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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 4.10- appOdhaikku ippOdhE solli vaitthEn

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


Thus having immersed himself in the Lord Ranganathan of Srirangam divya

desam, who dispels the darkness and takes us through the ladder of

ArchirAdhi maargam and then removes the ladder after our attaining His

place, where there is full of Bliss (theLivisumbu thirunaadu), AzhwAr now

prays to Him for remembering Him and uttering his divine names when his

(AzhwAr’s) limbs, senses and mind are in good conditions saying that he

would not be able to think of Him in the death bed…

Yet another marvelous ten (as AzhwAr’s upadEsam for us..)









arangaththaravaNaippaLLiyaanE! (2) 1.


Oh Lord of Srirangam! SeshasaayinE! (reclining on AdhisEshan!)- those who

surrender to capable persons in the world have got tremendous faith that

they (the capable person) would be helpful to saraNgathan (one who

surrenders). It is a natural process. It is because of one’s complete faith

on Him (The Lord)- he surrenders to Him.. Though I am an unparalleled king

of all sinners, knowing fully well of your mercy and tvarai (intense desire)

to rush to the rescue of saraNAgathar (one who surrenders) like You did for

the elephant (GajEndrAzhwAn), I have caught hold of You as my refuge. When I

am incapable and disabled on my death bed- suffering terribly, when everyone

else yells around me, that time, it would be extremely impossible to think

of You (as anthima smaraNam) and hence when my mind is stable and limbs

work, I have uttered You divine name and placed myself at your feet. _ let

this help then (at the death bed).


When You have been so merciful even for the elephant, this human being is

now pleading to You for saving himself. Though I am an incorrigible sinner,

when the prapatti saasthram can work for an elephant why not me? It would

also work.









arangaththaravaNaippaLLiyaanE! 2.


Oh Lord RanganAthA! The One who has the Conch shell and the divine chakrA in

His resplendent hands! When I die, think of me.. (else), the yam dhUthAs

folding their tongues inside, muttering with anger (due to my enomrmous

paapams) will be waiting with the list of punishments for me. If I go along

with them, (You too) are capable of creating a maayai in me to never ever

think of You even for a fraction of a second for ages.. (many births)

)Hence), when I can utter, I have uttered Your divine names..


I have uttered your names- also may mean: I have sung from ThiruppallaNdu

till now.. about You. Pelase think of this on my death bed. (saamidatthu

ennai kuRikkoL)







sollinEn ennaikkuRikkoNdu_enRum


arangaththaravaNaippaLLiyaanE! 3.


Oh Lord RanganAthA! Sesha saayinE! The door (at the entrance) is partially

closed (ajar) as I am on my death bed. At that time, when Yama dhUthAs come

near me and catch hold of, there is no way and reason for me to say “stay

out of my course”. Oh Lord having ChakrA and Sankhu! When I can utter (or

have the ability to utter) your divine sweet names, I have uttered them

loudly. Please have mercy on aDiyEn (who has uttered your divine names thus

now) and think of me at the most appropriate time (at death bed) and save me

from all sufferings.


[Traditions aver that they close the front door ajar when there is a death

in the house.]








aRRaikku, nee_ennaikkaakkavENdum

arangaththaravaNaippaLLiyaanE! 4.


Even Rudran, who has peerless Bull as his vehicle and four faced Brahmaa can

not comprehend the greatness and glory of Yours! Oh Lord! You have

manifested in everyone and everything as antharyaami! Oh ParavaasudEvA! The

essence of sacred divine praNavam and the one who has taken three vyUha

avathArams namely Pradhyumnan, SankarshaNan and Aniruddhan (like the three

aksharaas of praNavam!) “This guy has lived enough and his days are over”

saying this when Yama dhUthAs come near me scaring everyone around me

(seeing my suffering on death bed), please save me.


When you are scared of yama dhUthAs, why not you pray to the demi god of

destruction – Rudran- who conducts avAnthara mahApraLayam (nithya praLayam)

as ordained by me; as Rudran is the lord of Yama- asks Sriman Narayanan to

AzhwAr. AzhwAr replies: Oh Lord! Unparalleled OppAril appA! Even for that

Rudran, and his father BrahmA- You are incomprehensible and your glories

beyond anybody’s ability to understand. Those who do not understand Vedic

truth, Vedantha only will say and wrongly interpret saying, “thrimUrthys are

equal to each other and all three of them are one and the same.” Vedid

statement which declare that (1) uthkrushtam, Nikrushtam, Chethanam,

achEthanam – such differences also are You; and (2) You are (the antharyaami

roopam in) Sivan and Brahmaa. There is no difference between the two

statements. You are sarvaantahraami. You are ParavaasudEva, who has taken

vuYha avathArams and who themselves have acted through BrhamA, Sivan and

Your own self Vishnu- for the three functionalities as trio- out of your own

sowlabhyam! You are the essence of praNavam and the three aksharas are like

those vyUha avathArams. You are Nithya muktha sEvyan- none else. Is there

anyway can one get mOksham without Your dayA-without being devoted to only



Also Yama is servant of Rudran as instructed by You. In the world, when king

has servants working for him, so has the minister to whom few people report

to- as instructed and employed by the king. Ultimate is however the king

alone. Thus, Yama, his master Rudran, his father BrahmA are all Your



paiyaravinaNaip paaRkadaluL






aiya! ini_ennaikkaakkavENdum

arangaththaravaNaippaLLiyaanE! 5.


