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SaTAri Satakam – 11

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SrImahtE SaThakOpAya nama:

SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

SrImathE nigamAnta mahA dESikAya nama:


Dear SrI vaishNavAs,


aruL koNDADum aDiyavar inbuRa,

aruLinAn avvarumaRaiyin poruL – madurakavi AzhvAr.




Details presented in this post:


1. Prabhandam-pAsurams 2 & 3

2. Pearls from the poems



tErndennai OrporuLAi deiva SaTAriyaruL *

kUrndu tiruttiyaruL koNDumaRai – sArndozhugach *

cheidAr kurugUrin selvan kulapati *

peidAr aruLam peyal.


It is due to AzhvAr's outpouring grace that we have come to know the

purpose of our existence. It is the same grace that helped us escape

the thorny clutches of bhAhya and kudrushTi matams. We are able to

fix our mind in the siddAntam and anushTanam of this parama vaidIka

viSishTAdvaita matam with his grace only.



peyalAi pozhindAr * pirAnAi aruLich

cheyalAm maRaitamizh seidE – ayalAgum *

vAdumata attigaLai vATTum paRankuSan *

sAdu sanangaLin sArvu.


AzhvAr gave us the essence of vEdAs in tamizh as divya prabhandam. At

the same time he made other matams shake badly on their weak

(baseless??) foundation. So, while he was doing sAdu-paritrANam, he

destroyed the evil forces (dushkruta vinASam) also.



* AzhvAr's grace is compared to the outpouring rain, which brings lot

of happiness to all beings which are suffering from severe drought.

* AzhvAr is revered as parAnkuSan as he is the ankusam (elephant

goad) for those matams which are not based on Sruti.


[saTAri Satakam is one of the many classic works of srI. U.vE.

M.S.Hari. The vyAkyanam was done by him in maNipravALa naDai. aDiyEn

requests you to kindly bear with me on unintentional typos and

translation errors.]




Mukundan rAmAnuja dAsan

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