with

performance of five yagnas daily; with the five senses..] reside; and those

who praise realising the glories and greatness of the lord of such divine

place- the Narasingan- make this earth blessed (BhAgyam) by touching this

earth with dust from their feet.


Thus, they in spite of the influence of the senses and sense organs, offer

them to service of the Lord, realising their sEshathvam and dAsathvam

eternally to the Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan. They, though live in the

world as samsaaris like avaishnavars (non-devotees of Vishnu), they are

untouched by the faults and blemishes of samsaaric afflictions due to their

service and doing everything as KrishNArpaNam.. Thus they are blemishless

and their presence make the earth blessed - says AzhwAr


Even they regularly perform daily rituals (pancha yagnam) as it is nithya

and AgnyA karma as prescribed in saasthras,- and if ever there is

dEvathAnthara worship therein, they offer the same to their Unparalleled-

One as their antharyami, thereby committing no faults or mistakes to their

ParamaikAnthithvam. Thus they perform everything for His pleasure as service

(kaimkaryam) is only for sEshi’s pleasure. If someone does not do nithya

karma saying that it may lead to dEvathanthara worship, it is equivalent to

saying the senses are pulling me to samsaaric afflictions and to committing



kurundhamonRosiththaanodumsenRu koodiyaadivizhaachcheydhu

thirundhun^aanmaRaiyOr iraappakal_EththivaazhthirukkOttiyoor

karundhadamukilvaNNanaik kadaikkoNdukaithozhumpaththar_kaL

irundhavoorilirukkummaanidar eththavangaLseydhaar_kolO! 7.


7. in the land of ThirukkOttiyoor, where Srivaishnavas [who praise reciting

four Vedas and conducting various festivals and uthsavas in groups rejoicing

the glories of the Lord KaNNan who broke the kurundha tree- where asura had

entered into] reside – and where the Lord- Piraan who is huge and dark like

the rain laden clouds – the most merciful and compassionate like the clouds

–resides permanently out of His own accord- and those devotees who with an

unconditional and unflinching faith on him perform their anjali to this

Lord- reside here permanently. How much thapas (penance) and puNya one

should have committed to live in a place where BhAgawathas of such devotion



naLirndhaseelann^ayaasalan abimanathunganai naaLthoRum

theLindhaselvanaichchEvakangoNda sengaNmaalthirukkOttiyoor

kuLirndhuRaikinRagOvindhan guNampaaduvaaruLLan^aattinuL

viLaindhathaaniyamum iraakkadharmeedhukoLLakilaar_kaLE. 8.


8. The most merciful, the most compassionate one- the one with cool glances

an has cool swabhAvam (nature); one who is unbiased and impartial to

everyone; the grandest and greatest one- becoming even grander with

BhAgawathas praising Him- one who has enslaved and accepts the kaimkaryam of

the faultless Kainkarya SrI Nambhi (Selva nambhi – refer to Thiruppallaandu-

alvazhakkonRumillA pAsuram)- the red lotus eyed Lord; the one who has love

for His devotees to largest extent; - He is the One who resides permanently

at ThirukkOttiyoor Divya Desam. And when devotees who sing praising the

glories and kalyANa GuNAs of Govindhan of this Divya Desam- reside,

raakshasas do not touch and snatch away even the grains from the villages

where they stay.


Since BhAgawathas have praised Him and keep doing so, he becomes even

grander; Raakshasas at this place are also devoted to the lord and have

regards to His devotees; thus, they do not grab the grains belonging to

them. Or the extra ones (in addition to what is offered to them- as even

raakshasas like devas get from the daily offering to sarva bhUthas per

saasthras). Or they do not take anything other than what is spilled after



kombinaar_pozhilvaay kuyilinamgOvindhan_kuNampaaduseer

semponaarmadhiLsoozh sezhungazhaniyudaiththirukkOttiyoor

nambanain^arasinganai navinREththuvaar_kaLaikkaNdakkaal

empiraan_dhanasinnangaL ivarivarenRu_aasaikaLtheervanE. 9.


9. in the land of Thirukkottiyoor divya desam [where cuckoos in groups sing

the divine kalyANa guNAs of Govindhan in charming gardens in loud shrills;

which is surrounded by gold plated tall ramparts, where fertile fields are

in abundance], if [i am blessed to] have darshan of the devotees who praise

and bow down to the Lord of this place- Sri Lakshmi Nrusimhan therein, then

I will get all my desires fulfilled contemplating and thinking that these

Bhagawathas are all the symbols of His…


How can there be symbols? When there are symbols, meaning he is sure to be

there is the meaning. Symbols are His kalyANa gUNas, His anantha, Garuda

vishvaksEnar et al and His pancha Ayudhas etc..


kaasinvaaykkaramviRkilum karavaadhumaaRRilisORittu

dhEsavaarththaipadaikkum vaN_kaiyinaar_kaLvaazhthirukkOttiyoor

kEsavaa! purudOththamaa! kiLarsOdhiyaay! kuRaLaa! enRu

pEsuvaar_adiyaar_kaL endhammaiviRkavumpeRuvaar_kaLE. 10.


10. Even to get one handful of grains, one needs to offer a gold coin and

in this time of materialistic pursuits (during AzhwAr’s time this was the

case- now no need to ask..) there are these Srivaishnava BhAgawathas who

have large magnanimous heart and large hands to offer anna dhAnam to all

those who come hungry and speak softly, sweetly to heart’s content to all

those who come to them; and they reside in the land of ThirukkOttiyoor Divya

Desam, singing, calling and uttering the divine Bhagawaan naamaas (names)

saying, “Kesavaa! (adhipathi of Brahmaa and RudrA); PurushOtthamA! (The One

with six kalyANa guNas- jnAla, bhala, aishvarya, veerya shakthi thEjas)

ParanjyOthi! And those who speak (so) – dAsabhUthAs of Sriman Narayanan have

got every right to even sell us.


[what a brilliant pAsuram! Complete epitome of BhAgawatha sEshathvam! ] What

will happen during rainy days and what will we do when have no wealth and

retain all that we have is general tendency. On the other hand, whatever

that we are blessed with is given by SarvEshwaran and is for only giving to

others through us- and donate liberally; offer food to all needy ones. They

always call, utter the divine names of Sriman Narayanan calling

ThirukkOttiyoor kesavaa!.. Such dAsars of Sriman Narayanan- HaridAsars-

should be served by us and we need to serve them performing little

kaimkaryams – all that we can – as their humble servants- and not for some

monetary benefits – but as whole hearted service as that alone is the goal

for us.. While doing so, in order to continue their kaimkaryams, they have

every right to even sell us (if it is going to help) and some will sell and

other like minded Bhagawathas will buy us- all the more great.. This is the

ultimate of Bhagawatha sEshathvam which is Bhaagawatha seshathvam.


seedhan^eer_pudaisoozh sezhungazhaniyudaiththirukkOttiyoor

aadhiyaanatiyaaraiyum adimaiyinRiththirivaaraiyum

kOdhilpattar_piraan kuLir_pudhuvaimanvittuchiththan_sol

EdhaminRi_uraippavar_kaL irudeekEsanukkaaLarE. 11


11. Sri Vishnuchitthar of SrivilliputthUr sang this ten about the

Bhaagawaathas of Sriman Narayanan of ThirukkOttoyoor surrounded by cool

waters and fertile fields; and the cattle (those non-devotees) who loiter

around… and those who recite them without fault will be blessed to be

eternal servants (dhAsabhUthars) of HrishIkesan.

PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadgaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana







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