Oh Lord, having the dhivya mangaLa vigraham of reclining on AdhisEshan as

the bed on Ksheera saagaram (milky ocean)! Before that in EkOdhakasamudra,

in order to create all jeevathmas, You mercifully created four faced Brahma

from the lotus in Your navel! To evaluate the humans [who are born on this

earth] as to who has done what paapam (against saasthrAs), and to punish

them accordingly, You created Yama. My father! En aiyA! Lord RanganAthA!

Thus hereafter You should save me (for having uttered Your name realizing

all the above)







eNNinEn, ennaikkuRikkoNdu_enRum

aNNalE! nee_ennaikkaakkavENdum

arangaththaravaNaippaLLiyaanE! 6.


Oh Lord! The one who is the antharyaami of five elements namely, prithvi

(the earth), waters, agni (effulgence), air (vaayu), Space (AkAsam)! Swami!

Lord RanganathA! SeshasaayinE! Yama dhUtHAs keep punishing and they do not

anything cool or pleasant. Hence, as much as possible, when I (am blessed

to) have the ability to utter the japam of divine names of Yours, I have

been doing it. Hence without forgetting me, You should always save me..


When one dies, the body consisting of five elements lets the soul leave. The

yama dhUthAs are waiting anxiously to start their work of punishing. Hence

now itself, I have started uttering your divine names.



dhEvar_kaLn^aayakanE! emmaanE!


Ezhulakumudaiyaay! ennappaa!




arangaththaravaNaippaLLiyaanE! 7.


Oh Devaadhi dEvA! The one who is the essence of all Vedas (which is full of

sweet words)! My swami! My sweetest divine insatiable nectar! The ruler of

fourteen worlds! My AppA! (Father) When the deceitful Yama dhUthAs forcibly

snatch me and hold me making me suffer, You should save me saying, “Do not

fear” (anjal).


The sweet worded Vedas- why sweet? Because the Vedic statement saying that

he (ParamAhtmA Sriman Narayanan) grants to all demi gods (Devas) their

respective powers (bhIshAsmaadvAtha: pavathi.. bhIshOdhEthi Soorya:

bhIshAsmadhagnischEndras cha: ). The Purusha has no imperfections; Even one

who has no understanding of Vedic meanings when uttering them, grants the

reciter the fruits of such utterances; In all times and under all

circumstances and at anytime (and beyond time), the Vedas talk only what is

EmperumAn’s ThiruvuLLam (what is in his heart) and nothing else.



naman_thamar_paRRin^alindhittu indha


angEdhum naan_unnain^inaikkamaattEn


madhuraippiRandhamaamaayanE! en

aanaay! nee_ennaikkaakkavENdum

arangaththaravaNaippaLLiyaanE! 8.


Oh Master of Nithyasooris! Paramapadha nAthA! Oh most wonderful Lord!

Ascharya bhUthA! Lord RanganAthA! I (this lowly soul) do not know at all

even a fraction of Your mystery and wonderful nature! When yama dhUthAs

punish me, pushing me saying, “live in this body the embodiment of all sins”

and at that time, I would not be able to do anything not will have any power

to do against that. At that horrifying moment, I can not also think of You.

[hence- having thought of Your greatest glories and Unparalelled Parathvam

now and having uttered Your divine names[, You should save me.



kOn^iraimEyththavanE! emmaanE!

anRumudhal inRaRudhiyaa





arangaththaravaNaippaLLiyaanE! 9.


Oh GopA! The one who lifted effortlessly the huge Govardhana mountain and

saved the cattle! Lord who reared the cows with such a sowlabhyam! My

Master! From that KrishNAvathAram till this enjoyment of dhivya mangaLa

vigraham of Sri RanganAthan here at Srirangam, I do not remember that I have

forgotten You. When yama dhUthAs hold me firm on that day, then and there

You should save me.


At that day, When you were born as KrishNA, I was there as YasOdhA. You came

to me running with open mouth and hugged and kissed me. Today, I have

appeared as Vishnu chitthan and standing here in front of You in Srirangam.

I have not forgotten You.









thoomaNivaNNanukkaaLar_thaamE. 10.


About the most wonderful Lord, most mysterious Lord (Ascharya bhUthan), the

one praised and worshipped by VaidIkas, Gopa srEshtan, the One who never

ever leaves His devotees in the lurch, Sri RanganAthan- Sri Vishnu chitthar

of Sri villiputthUr has sung these pAsurams and those who recite them with

pure heart, will always be blessed to be dAsars of and be enslaved by the

blue hued lord Sriman Narayanan.


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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