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11. bhaavinyaa dhaSayaa bhavan iha

bhavadhvamsaaya naH kalpathaam

kalkee vishNuyaSaH suthaH kalikaThaa


niSSeshakshathakantake kshithithale


Dharmam kaarthayugamprarohayathi




Lord Kalki, who will be manifest in future as the son of Vishnuyasas, who will

destroy the evil effects of kali entirely, and will cause the growth of the

dharma of Krthayuga, by the stream that will flow out of the edge of His sword

as a rain-cloud, on the earth, which will be cleansed of the thorns in the form

of the wicked , destroy the ills of samsara for us.


Kalkee- the Lord as Kalki


bhavinyaa dhaSayaa- by His state to come, in future


bhavan- being or originating


vishNuyaSasuthaH- as the son of Vishnuyasas


koolamkashaH- destroyer of ( koolam means bank and koolamkasha

is breaking the bank)


kalikaThaa kaalushya- the evil attributed to the age Kali


prarohayathi- will cause the



Dharmam kaarthayugam- the dharma of krthayuga


Dhaaraajaloughair- by the streams of water


nisthrimSa DhaaraadharaH- from the cloud, the edge of His sword

(DhaaraaDhara means cloud as well as a sword. nisthrimSa is the edge of

the sword.




kshithithale- on earth



niSSeshakshathakantake – which has been weeded of the thorns, the wicked. (niSSesha- without remains, kshatha- cutting, kantaka-thorn)





mahaapothrin yadhrucchaahare

rakshaavaamana rosharaama

karuNaakaakuthsTha helaahalin

kreedaavallava kalka vaahana daSaa




purushaa: punanthi

bhuvanam puNyougha paNyaapaNaaH


Those who repeat

the names, of the Fish through will, the playful Tortoise, the Big Boar, the

Lion who manifested by chance, the Dwarfof protection, the angry Rama, the

merciful kaakuthstha, the wielder of the plough with levity, the ever playing

one and the one riding on white horse, will purify the world and they are the

shops selling auspiciousness.


In this sloka

Desika sums up all the ten avatharas of

the Lord with fitting adjectives to each.


icChaameena- denotes the Mathsyavathara, meaning the Fish by will. The Mahamathsya

represents the Supreme will.


vihaarakacChapa- the playful Tortoise, (kacChapa). Tortoise signifies the intellect established in Brahman, the indhriyas withdrawn from the

world and turned towards the Self as the tortoise withdraws its limbs into its

shell. The word vihara denotes the reveling in the Bliss of Brahman. The Lord

during amrthamathana performed so many acts all as a play without effort.


mahaapothrin- the Big boar. The brhathva, or all pervading quality of the Lord is

referred to. The sea was supposed to be ankle deep for the Mahavaraha.


yadhrcChaa hare- The Lion by chance. Narasimha who Himself did not decide where to appear

from as Hiranyakasipu may point out any place. Hence the Lord as Narasimha

occupied all places and the whole world was, says Desika, nrsimhagarbha, in

his varadraja panchasat


rakshaavaamana- The vamanavathara was for protection as He protected both the

devas and Mahabali.


rosharama- The

angry Rama meaning Parasurama, an incarnation meanifested out of anger,

annihilating the wicked kshathriyas.


karuNaakaakuthsTha- the merciful KaakuthsTha, Srirama. This was evident by the words of

Rama `yadhi vaa raavanasvayam,' meaning that He will give asylum even to Ravana

if needed. This is why the Ramayana is extolled as saranagathi sasthra.



Balarama who wields the plough (hala) Hela means play and it means that

Balarama takes everything easy.


kreedaavallava- Krishna. Vallava means a

cowherd. kreedaa vallava may mean that everything was leela for Him or the role

of cowherd He assumed was a play. Desika himself refersto Krishna

s kuhanaagopa in sloka 10. The whole life of Krishna

was a play, like His rasakreeda.





Venkateswara Kavou

jaatham jaganmangaLam

dheveSasya dhasaavathara vishayam

sthothram vivakshetha yaH


thasya sarasvathee bahumukhee

bhakthiH paraa maanase

SuddhiH kaapi thanou dhiSaasudaSasu


Subhaa jrumbhathe


Whoever wishes to say this sthothra which arose from the poet

Venkatanatha, who is an ocean of learning, will have, the Goddess Sarasvati

dwelling on his tongue in her manifold forms,

a mind of supreme devotion, a body blemishless and his fame will spread

in all directions.


yaH- whoever


vivakshetha- wishes to say


dhasaavathaara vishayam sthothram- this sthothra about dasavathara


dheveSasya- of the Lord Ranganatha


jaatham- originated



Kavou- in the poet Venakatanatha (born from)


vidhyodhanvathi – who is an ocean of learning

jaganmangaLam- which does good to the world,


thasya vakthre- in his mouth or face (tongue)


sarasvathee-Goddess Sarasavathi


bahumukhee- in manifold forms


bhakthiH paraa- supreme devotion


maanasee- in the mind


SuddhiH kaapi thanou - wonderful purity in body


khyaathiH Subhaa-

blemishless fame


jrmbhathe- manifests


dhiSaasu dhasasu- in all ten directions

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