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Adhikaara Sangraham : SlOkam 54

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Dear BhakthAs:


A devotees asked me a question about the above slOkam .

He was intrigued with the opening words of the Paasuram:



yetta oNNAtha idam tarum yengaL MaadhavanAr

mutta vinait-thiraL mALa muyanRidum anjal yenRAr

kattezhil vachakatthAl kalangA nilai peRRanamE


He wondered whether " Yettum IraNDum " HERE stands for

8x2 = 16 and what was the significance of the number 16

in this context.Actually , " Yettum IraNDum " stands for

8+2=10. We are those who did not understand the significance

of 8 and 2 . The number 8 stands for AshtAksharam and 2 stands

for Dhvayam , the two of the principal rahasyams for

SrI VaishNavAs.


" yettum IraNDum aRiyAtha yemmai " means us , who did not

comprehend the significance of the 8 (Moola Manthram/AshtAksharam)

and 2 ( Dhvayam) . We were like that . Our Lord Maadhavan took

pity on us and instructed us through His AchAryAs the meanings

of these rahasyams. What happened next? We were saved from

Aj~NAnam and made us eligible for attaining the difficult to

attain sTAnam of (His Supreme abode) SrI Vaikuntam :


yettum iraNdaum ivai aRivitthu , yemmai yetta oNNAtha

idam tarum yengal MaadhavanAr "


" yetta oNNAtha idam " is the place , which is the abode of

the Lord , which can not be attianed by those , who

do not complete upAya anushtAnam ( Bhakthi Yogam or

prapatthi yOgam).


Our Maadhavan, who is Moksha Daayakan qualified us

to reach His supreme abode out of His Parama Dayai.

He accepted His AchAryA's recommendatrion and qualified

us to enter His Parama Padham .


Through His Charama slOkam , Our Maadhavan during

His KrishNAvathAram instructed us to peform Prapatthi

to destroy the entire assembly of Karama vinaikaL

(Sarva DharmAn Parithyajaya MaamEkam SaraNam vraja).

If you do so, there is nothing for you to fear or

sorrow over (Maa Sucha: ). I will stand in the place of

all those upAyams and protect You and free You from

all Karma VinaikaL , wipe the slate clean and grant

You Moksham. This is the essence of Charama slOkam

and the instruction by the Lord for us to perform



" mutta vinai thiraL mALa muyanRidum "


" Vinai thiraL mutta mALa " means for destroying to the root

of all Karma VinaikaL , which pushes us in to cycles of

birth and death and keeps us far away from Moksham.


Our Lord instructed us to perform prapatthi to Him



When Prapatthi is done , the entire heap of limitless

sins and karma vinaikaL are destroyed :


Vinai thiraL mutta mALa muyanRidum) .


Our Lord assured us: " anjal yenRAr "

The Lord said thru the Charama slOkam portion

(Maa Sucha:) " Do not grieve anymore about your



Through this uplifting and strong as well

as beautiful message ( Kattu yezhil VaachakatthAl) ,

we have banished our erstwhile fears and worries about

what was going to happen to us (kalangA nilai peRRanam).


The consolidated meaning of this paasuram is:


We are in a state of ignorance , where we could not even

comprehend the addition of 8 with 2 is equal to ten . We

were in a state of not comprehending either the gross or

subtle meanings of the AshtAksharam or Dhvayam. We did not

understand the glories of Bhagavath Bhakthi . At this stage,

SrIman NaarAyaNan came forward out of His infinite mercy

for us and through His AchAryAs instructed us about

the rahasyArthams of AshtAksharam and Dhvayam.We are

reminded now about His upadesam through Charama slOkam

to perform Prapatthi at His sacred feet and get rid of

all fears and worries through that upAya anushtAnam

to destroy all karmAs.


Yettu +IraNDu = patthu , which also refers to Bhakthi.

" Yettum irandum aRiyAtha " been interepreted by AchAryAs

to refer to those , who do not understand the power of

Bhakthi yOgam for Moksham. It also means those ,who

do not understand the rahasyArthams of Yettu (AshtAksharam)

and IraNDu ( Dhvayam) until htey are blessed with

AchArya katAksham , sambhandham and anugraham.


This Desika Prabhandha Paasuram thus refers to the state of

freedom from worries and staying in a state of nirbharam

and nirbhayam.


SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam,

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan

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