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Vaadihamsaambudaachaarya Stotram - Appullar Thirunakshatram - May 6th - Part 2

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Shrimathe Athreya Ramanuja Maha Deshikaaya Namaha

Shrimathe Nigamantha Maha Deshikaaya Namaha

Shrimathe Gopalarya Maha Deshikaaya Namaha


Appullar Thirunakshatram Celebrations - May 6th

In this posting we shall study the work " Vaadihamsambudacharya stotram " This

is a free translation with brief notes.

This post covers the first 5 verses. The next post will cover the remaining.


Introduction -

Shrimath Thirukkudanthai Gopalarya Maha Deshikan, who came in the lineage of

Appillar as his 14th descendent, composed a stotram in praise of Appillar

known as " Vaadihamsaambudaacharya stotram " .


Meaning of Vaadihamsambudacharya -

Hamsa means a swan. Just as how a swan is afraid of a dark rain bearing

cloud, so were people belonging to other fallacious systems of philosophies

scared of Sri Athreya Ramanujacharya. This is how he popularly came to be

known as " Vaadi hamsambuvahar " , the dark cloud to the swans swimming in the

ponds of fallacy (other philosophies).


The first shlokam is an invocatory verse on Thirukkudanthai Deshikan, the

author of this stotram.


yatIndra mAhAnasika vamsharatnamupAsmahe |

vedAnthayugma vihritisthAnaM gopAladeshikam ||


Supplicate we at the feet of the great noble man who came as a bright gem in

the lineage of Pranatarthihara (who was in charge of the kitchen (mahanasa)

of Ramanuja). He is indeed the great Gopala Deshika (Thirukkudanthai

Deshikan), the blissfull realm where the two streams of Veda (Sanskritam and

Tamizh) meet each other.


vAtsya shrIvaradArya deshikavarAtsaMprAptabhAshyAshayaH |

tArkshyAMshaH paravAdihamsa jaladAchAryassatAmagraNIH ||1||


Beseech we the holy feet of Vaadihamsambuvahar, the incarnation of Garuda,

who obtained the sacred knowledge of Sribhashyam from the great Vatsya

Varadacharya (Nadadur Ammal) and who always remained in the forefront

defending the siddhantham of Bhagavad Ramanuja.


chaNDAMshuH kuhashAndivAndhasuhrudAM vedAnthavidyAguruH |

naptA shrIpraNatArti hrutsumanasaH puShNAtu me sampadam ||2||


Prostrate we at the feet of the grandson of the great Pranatartihara, the

acharya with the noblest of virtues and who confers upon the aishwaryam of

knowledge to those supplicating at his feet.


jayati sakala vidyAvAhinI janmahetuH

sakala shubhaguNAnAM vAsabhUmissushIlaH |

yatiparibruDha sUktivrAtajIvAtureSha

shrutishikharagororyo mAtulo lakshmaNAryaH ||3||


Beseech we the feet of the maternal uncle of the great Vedanthacharya, from

whom (Appullar) all the streams of knowledge originate, who indeed is the

sanctuary of all virtuosness, who indeed fills in life (chaitanyam) to the

gem like elucidations of Udayavar Sri Ramanujacharya.


Athreya gothrAmbudhi pUrNachandra shrIrangarAjArya gurostanUjaH |

rAmAnujAryassakalAgamanA mAvAsa bhUmirjayatAmajasram ||4||


The son of Sri Rangarajacharya is indeed the full moon gracing the ocean of

the race of Athreya. May he, who is the knower of all Vedas and Vedantha be

victorious in this world for ever.


parAsharo vAtha tadIyasUnustadAtmajoveti vitarkyamANaH |

shrIvAdihamsAbdagururbudhAnAM netA sabhAyAnmama chittagehe ||5||


It may be wondered, if he is the great Parashara or his son Vyasa or his son

Suka. May the great acharya Shri Vadihamsambuvaha, the prime among virtuous

men, stay in the cosmos of my heart forever.


vAzhi vyAkhyAmuddirak kai !!!

vedAnthasUri charaNau sharaNam prapadye !!!

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