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SaTAri Satakam - 20

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SrImahtE SaThakOpAya nama:

SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

SrImathE nigamAnta mahA dESikAya nama:


Dear SrI vaishNavAs,


kurugaiyar kOnuraitta tiruvirut tattOr

aDikaR Rireertiru nATTagattE – kiDAmbi AcchAn



Details presented in this post:


1. Prabhandam- pAsuram 21 & 22

2. Pearls from the poems




vAzh~ndeteesar tORRamAi vaiyamsAT chAtsuvAmi *

Azh~ndaporuL ARA yirappaDiyil – Azh~ndeeN *

Dirupattu nAlA yirappaDiyAi seidAr *

gurubatti pEraruLgaL koNDu.


[[Reference on SrImath sAkshAt svAmi from:




swAmi SrImath tiruk-kudantai dESikan is an incarnation of swAmi

SrIman nigamAnta dESika himself and he is the disciple of SrImath

sAkshAth swami. Known as SrImath vEdAnta rAmAnuja mahA dESika swami,

SrImath sAkshAth swami authored the 24,000 Padi (elaborate

commentary on tiru-ARAyirappadi), Poorva Saara Swaadhini, Nyaasa

Vidyaa Darpanam, Sri Tattva Siddhaanjanam etc. SrImath sAkshAth

swAmi is regarded as the incarnation of bhagavath rAmAnuja yatirAja



With his deep devotion to tUppul guru-svAmi dESikan, sAkshAt svAmi

elaborated tiru-ARAyirappadi into 24,000 Padi, confirming the

tAtparyam. This too, is by the grace of nammAzhvAr.




koNDEn manattuL kurugoor kulapatiseer *

vaNDulavum tEnvakuLa vAsanaiyAi – eNTisaiyum *

moyyilanga tEntuLaba mOdamuDan vEdAntam *

kaiyilangum nellik kani.


With nammAzhvAr's kindness, we have got the `aruLiccheyalgaL' which

is fragrant with vakuLa flowers. With the help of aruLiccheyalgaL,

we can grasp vEdAntam, which is fragrant with emperumAn's tiruvaDi

tuLasi. The entirity of Upanishads can be seen just similar to an

Amla fruit kept on the palm (uLLankai nellikkani).


Pearls from the poems:

It is amazing that the vakuLa flowers has the fragrance of

tiruttuLabam in them(which can unlock teLiyAda maRainilangaL).


[saTAri Satakam is one of the many classic works of srI. U.vE.




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