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PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 5.2- paNdu anRu; patthina~nkaapE..(No more old condition)

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:

Dearest srivaishnavas,


A day without chanting the ashtAksharam is like a day without food- said

AzhwAr and prayed to the Lord sriman Narayanan for His blessing and grace on

AzhwAr to think of Him at all times everyday. PerumAL blesses AzhwAr with

the darshan of Paramapadham, paaRkadal (Milky ocean) and archa avatharams in

divya desams. Finally He shows Himself present in AzhwAr’s body itself

residing in AzhwAr’s heart on His own and for ever. AzhwAr being immensely

excited and happy about the Lord’s nithya vaasam in his heart, asks the

karmic diseases to get away from his body as they have no more roles to

play. This body hereafter should not let the dirt, trash (like paapams and

karmic diseases) to stay as it is the Lord’s divya desam. He stays ther with

all His paraphernalia namely, pancha Ayudhas and hence the body is well

protected. Old days (of karmic diseases) are gone; Now well protected. paNdu

anRu; pattina~nkaappE.. paNdu- old; pattinam- place. [Parabrahmam is

pattinam; This body where He resides is Brahma puram (residence of Brahmmam)

and it is very difficult to comprehend and is not easy to realize- says

ChaandhOgya Upanishad- in dhahara vidyA] A brilliant ten! Please read to

enjoy all pasurams.


neykkudaththaippaRRi ERum_eRumbukaLpOln^irandhu engum

kaikkoNdun^iRkinRan^OykaaL! kaalampeRa_uyyappOmin

meykkoNduvandhupukundhu vEdhappiraanaar_kidandhaar

paikkoNdapaambaNaiyOdum paNdanRupattinamkaappE. 1.


1. Oh diseases! Who travel towards and enter into this body like the row of

ants holding the pot of Ghee! Go out of this body and save yourself! (If you

stay here any longer, you can survive). The Lord of Vedas (Veda piraanaar)

along with Periya Piraatti, resides here in my heart cave and has reclined

on the large AdhisEshan (meaning, He will not go; He is here to stay).

Hereafter, no more old status (of your- diseases- staying in this body));

this Lord’s place (pattinan kaappE) is well protected.


chiththirakuththanezhuththaal thenpulakkOnpoRiyoRRi

vaiththa_ilachchinaimaaRRith thoodhuvar_OdiyoLiththaar

muththuththiraikkadaRsErppan moodhaRivaaLarmudhalvan

paththarkkamudhan_adiyEn paNdanRupattinamkaappE. 2.


2. [The diseases say: We have been sent by Yama dhUthAs to hasten their

roles and make sure their mission is accomplished- This has been happening

since time immemorial. If we go back, they will destroy us; We do not where

to go and save ourselves- AzhwAr replies here] YamadhUthAs having come to

see their mark on me (which was done based on Chithrakuptha’s account) saw

the mark on my forehead and sankha chakra mudras and were scared that VishNu

dhUthAs would protect me at the time of death and hence hurriedly changed

the mark on me (that I belong to Sriman narayanan and hence not bound by the

YamadhUthAs anymore). I have (been blessed thus to) become the eternal

servant (dAsan) of Amduhan (the sweetest nectar), the Chief of NithyasUris

and mukthAthmAs in Paramapadham; the one reclining of ocean (with noisy

waves sprinkling pearls on Him}. Hereafter, no more old status (of your-

diseases- staying in this body)); this Lord’s place (pattinan kaappE) is

well protected [Thus they- the yamahdUthAs themselves have run away scared;

not to worry; they will not harm you- oh diseases! Go away without fear]


vayiRRilthozhuvaippiriththu vanpulachchEvaiyadhakki

kayiRRum_akkaaNikazhiththuk kaalidaippaasamkazhaRRi

eyiRRidaimaN_koNda_endhai iraappakal_Odhuviththu ennaip

payiRRippaNiseyyakkoNdaan paNdanRupattinamkaappE. 3.


3. My sweetest father- the One who brought the Mother earth on his horn

saving the same from troubled waters- taught me day and night- all

Vedaarthas and Vedantha saasthrAs along with most esoteric rahasyas and

their true meanings; made me perform upAya anusthAnam (payiRRi); removed the

shackles of further more births (being trapped in wombs again and again) and

[in this birth] caught hold of the strongest five sense bulls by their horns

controlling them completely; not letting the influence of bones, nerves on

me anymore; removed the paasam (attachment- between the two legs) AND

blessed me right here then and there to perform uninterrupted kaimkaryam to

his Lotus feet at all times. Hereafter, no more old status (of your-

diseases- staying in this body)); this Lord’s place (pattinan kaappE) is

well protected.


Kaalidai paasam kazhaRRi- (1) Yama dhUthAs keep the body upside down and tie

down the body with their rope between the legs (paasam)- this is removed.

(2) Sukshuma sarreram – Paasam that contains praaNa vaayu)

(3) Kaalkattu – Samsaaric afflictions (4) removal of attachment to the part

between the legs)


mangiyavalvinain^OykaaL! umakkum_OrvalvinaikaNdeer

inguppukEnminpukEnmin eLidhanRukaNdeer_pukEnmin

singappiraanavan_emmaan sErumthirukkOyilkaNdeer

pangappadaadhu_uyyappOmin paNdanRupattinamkaappE. 4.


