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SaTAri Satakam – 7

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SrImahtE SaThakOpAya nama:

SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

SrImathE nigamAnta mahA dESikAya nama:


Dear SrI vaishNavAs,


nammAzhvAr absorbed the essence of the ocean of mercy of SrIman

nArAyaNA and is still showering on us through our AchAryAs – SrI.





Details presented in this post:

1. VazhththuppAs 14,15 & 16

2. Abstract



AaLavandAr pORRiDum AsAn * kulapati

tALiNaiyai deSikanAl tAraNiyil – nALumugan(du) *

dEttiyaru LeTTezhuttin yERRa poruLinai *

tOttiram seivEn tozhudu.


Srimath yAmunAchAryAr venerates nammAzhvAr as kulapati of

SrIvaishNavAs and leader of prapannAs. We pay obeisance to the holy

feet of this great AzhvAr, asserting that we are always sub-ordinates

to this leader. We have come to know of this SEshatvam by grasping

the subtle meaning of tirumantram with the mercy of our AchAryAs.



nARRa vakuLattAr nammAzhvAr Ayirattai *

tERRamAi vEdAnta dESikan – toRRattAl *

tAtparyam kaNDOm tamizhSaTAri pEraruL *

pAttiram AnOm paDindu.


In svAmi dESikan's incarnation itself, we find the tAtparyam of

vakuLAbhirAma-nammAzhvAr's tiruvoimozhi. With that, we get a clear

picture of our sampradAyam, gradually knowing SArIraka SAstram etc.

Thus we are blessed by SaTAri. Had we not been blessed with svAmi

dESikA's `dramiDOpanishad ratnAvaLi sAram', `SrImath rahasya traya

sAram' etc., we could not have known this great sampradAyam.



kArmEnik kaNNanmEl kAdal kanindumARar *

neermEgam kaNDum ninaindEngi – sArvunam *

mAlvaNNam eppadi mAmugilkaN uLLadenRu *

mAleNNi mAliluRRAr mAl.


NammAzhvAr's love on SrIman nArAyaNA was so deep that everything seen

by AzhvAr makes him think of kaNNan only. When AzhvAr wonders how

even the clouds could get the dark-blue hue of kaNNan's tirumEni, we

could hear AzhvAr's ceaseless cries such as `KoovikkoLLum kAlam innum

kuRugaadO…' etc.



While the first 2 vAzhttuppAs brings about the immeasurable

contributions of our pUrvAchAryAs, all the 3 pAsurams together

reminds us of SrI embAr's description of nammAzhvAr as the (dark-hued

rain-laden) clouds pouring the essence of the Lord's kalyANa guNAs.


We shall continue the vAzhththu-poems in the next posting.


[saTAri Satakam is one of the many classic works of srI. U.vE.

M.S.Hari. The vyAkyanam was done by him in maNipravALa naDai. aDiyEn

requests you to kindly bear with me on unintentional typos and

translation errors.]




Mukundan rAmAnuja dAsan

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