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[Varadanatha Nayanaracharyar Thirunakshatram - Avatara Vaibhavam - Part 3]

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SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

Dear SrI VaishNavas,


The following paragraph in the " Varadanatha Nayanaracharyar Thirunakshatram -

Avatara Vaibhavam - Part 3 " article

has been questioned by two SrI VaishNavas in personal mails.

> After his return to Kanchipuram Swamy performed

> an Agnishtoma Yagam. It may of interest to note here

> that Swamy comes in a lineage of acharyas who have

> been performers of sacred Yajnas. Mention need to be

> made of Anantha Somayaji and Pundarikaksha Yajva who

> were very famous for the Yajnas they performed.


The aim of those question(s) is

" Why SrImath kumAra varadAchAryas (a paramikAnti and such

paramaikAntis) has to do the karmas specified in the pUrva

bhAgam of the Vedas which gives alpa (very limited) and

astira (Transitory) results regarding dharma-artha-kAma

purushArtas " .


The answer for the same is as follows:

The quoted paragraph needs to be properly understood.

1. The karmas of pUrva-bhAgam of the VEdA, which are

prescribed as means for attaining dharma-artha-kAma

purushArthams are many. The results of the them are

alpa (very limited) and astira (Transitory)

and this is also agreed. But there are certain karmas

in the same prescriptions, which can also be done

as nishkAmya karma with sAtvika tyAgam as nitya karma

or naimittika karma as bhagavath kainkarayam or as angam to

vidyA-nivruti-dharma. This is the way in which paramaikAntis do some of

them if they are capable (afford) of doing it. ParamaikAntis do not do

them as kAmya karama. In this case, the result is

bhagavath prIti.

2. Also, as SrI kumAra varadAchArya is a prapannar,

his anushTAnam of that yAgam cannot be taken as angam

for mOkshOpAyam. Prapatti has only its five angams

as defined in the SAstra (AnukUlya sankalpam etc).

3. For mumukshus, the pUrva-bhAgam of VEda and the karmas

prescribed in it are not falsehood. They are applicable

in reality but he has to select it based on his capacity, his

varNAsrama dharma, knowledge etc and do it suitable

for this paramaikAnti state. SrI kumAra varadAchArya's

anushTAnams are therefore purely paramaikAnti's

anushTAnams only. There is no contradiction here.

4. Also please note that, the VEda is the only source

of all dharma even for mumukshus. Even sandyA vandanam and

such karmas are known only from the VEda. The mode

of the same karmAnushTAnam (as prescribed in VEda),

knowledge etc are to be specifically and specially noted

for mumukshus.


Thanks & Regards,

naidhurva mAdabhUshi S. HARI rAmAnuja dAsan (mshari)

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