4.[Okay. But what about paapam that has been done so far? You need to

suffer- says Diseases. Even such karmic diseases can be tamed and made void

by praayaschitthams and hence AzhwAr says: no more chance- get away] Oh

diseases! That have been tamed due to the performance of prayaschitthas!

You- who can trap everyone with your strongest hold- have seen to your eyes

content for yourself what is stronger than you – and which can cause you

trmenodus harm here in my body. Hence, do not enter into this Body where

EmperurmAn has willingly entered and resided is pleased to do so. It is not

easy anymore. Do not enter. Such grandest and greatest Lord – My swami- the

most merciful Lord Sri Narasingan has come on his own and His own accord and

has consdired this (sariram) as His temple – See for yourself. Hence, run

away to save yourself. Do not get destroyed as you will have nothing to

survive on. Hereafter, no more old status (of your- diseases- staying in

this body)); this Lord’s place (pattinan kaappE) is well protected


maaNikkuRaLuruvaayamaayanai enmanaththuLLE

pENikkoNarndhu pukudhavaiththukkoNdEnpiRidhinRi

maaNikkappaNdaaramkaNdeer valivan_kuRumbar_kaLuLLeer!

paaNikkavENdaan^adamin paNdanRupattinamkaappE. 5.



5.Oh diseases! Strongest, heavy cruel ones! Peerless, unparalleled none

above Him and equal to Him- the dwarf Bachelor (Brahmachari) Lord Vaamanan

appeared as the most wonderful One. Praying to His lotus feet and I (am

blessed to ) have brought Him from His place to my heart and made Him reside

therein eternally. This place is full of most valuable lustrous (maaNikkam)

gemstones combined together. Realize that. Do not delay anymore. Go

somewhere else. Hereafter, no more old status (of your- diseases- staying in

this body)); this Lord’s place (pattinan kaappE) is well protected


AzhwAr calls the lord as the cluster of maaNikkam; His kalyANa guNAs are

perhaps referred to or His soundarya laavaNya ThirumEni is referred to.

Hence cruel diseases can not stand near Him or where He stays. Go away.


Sri UttamUr Swamy gives a wonderful commentary on this maaNikka paNdaaram

(cluster of gemstones). If you carefully notice, in 1st pAsuram, Veda

puraanaar (Mathsya avathrAm) is referred to; in second, mutthu thiraikadal

serppan- Koorma avathAram; The Varaaha avatharam is referred to in third.

Narasingan is called in fourth. In this, Vaamanan is enjoyed. In next

pAsurams, peRRangaL meyykkum piraanaar- Krishnan is referred. AzhwAr left

the three Ramas. Perhaps ParasurAma- as is not prayed to by mumukshus and

Balarama, being AdhisiEsha amsa, are not sung by Azhwar. Hence the maaNikkam

is referred to Rama and His kalyANa guNAs. OR it can be interpreted that,

the protection by three ramas (BraahmaNa rakshaNam- Parasurama avathAram;

Kshathirya raajya sthApanam- Rama avathAram; Gokula (Vasiyar) baalan -

Balaraama avathAram) is referred to here. Thus He is maaNikkam put together.



uRRavuRupiNin^OykaaL! umakku_onRusollukEn_kENmin

peRRangaLmEykkumpiraanaar pENumthirukkOyilkaNdeer

aRRamuraikkinREn innam_aazhvinaikaaL! umakku_ingu_Or

paRRillaikaNdeern^adamin paNdanRupattinamkaappE. 6.


6. Oh deceitful diseases! Let me tell you what is good for you. Listen to me

attentively lending your ears. This is the greatest temple of cowherd Boy

who reared cattle; See for yourself and walk away from here. Oh paapams!

(vinaigaaL) which attempt to stay here still! Listen to this final

statement. There is no way that you can hold on to and survive in my body,

where EmperumAn is here. Realize that. Run quick. Hereafter, no more old

status (of your- diseases- staying in this body)); this Lord’s place

(pattinan kaappE) is well protected.


kongaichchiRuvaraiyennum podhumbinilveezhndhuvazhukki

angOrmuzhaiyinilpukkittu azhundhikkidandhuzhalvEnai

vangakkadalvaNNan_ammaan valvinaiyaayinamaaRRi

pangappadaavaNNamseydhaan paNdanRupattinamkaappE. 7.


7. Falling for the trap [cleavage] of those two breasts which are like small

hills, and slip there [into the flesh urge] entering into the cave of

irreversible samsaaric afflictions [will lead to many more births and

thereby many more paapams]. Saving me and preventing from such a deadly and

deathly trap of further births again and again, The Lord Mahaa purushan who

is like the blue hued deep ocean [with noisy waves] like colour -saved me by

removing the strong karma vaasanas and karmic diseases and released me from

those shackles mercifully. Hereafter, no more old status (of your- diseases-

staying in this body)); this Lord’s place (pattinan kaappE) is well



He is also like ship in the samsaaric ocean (vangam- ship) He enables us

cross the ocean which is otherwise beyond our capacity to cross. Only by

surrendering to his lotus feet can save us from fallinf into the sea.

piRavi perunkadal neendhuvar neendhaar

iRaivan aDi sErAdhAr.


