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Desikasthothramala- Bhagavatdhyanasopanam

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9. maalyairanthaH sthira parimalairvallabhaa

sparSa maanyaiH

kupyachchoLee vachana kuTilaiH kunthalaiH

Slishta moole

rathnaapeeDa dhyuthi Sabalithe rangabharthuH


raajanvathyaH sThithim adhigataa

vrtthayaSchethaso me


The activities

of my mind are under the control as by a Master, by the crown of Lord

Ranganatha, which shines with many colours due to the gems of the ornaments

worn under it and the base of which is

attached to the tresses of the Lord curly like the words of the angry women of

Chola desa, and honoured by the touch of His consorts, fragrant with the flower

garlands worn inside.


me chethasaH vrtthayaH- The activities or

vagaries of my mind,


aDhigathaaH- attained


sThithim – the state of


raajanvathyaH- a subject to a king, meaning are controlled as though

by a king,


kireete- at the crown (

engrossed in the crown)


rangabharthuH- of Lord ranganatha


rathnapeeddhyuthi sabalithe- shining with the lustre

of the gems on the ornaments at its base


kunthalaiH Slishta moole- which is attched to the



kupyachchoLee vachana kuTilaiH- which are curly like the

words of angry Chola women ( kutila re. women means crooked or sarcastic)


maalyairanthaH sthira parimalaiH- which are fragrant with

the garlands on the hair decorated by

His consorts


vallabhaa sparSa maanyaiH- and thus honoured by

their touch.


10.paadhaambhojam sprSati bhajathe ranganaathasya



oorudhvandhve vilagati SanairoorDhvamabhyethi naabhim

vakshasyaasthe valati bhujayormaamikeyam maneeshaa

vakthraabhikhyaam pibati vahathe vaasanaam

mauli bandhe


My mind touches the lotus feet of Lord Ranganatha,

worships His shanks, loiters at His thighs, slowly ascending to His navel stays

for a while on His chest. Revolving round His arms, drinks the nectar of His

face and lost in the thought of His



maaikaa iyam maneeshaa- this mind if mine, maneesha

is the intellect but mind seems to be

more suitable here.


paadhaambhojam sprSati- touches the lotus feet


ranganaathasya- Of Lord Ranganatha


bhajathe janghaam- worships His shanks,


oorudhvandhve vilagati- loiters at His thighs,


SanaiH- slowly


ooarDhvamabhyethi naabhim- ascending to His navel


vakshasyaasthe - stays for a while on His



valati bhujayoH- Revolving round His arms


vakthraabhikhyaam pibati - drinks the nectar of His



vahathe vaasanaam mauli bandhe - and lost in the thought of His crown.


In his sloka Desika enjoys the beauty of the Lord as

a whole from feet to head.




bhujaiH kankaNa jyaa kiNankaiH


DhaamnaH prThula parigairlakshithaabheethi



kinchid bhujaga SayanaH svaathmanaivaathmanaH san


rangam mama cha hrudayE varthathe saavaroDha:


The Lord, reclining on the bed of Sesha, resides in

Srirangam and also in my heart with His consorts, Himself appears in in front

of His reclining form (as Utsava Murthy) displaying the weapons to remove fear

for His devotees with His arms which are generous in giving boons, marked with the impression of the braclets and

the bow string,appearing as strong beams, locking the abode of Lakshmi.


bhujaga SayanaH- The Lord, reclining on

the bed of Sesha


madhyE rangam varthathe- resides in Srirangam


mama cha hrudaye- and also in my heart


saavaroDha:- with His consorts,


agrE kinchid athmanaH ayam iha san-here He appears in front of His reclining form



as Himself (utsavamurthy)


lakshitha abheethi hethiH- displaying the weapons

to remove fear for His devotees


bhujaiH- by His arms ( the

utsava murthy has chakra and shanka in His arms in standing position.)


kaanthodhaaraiH- which are generous in

giving boons,


kankaNa jyaa kiNankaiH- marked with the impression

of the braclets and the bow


lakshmee DhaamnaH prThula parigaiH- appearing as strong beams,

locking the abode of Lakshmi.


12. rangaasThaane

rasika mahithe ranjithaaSesha chitthe

vidhvathsevaa vimala manasaa venkateSena


akleSena praNihita Dhiyaam


bhaktim gaaDaam diSatu bhagavadDhyaana





Bhagvatdhyaana sopanam, composed by Venkatesakavi, with heart rendered pure in

the service of the learned, in Srirangam, which is honoured by the connoisures and

pleases the mind of all, may bestow firm devotion to those who wish to ascend to

the state of integrated intellect with ease.


ethath bhagavadDhyaanasopaana



Bhagvatdhyaana sopanam



kluptham- composed

by Venkatesakavi


rangaasThaane- in Srirangam


rasika mahithe- which is honoured by the



ranjithaaSesha chitthe- and pleases the mind of




vidhvathsevaa vimala manasaa- with heart rendered pure

in the service of the learned


dhisathu- may bestow



gaaDaam- firm



aarurukshoH- to those who wish to




to the state of



Dhiyaam-integrated intellect


akleSena- with ease

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