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SrI mukti-nAtha sAligrAma divya kshEtra yAtra

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SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

Dear SrI VaishNavas,


Everyone knows the fact that SrI mukti-nAtha sAligrAma divya kshEtram (one

among the 108 divya dESams) has been sung by our AzwArs through their

mangaLASAsanams. It is in Nepal at the banks of the holy river GaNdaki. The

bhagavath sAligrAma mUrtis that we have in our nitya AarAdhanam are having

their origin in the river GaNdaki, its bank and

its vicinity. By bhagavath bhAgavata AachArya anugraha sankalpam, a thought

came in mind to visit this kshEtram and worship SrI mUrti perumAL

of SrI mukti-nAtha sAligrAma divya kshEtram and collect (more) as many

sAligrAma mUrtis as possible by the Lord's mercy. At present, myself and

our SrI Vijaykumar have resolved to go to this divya dESam in the last week of

October 2003 or first week of November 2003. Needless to say that the place is

very remote and the geographical and cold himAlayan high-altitude climatic

conditions etc., are at extremes there. From Singapore, we are planning to go

to KAtmaNdu (capital of Nepal) by air and from there to Pokhara (a town in

Nepal) and then to Jomson (a town in Nepal)

by air. Jomson is said to be the nearest town to SrI mukti-nAtha

sAligrAma divya kshEtram. From Jomson, we plan to walk- trek (7 hours only) to

SrI mukti-nAtha sAligrAma divya kshEtram. From Jomson/Pokhara, one can also

take a helicopter to SrI mukti-nAtha sAligrAma divya kshEtra if he cannot

walk. I request experienced people to kindly provide more information

regarding the same. This is only a rough plan and the accuracy regarding the

same needs to be worked out. We are looking for interested SrI VaishNavas to

join us if they are also interested in the same yAtra. Please write to me

(before the end of July 2003) if you are

interested in joining us for this adventurous SrI mukti-nAtha sAligrAma divya

kshEtra yAtra. Approximately, this Singapore-muktinAth-Singapore yAtra will

take 7 days. We need to plan further for the same.


Thanks & Regards

naidhruva mAdabhUshi S. HARI rAmAnuja dAsan (mshari)

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