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While I was browsing about lectures/ articles about Swami Vivekananda on

the web I had the oppurtunity to go through your artcile on Sri Ramanuja

as found in the URL mentioned below.




There are some factual errors in what you have mentioned.


to quote:- 1)


You say


Ramanujacharya maintained that the wisdom of the Shrutis points to the

fact that Shiva and Jiva (Universal Soul (God) and the individual soul)

are not same, although they are not separate from each other.


>> Where in his work has Ramanujacharya talked about shiva can you

please quote?



You also said

2)The seemingly dry and abstract conception of Reality of Acharya

Shankara overwhelmed average mind, and thus a need was felt of such

conception of God as would profess natural love and devotion for Him.

Acharya Ramanuja can be said to have fulfilled this demand of the time.


>> does it mean Ramanuja's philosphy is for " average " minds only? and

Shankara's for " higher " minds.??


You also concluded that



In short, Ramanuja does not admit nirvikalpa samadhi, the unitary

consciousness, the experience of the Self as one with Brahman. "


>> To be precise Ramanuja doesnt accept worng formulation of nirvikalpa

samadhi.He maintains with his logic and with valid pramanas that neither

does Bramha Sutras nor the Upanishads or Gita teach such an expericnce.


I dont want to get in to too many details.


I wish to tell you that if you wish to present the true purport of

Ramanujacharya's mesage please do not dilute it.


There is nothing wrong or that I am against you talking great about

" Pure " advaitam .. It is your buisness certainly not mine but please do

misquote or misrepresent Other Vedantha school of thoughts.


I hope you take this mail in proper spirt and reconsider your artcile

and correct all the factual errors by reaxamining them again and again

or please delete the session about Sri Ramanuja.That way you will be

doing Him some service if you really wanted to.


Also please note Visistadhvaitham doesnt mean " qualified " monsm it is

pan-orgal monism.


Sri Ramanujacharya advocates Body Soul relation ship between Universe

(sentient,nonsentients) and Iswara with all commonly accepted modes of

vedanthic dialogue and sources of knowledge.


thanking you



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