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Padhuka Sahasram-735

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


735. sathivarNaguNE suvarNajAthE:

jagathi KyAthamasoUraBhAdhavarNam

shruthisoUraBhashAlinA svahEmnA

BhavathI shoUripadhAvani! vyudhAsThath


Oh Paaduka! Gold has virtues of colour-lustre and high-grade purity.

But it has no fragrance. Lest this stigma should attach to gold, You

have acquired the Vedic fragrance; I guess.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special notes by V.Sadagopan(V.S):


SlOkam 735


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh Paadhukais of the Lord!

The class of material known as gold has no fragrance. This is

well known.You remove that defect by having the fragrance of

the VedAs incorporated in Your goldness.


1) VedAs are the breath of the Lord and has full fragrance .

VedAs are also of the form of divine sound and is made by

the god of wind (Vaayu) known as GandhavAham. There is thus

a relationship between the fragrance of VedAs emanating from

GandhavAham and the Lord's breath enhancing that fragrance).


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! You have removed

the deficency of the gold, which has no fragrance of its own.

It has lustre but no fragrance. Through association with You ,

that gold has been transformed to a superior kind of gold

imbued with Vedic fragrance.The inner meaning is that Swamy

NammazhwAr's prabhandhams are the essence of Vedic Upadesams.

Links to them are an absolute necessity for every one.

Just having birth in a noble lineage or possessing all

auspicous guNams without the sambhandham of Swamy NammAzhwAr's

SrI Sookthis will not lead to sukham.


3)Oh the Paadhukai protecting the Lord's Thiruvadi

( Oh Souri PadhAvani)! There is a pervasive apavAdham

in the world that although the lustrous gold is beautiful

to look at, it has no fragrance associated with it (SvarNa jAthE:

varna guNE sathi , asourabhAth jagathi khyAtham avarnam).

Oh PaadhukE! Through Your intrinsic svabhAvam as a superior

kind of Gold with intrinsic Vedic fragrance (Sruthi sourabhasAlinA

svahEmnA avarNam vyudhAsTath), You have removed the well known

deficency of the ordinary gold..(V.S).

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