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sundarakandam word by word translation sarga3

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44. praseedha sumahaabaaho thraayasva harisatthama

samaye saumya tishThanti satthvavanto



" Be pleased oh

mighty-armed , protect me the best of monkeys, the powerful and noble ones

stand by the regulations."


sumahaabaaho- oh mighty armed,( su added to denote excellence)


praseedha- be pleased


harisatthama- the best among monkeys,


thraaysava- protect me.


Somya –good one,


satyvavanthaH- the noble


mahaabalaaH- and the mighty


thishTanthi stand by


samaye- regulations.


45. ahaM thu nagaree lankaa

svayameva plavangama



nirjitha aham thvayaa veera

vikrameNa mahaabala


" I myself am the city of Lanka and

been vanquished by you, the mighty and valiant by your valour."



plavangama- oh monkey,


veera- who is valourous


mahaabala- of great strength,


aham thu- I am


svayameva- myself


nagaree lankaa- the city of Lanka


nirjithaa- vanquished


thvayaa veeryeNa- by you thorough valour.


46. idam tu thaThyam SrNu

vai bruvanthyaaH me hareeSvara


svayambhuvaa puraa dattham varadhaanam

yaThaa mama


" Hear this truth said by

me, oh Lord of monkeys, the boon as given

to me by Brahma once upon a time."


SrNu- Hear


idam tu thaThyam- this truth


bruvanthyaaH me- said by me,


hareeSvara - oh Lord of monkeys,


varadhaanam-, the boon


yaThaa dattham- as given


puraa-once upon a time


mama- to me


svayambhuvaa-by Brahma.



47. yadhaa thvaam vaanaraH kashchith vikramaath vaSam


thadhaa thvayaa hi vijneyam




"when a monkey overpowers

you with his valour, then you should know that there would be fear for the



Yadhaa- when


kaSchith vaanaraH- a monkey


vaSam aanayeth- overpowers you


vikramaath- by his valour


thadhaa – then


vijneyam- it should be understood


thvayaa hi- by you indeed


bhayam aagatham- that fear has come


rakshasaaNaam- for the rakshasas.


48. sa hi me samayaH saumya praapto adhya thava




svayambhoo vihithaH sathyo na thasya

asthi vyathikramaH

"That time is now, dear one,

has come on seeing you. What has laid down by Brahma will not be otherwise."

Sa hi samayaH- that is the time

praapthaH adhya- has come now

somya- dear one,

thava dharSanaath- on seeing you.

svayambhoo vihithaH- that declared by Brahma

sathyaH- is true

na asthi there is no

vyathikramaH- alternative

thasya – for that.


49. seethaanimittham

raajnastu raavaNasya dhuraathmanaH

rakshasaam chaiva sarveshaam

vinaasaH samupasThithaH

" The destruction for all

raakshasa and of their wicked king

Ravana, is imminent now because of Seetha."

vinaaSah eva- the destruction only

sarveshaam- of all

rakshasaanaam- rakshasas

raavaNasya cha – and Ravana

dhuraathmanaH- the wicked

raajnaH thu- king of them

samupasThithaH- well nigh approaching

seethaanimittham- on account of (the abduction of) Seetha.


50. thath praviSya hariSreshTa

pureem raavaNa paalithaam

viDhathsva sarva kaaryaaNi

yaani yaani iha vaanChasi

Entering the city guarded

by Ravana, do all your work here whatever you wish.

praviSya- entering

thath pureem- that city

raavaNa paalithaam- ruled by Ravana

hariSteshta- oh the best of monkeys,

viDhathsava- perform or carry on

sarva kaaryaaNi- all works

yaani yaani whichever

vaanChasi- you wish

iha – here.



51. praviSya Saapopahithaam hareeSvara

pureem Subhaam


yadhrcCayaa thvam

jankaathmajaam satheem

vimaarga sarvathra gatho yaThaa


You enter this auspicious

yet cursed city which is well-guarded by Ravana, oh lord of monkeys, and search

for the chaste Seetha, the daughter of Janaka going everywhere as you wish


hareeSvara- oh lord of monkeys,

pureem Subhaam- this city which is auspicious

raavanamukhyapaalithaam- which is well guarded by Ravana

Saapopahithaam- which is cursed

Vimaarga- search for

Jankaathmajaam- the daughter of Janaka,

Satheem- who is chaste

gathaH- going


sukham- in comfort

yadhrcChayaa-as you wish


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