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thath thvam asi chandhogya6.1

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yaThaa soumya purusham gaanDHaarebhyaH abhinadDha

aksham aaneeya tham thathaH avijane visrjeth


Just as a man , from the country of Gandhara, my

dear, who is brought to a place bereft

of people with his eyes bound, ( by some robbers) and is left there,


saH yaThaa

thathra praang vaa udhang vaa aDharaang vaa prathyang vaa praDhmaayeetha

abhinadDhaakshaH aaneethaH abhinadDhaakshaH vsrshtaH


just as he would shout turning to east, north,

south and west, "I have been brought

here with my eyes blindfolded and was left here."


thasya yaTha abhinahanam pramuchya prabhrooyaath

ethaam dhisamganDhaaraa ethaam dhiSam vraja ithi


Just as (someone) removes his blindfold and say to

him, "this is the direction of GanDhara, proceed along this direction,"


saH graamaath graamamprcChan pandithaH meDhaaveeganDhaaraan

eva upasampadhyeth


and he having learnt the instruction and being

quite intelligent to find out the right way himself,


evam eva iha aachaaryavaan purushaH vedha thasya

thaavadheva chiram yaavath na vimokshye aTha sampathsye ithi


Likewise in this world a man who is directed by the

acharya acquires the real knowledge and he is not liberated only as long as he is in this body. When he

leaves the body he is united with the Absolute.



Sa ya

esho aNimaa ethath aathmyam idham sarvam


That Being (into which one merges in deep sleep) is

this Self which is subtle essence ( first cause) and all this world has it as

the inner self.


thath sathyam sa aathmaa


That is the truth. That is the Self.


thath thvam asi svethaketho


That thou art Svethakethu




(Thus said the father.)



eva maa bhagavan vijnaapayathu ithi


(The son said ) please sir, tell me again.


thaThaa soumya ithi hovacha


Saying " alright my dear boy," he spoke again.



The implication of the

passage is this. We are like the man blindfolded and left in a deserted place

without help. That is the world where blinded by desires we do not know where

to go and how to get rid of our blindfold in the form of desires which after a

while are bound to bring nothing but misery. But we could not get out of it as

we could not control our desires. Like the passerby who helped the man to

become free from his blindfold, which is really our ignorance, the guru removes it and sets us in the right

path. Then the samsara continues only as long as we are in our body. The moment

the soul leaves the body it unites with Brahman and henceforth no more births. The

reason one has to wait till he leaves the body even after acquiring the brahma

jnana is that we have two kinds of karma, sanchitha and praarabdha and the latter as it name means is the karma

which has already started to give result. This cannot be eradicated. Hence the

soul has to be in the body till the prarabdha is fully worked out. The sanchitha

karma on the other hand is canceled once the real knowledge dawns and the

ignorance is removed.


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