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Saraba & Nrusimha episode mentioned in a journal long time ago and our swAmi refuting it

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SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

Dear SrI VaishNavas,


This mail is only for mAlOlan Net.

There was a publication which said a demi-god Rudran

took a form of Saraba (Sarabeswara) and Subdued /killed

SrIman nrusimha. This was published in a journal

long before. This came to the notice of SwAmi SrImath

azagiya singar. SwAmi refuted and tore that story

based on authentic pramANAms. SrImath azagiya singar's

divine SrI sUktis in that regard was also published

during that time in SrI nrusimha priyA journal.

There are many such journals, which, in the name

of propagating " so-called " spiritual things :-), propagate

rAjasa and tAmasa purANAm stories without even knowing

that the rAjasa and tAmasa purANAms contradict mutually

while both are not pramANams in all places where they contradict

the Sruti. I do not name any publication here and leave it

the readers. For example, the Saiva (siva) purANam and skAnda

purANam holds two totally different baseless stories for the

falsehood of subduing Nrusimhan. Both these false stories

mutually contadict also. In mAlOlan net, articles/postings having

direct/indirect link/support to such dEvatAntara sambandams

and " powrushEya works which are not based on VEdAnta

darSam " are strictly not allowed. But quoting pUrva-paksham is

a different case. One has to study yOni tantram to know

how far it is away from SAtvikam. Otherwise, talking noisily

out of mere ignorance in the false name of tolerance serves

no purpose.


Thanks & Regards

naidhruva mAdabhUshi S. HARI rAmAnuja dAsan (mshari)

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