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Vaadihamsaambudaachaarya Stotram - Appullar Thirunakshatram - May 6th - Part 3

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Shrimathe Athreya Ramanuja Maha Deshikaaya Namaha

Shrimathe Nigamantha Maha Deshikaaya Namaha

Shrimathe Gopalarya Maha Deshikaaya Namaha


Appullar Thirunakshatram Celebrations - May 6th

This post covers the remaining verses of " Vaadihamsambudacharya stotram " .


kartA kRitInAM mahitA makhAnAM mantA shrutInAM paramArtha bhUmnAM |

gantA sthalAnAM paramasya pumso rAmAnujAryo hRidi me vibhAtu ||


Works he did author plenty, sacrificial yaagams performed he plenty, knows

he the supreme as told by the imperial texts (Vedas), offered he has his

prayers at shrines plenty, may that Ramanuja (Appullar) stay in my heart



yo vedachUDAgurusArvabhoume kuryAt supAtre khalu sampradAyam |

pratItamasmai nati mAtanomi durvAdihamsAmbudadeshikAya ||6||


He who made the great Vedanthacharya to shine as a beacon light of

sampradayam, he who was the dark rain bearing cloud to the swans (other

philosophers) swimming in the ponds of fallacy, may he accept my



shrImAn dhImAn dayAvAnbahuvidhakRutimAnkIrtimAnpUrtimAnyaH

shreyAn jyAyAnvidheyAnapi cha natijuShe bhaktiyuktAnsamRuddhAn |

tanvan dhUnvanvipakShAnanaghaguNagaNairAntarAnshatrusaMghAn

dUrIkurvanvidhattAM mama matimanaghAM vAdihamsAmbudAryaH ||7||


He is indeed the auspicious, the noble, the intellectual, the merciful, the

author of works many, the famous and the complete. He is indeed the one who

performed yagnas many. He does confer the wealth of fulfillment to those who

beseech him with devotion. He who refuted and tore apart the fallacies of

vicious philosophers, he who frees one from the vicious influences of the

inner enemeies (like kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya), may he

stay in my minds forever.


tarkAtarki vihAra karkashamahAdustarkasamparkadhIH

krouryodarkakudrushtighora kuhanAdUrIkrutou satvarAn |

vAtsyashrIvaradAryadeshikadayA sampulla netrAmbuja -

prekShAvardhitavAdihamsa jaladAchAryAnprapadyenvaham ||8||


He indeed has the most benevolent of glances that trounce all my evil

influences in a moment. He who is the recipent of the merciful benevolence

of Vatsya Varadacharya, we do seek his feet and nothing else.


kANAdaH kANa AsIdgururapi laghutAM prApa bhattAshcha bhAraH

sankhyebhikhyAvihInaH kshaNikamatatayA bhanguro bouddha AsIt |

mAyAvAdi cha mAyAvadanaparavasho jnAnasAkshImadAndhaH

trayyAM bhadrAkhyavedyAM vasati juShi mahAvAdihamsAmbudAryaH ||9||


Due to the scholarly elucidations of Maha Vadihamsambudaacharya on the

imperial Vedas, the followers of Kanada (Vaisheshika) became blind, Guru

matham (Chaarvaka) became as light as air, Saankhya lost its glow while

bouddham became fragile.


yo nyAyapUrvaM kulishaM vitene yasya prabhAvAdbahavaH prabandhAH |

jnAtA hi vedAntagurUttamena taM vAdihamsAmbuda mAnatosmi ||10||


He who wrote the work " Nyaya Kulisha " , he at whose feet the great Vedantha

Deshika studied works so many, prostrate we at his feet forever.


vAdihamsAmbudAchAryastutim yaH kIrtayedbudhaH |

gopAlasUrirachitaM bhajedbhaktiM parAM harou ||


Those who recite this work composed by Gopalasuri on Vadihamsabudacharya

with devotion, they will be the recipeints of Parabhakti on Sriman Narayana.


iti shrImadgopAla mahAdeshika virachitaM vAdihamsAmbudAchArya stotram

sampUrNam ||


Let us sing Swamy Appullar's taniyan on this sacred day and sanctify



yasmAtasmAbhiretat yatipatikathita prAktana prakriyodyat

karmabrahmAvamarshaprabhava bahubalam shAstramagrAhi shAstram |

tam vishvagbhedavidyAsti padavishayasteyabhUtaM prabhUtam

vandeyAtreya rAmAnuja gurumanagham vAdihamsAmbuvAham ||


adiyen seeks the merciful indulgence of bhagavatahs in forgiving any

unintended mistakes in this series of postings.


vAzhi vyAkhyAmuddirak kai !!!

vedAnthasUri charaNau sharaNam prapadye !!!

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