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ThiruvahIndhrapuram RathnAngi Series:Part 75: SlOkam 29-30 of Sri DevanAyaka PanchAsath

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Dear BhakthAs of Lord Dhaiva Naayakan :


Twenty Ninth SlOkam ( The Beauty of the Lord's Hands)


aajAnu lamBhibhi: alankrutha hEthi jAlai:

jyAgAtha raaji ruchirai: jitha paarijAthai:

chithrAngadhai: Thridasa pungava jAthAsangA

Thvath bAhubi: mama dhruDam parirabyathE dhee:


Extended Meaning


Oh Lord of DEvAs! SaamudhrikA lakshaNams point out

that the arms extended down to one's knees is the symbol

of a Utthama Purushan.Is it therefore any wonder that

Your arms are extending from shoulder to the knees as

the Parama Purushan? Your naturally strong arms beautify

the weapons that they adorn. When You aim your arrows with

Your bow, the chord of the bow leaves a welt , which itself

is beautiful to behold . In contrast to PaarijAtha tree that

can give any boon except Moksham , Your PaarijAtha like

hands does grant Moksham as well as what one desires.

My mind is deeply lost in the enjoyment of Your arms

with beautiful mid arm jewelery of many kinds

and enjoys the embrace from those strong arms just like

a maiden feels, when she is held tight by her lover.


Additional Comments:


" Mama dhee: dhruDam parirabyathE " confesses Swamy Desikan.

My mind is tightly embraced says the athyantha bhakthan of

Lord DevanAthan as he feels the tight embrace from Lord's

strong hands( Thvath bAhubi: jAtha SangA mama dhee:

dhrudam parirabhyathE ).What are the lakshaNams

(Characterestrics) of those arms of Lord DevanAthan?


They are known for:


(1) adorning novel bangles on His Shoulders

(thOL vaLaikaL/Chithra angathai: samanvithA)


(2) They are victors over the boon granting PaarijAtha

tree (Jitha PaarijAthai:)in that the Lord's hands alone

in contrast to that divine tree can grant Moksha Sukham


(3)They are beautiful to behold with the welts formed by

the chords of the Lord's bow (jyAgAtha raaji ruchirai:)


4) The lower hands are long and reach down to the knees

( AajAnu lamBhibhi:).


5)These hands adorn the weapons like Sudarsanam , Paanchajanyam ,

Saarangam , Mace and beautify these weapons ( alankrutha

hEthi jAlai:).


Baahu ParAkramam (Valor) , the dhivya soundharyam

(Divine beauty )of His arms , matchless oudhAryam (generosity )

and MOksha Daayaka Mukuntha Tatthvam of the Lord

are being celebrated here. He never lets anyone

who sought His refuge down since He is Achyuthan.

He saves the DevAs time and again from the atrocities

of their enemies (asurAs).


SlOkam 30: (The Beauty of the Disc & Conch)


neelAchalOdhitha nisAkara bhAskarAbhE

sAnthAhithE SurapathE Tava Sankha-ChakrE

pANEramushya bhajathAm abhayapradasya

prathyAyanam jagathi bhAvayatha: svabhUmnA


Extended Meaning


Oh Dhaiva Naayaka! The radiant Chakram and the dazzling

white Conch on Your upper hands of Your blue-hued body

remind us of the simultaneous udhayam (rise)of both

the Sun and the Moon on a blue (indhraneela) mountain.

These two weapons have the power to destroy those, who

offend Your devotees. Through Your lower right hand ,

You sport abhaya mudhrA to offer protection to those,

who seek Your refuge. If the SaraNAgathAs have any

doubt about Your ability to come to their protection ,

then Sudarsanam and Paanchajanyam reveal their power

as Your weapons and chase away SaraNAgathA's lingering

doubts and fill the SaraNAgathAs with a sense of hope and

trust (MahA VisvAsam) about Your omnipotence.


Additional Comments:


SaraNAgatha rakshaNam is Parama Dharmam for the Lord.

His abhaya hastham is the most assuring symbol of

that commitment to protect the SaraNAgathan.

The SaraNAgathi offered by the Lord is

" SamarTa-KaaruNIka vishaya SaraNAgathi " .

It is the SaraNAgathi offered by the Lord ,

who has both Sakthi (power) and KaaruNyam

(DayA). The SaraNAgathi extended by Him

will always bear fruit ( Phala-avinAbhUthai:).

The Chakram and the Sankhu generate trust

in the minds of the doubting SaraNAgathAs

about the power of the AbhayapradhAna hastham

through their own sakthi ( abhaya pradasya amushya pANE:

prathyAyanam sva-bhUmnA bhAvayatha:).


Lord DevanAthan is Sathya Vrathan announcing

SarNAgatha RakshaNam thru His abhaya hastham.

He is DhArmikan ( Deeply rooted in SaraNAgatha

RakshaNa dharmam) and is dhruDa vikraman ( of

unfailing valour). Our Lord is " TamarkaL koota

valvinayai nAsam sey sathir moorthy " as Swamy

NammAzhwAr saluted( ThiruvAimozhi: 8.10.9).

With His abhaya pradha hastham , Lord DeavanAthan

assures the SaraNAgathan of RakshaNam . His chakram

and Sankham remind one of the Lord's power to

destroy those who harm His devotees.


NamO SrI DevanATAya,

Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


P.S: May the beautiful Hands of Lord DeavanAthan

inspire you to join in His RathnAngi Kaimkaryam.

We are looking for Sponsors to be linked with

the creation of new Sudarsanam and Sankham on

the Lord's upper hands.

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