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SaTAri Satakam – 35 (AzhvAr and our sampradAyam)

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SrImahtE SaThakOpAya nama:

SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

SrImathE nigamAnta mahA dESikAya nama:


Dear SrI vaishNavAs,


amararkku ariyAnai tamargaTku eLiyAnai

amarat tozhuvArkku amarA vinaigalE. Tvm 10.5.9



Details presented in this post:


1. A short note on this posting.

2. Prabhandam - pAsuram 50

3. Pearls from the poems


SrI. U.vE.M.S.Hari has composed a lot of poems in ubhaya mozhigaL

(only sampradAic). Almost all our AchAryAs and AzhvArs have received

mangaLASAsanam from this poet-bhAgavatA.

As we know, SrImath Bhagavat vishayam and SrImath Rahasya traya

sAram are enough for us to pass our remaining time (kAlakshEpam)

happily here, if we are unable to undergo all of the granta-

chatusTayam and other SrIsUktis of our pUrvAcharyAs.

SrI.Hari has done many excellent works on nammAzhvAr and AzhvAr's

great prabhandams. Especially, SaTAri Satakam (sadasyam) and

tiruvAimozhiAr teruL (rahasyam) bring all about our kulapati, his

greatness and the esoteric meanings (after researching all our

pUrvAs' works).

aDiyEn has got the bhagyam of just transliterating and translating

SaTAri Satakam, however poor my effort has been. Having reached

until the 49th pAsuram, aDiyEn has been thinking that a lot of inner

meanings of the pAsurams are not properly conveyed, as aDiyEn is a

new comer and know very little about our grand sampradAyam.

However, aDiyEn will continue this sweet kaimkaryam atleast to make

aDiyEn conversant with our sampradAyam. From time to time, I would

like to get the detailed meanings of the pAsurams from SrI.Hari

himself and post here. (How nice it would be, if nammAzhvAr also

presents himself here, to share his bhagavat anubhavams with us!!!)

Particularly, he has agreed to write a detailed commentary on this

50th pAsuram, being the central pearl of this pAmAlai. Today I'll do

just the translation of his vyAkyAnam. I'll post his detailed

commentary very soon.



nambikuru gUrSaTAri nAnmaRaiyin tiNsirI *

sampira dAyattin sArvenRAr – emperu

mAnAr darisanattaik kAkkum maNittUppul *

tEnArpoon tALdE Sikan


There has been a few articles from SrI.Hari on the pramANa balam of

our sampradAyam (archived in this group). In this pAsuram, the same

are brought out very briefly. The pramANa balam of our SrI vaishNava

SrI viSishTAdvaita sampradAyam is that:- Rshis such as vEda-vyAsA

conducted detailed and tough studies on Sruti prastAnam and smruti

prastAnam. The resultant SArIraka SAstram - brahma sUtram - is the

base for this sampradAyam.

NammAzhvAr is the distinguished identity of this pramANa

anuguNa sampradAya balam. We get to know this from divya sUktis such

as dramidOpanishad tAtparya ratnAvaLi of svAmi dESikan. SvAmi

dESikan is revered as the firm upholder of this sampradAyam.


Pearls from the poems:

SrI viSishTAdvaita siddAntam is not a new concept. It is as eternal

as the Sruti itself. Similar to the seers of Sruti, we have

nammAzhvAr, bhagavat rAmAnujar and svAmi dESikan as the prominent

seers of this great sampradAyam.


[saTAri Satakam is one of the many classic works of srI. U.vE.

M.S.Hari. Email: mshari. Please download the complete

prabhandam with vyAkyAnam in tamizh, from the file section of this




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