Those who do not surrender to Lord’s feet will NOT cross the ocean of

births; [Those who do] will cross the ocean of births- says ThiruvaLLuvar.


EdhangaLaayinavellaam iRangaliduviththu ennuLLE

peedhakavaadaippiraanaar piramakuruvaakivandhu

pOdhilkamalavannencham pukundhum_en_senniththidaril

paadhavilachchinaivaiththaar paNdanRupattinamkaappE. 8.


8. SarvEshwaran- the most merciful Lord- Parama upakArakan- the One who

wears PeethAmabram) appeared as Vedathna Acharyan (Brahma guru) and taught

me and removed the wrong jnAnaam (knowledge namely thinking that the body is

soul; or swathanthrAbhimaanam – thinking that the soul is independent and is

not dependent even on the ParamAthmA- Lord, DevathAntharam – equating Him

with orher demid gods who are like every other souls; thinking that the Lord

on his own will save me and I need not even ask or pray to Him for His

saving me, Bhakthi yOgam alone can be the way etc.. ) on Vedantha and

dispelled all ills associated with it from my heart and entered into my

heart lotus (hrudhaya kamalam) as well; He kept His lotus feet on my

forehead. Hereafter, no more old status (of your- diseases- staying in this

body)); this Lord’s place (pattinan kaappE) is well protected.


Not only did He enter into the heart. He kept His lotus feet on my forehead.

Thus, Srivaishnavan- to declare that he is the dasan of Sriman Narayanan;

devotee of Sriya: Pathi needs to wear this ThirumaN. He is in my heart. Why

should I show off? I am pure in my mind. I need not have to exhibit my

purity- The present day Kaliyuga Vedanthins say. Unlike them, one should

declare himself as Srivaishnavan and wear the Oordhva puNdram and then

perform daily rituals. The Lord is pleased only with that. {peethakavaadai

piraanaar Brahma guruvaagi vandhu paadha ilacchinai vaitthAr] This PAsuram

line can be extended to Acharya paadhukas as well and one needs to remember

this when placing the Acharya paddhukas on his head.


uRakaluRakaluRakal oNsudaraazhiyE! sangE!

aRaveRin^aandhakavaaLE! azhakiyasaarngamE! thaNdE!

iRavupadaamalirundha eNmar_ulOkapaaleer_kaaL!

paRavaiyaraiyaa! uRakal paLLiyaRaikkuRikkONmin. (2) 9.


9.Oh most resplendent lustrous ChakratthAzhwAn! White conch shell! Most

beautiful bow (Saarngam!) Sword (Naandhakam) KaumOdhakI! (GadhA) the eight

dhik pAlAkAs! GarudAzhwAr! Please do not sleep. Do not sleep. See and enjoy

for yourself our Lord (numpiraan) reclining in my body. Don’t sleep.


So far, the Lord was his protection and asks the diseases to go away. Here

AzhwAr implies that he is taking care of the Lord reclining and having His

yoga nithrA. He invites the parijanas (Samasatha parivaaram of Sriman

Narayanan) to His place – the temple – where He resides -in AzhwArs heart.


He asks the parivarams to stay awake along with AzhwAr to protect Him. He

asks hurriedly as he (pungum parivu koNda AzhwAr) is concerened about the

lord’s safety in his heart. Jeer says: uRakkam Avadhu- guNavittharaay,

nanjuNdaarai pOlE thandhaamai aRiyaadhiruitthal anubhavatthilE izhindhu

kaimkarya pararaayirutthal.


He wants the parivarams to know that it is the Lord who willingly came on

His own to AzhwAr’s heart and do not stay away thinking that it is only

prAkrutha sariram; it is His temple now- which is aadiyEn’s heart. He also

asks GarudA zhwAr to stay put and not to take Him out flying somewhere else.


One may interpret that AzhWar thus refers to Pancha samskaram here as well

(last Pasuram was Urdhva puNdram)


aravaththamaLiyinOdum azhakiyapaaRkadalOdum

aravindhappaavaiyumthaanum akampadivandhupukundhu

paravaiththiraipalamOdhap paLLikoLkinRapiraanai

paravukinRaanvittuchiththan pattinamkaavaRporuttE. 10.


10. Srivishnuchitthar of SrivilliputthUr sang these ten pAsurams praising

Lord Sriman Narayanan, the Paraama upakArakan, the most merciful One, who

along with the most beautiful most compassionate PiraaTTi entered into

AzhwAr’s heart along with Adhisehsan and reclined on Adhisheshan (in the

heart cave of AzhwAr) having His yoga nithrA therein and protecting him

(AzhwAr) forever. [For those who recite will also be blessed with this



Periyavaacchaan PiLLai comments that the last two pAsurams reflect the

Thiruppallandu pAsurams and is also referred to by Jeer and thus the entire

PeriyAzhwAr prabandhams are one from pallandu till 5.4


PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana




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