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SaTAri Satakam - 14

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SrImahtE SaThakOpAya nama:

SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

SrImathE nigamAnta mahA dESikAya nama:


Dear SrI vaishNavAs,


nATTil piRandavar nAraNaR kALanRi yAvarO? – nammAzhvAr (7-5-2)




Details presented in this post:


1. Prabhandam- pAsuram 8 & 9

2. Pearls from the poems




yERuDaiyAn pASupadam yENpUvan yOgamEzhu *

kURumumurN attuvaida kutturuTTi – vERAgA *

sUniya vAdiyarin sUzhcchigaLai venRazhikkum *

tEniniya mARan tiru.


Once again, AzhvAr's denunciation of bhAhya-kudrushTi matams and

establishment of paratvam of SrIman nArAyaNan is brought up here. The

following phrases of AzhvAr can be felt in this pAsuram.

- " ilingattiTTa purANatteer " clearly brings out the story built up on

the funny identification mark of rudran.

- " valindu vAdu seiveer " are the wrangling arguers; advaitins and


- " uyarvaRa uyarnalam " and " uLanenil uLan " establish kalyANa guNAs

and paratvam of Sriya:pati and at the same time tear up by the roots

the jalpa-vAdams of others. ('ukAram' used in these 2 phrases, stands

for 'yEkAram' in praNavam - ONLY for SrIman nArAyaNA.)




tiruvAi mozhikkuvamai tErndAlen RenRum *

oruvAi mozhiyengum uNDO – guruvAgi *

tAitalaivi tOzhiyumAi tAmAi SaTAritiru *

vAimalarndAr vAzhiyavar vAkku.


TiruvAimozhi remains an incomparable source of knowledge eternally.

Also, AzhvAr revealed his bhagavath anubhavam in four different

bhAvams in his four prabhandams. These are delectable outpouring

wherein he preaches in guru-bhAvam, mAtru-bhAvam, nAyikA-bhAvam and

nAyaki's friend-bhAvam.


Pearls from the poems:

& #61623; AzhvAr's vAkku is compared to nectar-like-honey as it destroys

bitter arguments.

& #61623; If somebody would like to search for a comparison to tiruvAimozhi,=


they will only fail miserably.


[saTAri Satakam is one of the many classic works of srI. U.vE.




Mukundan rAmAnuja dAsan

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