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SrI UpakAra Sangraham Part - 45

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SrI upakAra sangraham – 45


adikAram – 1

poorva upakAra paramparai

(The Foremost Series of Favours)


SECTION – 5 (10)

(27 Favours of the Lord leading to the means for




In this sub-section, SwAmi Desikan takes up another

favour conferred upon us by the Lord to enable us to

take the path towards salvation. To go on this path,

one must have certain good qualities, bereft of any of

the despicable qualities. SwAmi Desikan shows in this

sub-section how the Lord helps us to progress towards

this highly evolved life which ultimately takes us to

liberation, i.e., mOkSham. Let us now see the text of

this statement of SwAmi Desikan:


(10) ippadi pravarttip-pikkiRavaLavil,

ananta-pApa-santatarAna nammai, shAstra-vashyatai

illAta, sthAvara-tiryak jAtikaLilum, manuShyaril

mlEcchAdi-vargattilum piRappiyAtE, kAlakramattAlE,

puNyasheelar kulangkaLilE, “ennudai nannencam”, “izhai

nalla Akkai” ennumpadi,





“ippadi pravarttip-pikkiRavaLavil,” -- “While thus

promoting the righteous activities.”


We saw in the previous section that the Lord promoted

the dhArmic conduct through instructions and Himself

practicing them in His incarnations. Here, a question

may arise: ‘It may be easy for the knowledgeable

people to follow the path shown by the Lord on

righteousness, but what about those who are ignorant

and those who are unable to bring these into

practice?’ Therefore, SwAmi Desikan points to the

compassion the Lord has for such people. While He

cannot make an exception in their case and allow them

to ignore the righteous activities -- as they are must

for any human being, the Lord does not abandon them at

the same time. Before knowing what He does in their

case, we must identify such unfortunate people.


SwAmi Desikan describes the state of their affairs:


“ananta-pApa-santatarAna nammai,” – ‘In the case of

us, who have an endless chain of sins.’


Every one of us, if really honest, will accept the

fact that we are continuously committing sins like a

serial. It seems there is no end to it. Some times we

do not know that we are committing a sin. Sometimes we

commit it fully knowing that it is a sin, because we

do not find any alternative. This is not happening

just today, but for a long time, in this present life.

We committed it when we were small children. Only

those who are fortunate were immediately corrected by

their parents who were aware of what was correct and

what was not. Among these children also were those few

who respected their parents’ advice. Many were not

that fortunate. In fact, in their case, arrogance was

inbuilt and they never respected their own parents and

went about their own way with indifference. Of course,

not to say of the many who didn’t have such

knowledgeable parents or elders in their families.

Their case is the worst. Such is our case.

But the Lord takes pity on such persons also, for

reason known only to Him. It may be due to aj~nAta

sukrutam, a good deed committed unintentionally. What

He does in the case of such of us? SwAmi Desikan says:


“shAstra-vashyatai illAta, sthAvara-tiryak

jAtikaLilum, manuShyaril mlEcchAdi-vargattilum

piRappiyAtE,” ----


The Lord does not allow us to be born in certain

unenviable circles. In these births one can not learn

the scriptures. As for the soul that takes birth as

plant, it is obvious he will not have the knowing

capacity as his dhama-bhoota-jnAna is reduced to

almost nil. So, his learning capacity and practicing

whatever he learnt is nil.

The next is a birth as an animal, which is better for

the soul than the plant’s body. Here the soul has some

dharma-bhoota-jnAna to enable it move on its own. But

the knowledge is limited only to look for food to fill

up its belly. He will not be able to study the

scriptures and act according to their tenets. It

cannot even build a shelter for him in the animal


Next comes, the human birth. If it happens to be in a

barbarian society, he will not have the ability or

even facility to learn any literary work, leave alone

Vedas and scriptures. He would lead the same life of

his lineage without the capacity to discriminate what

is right and what is not. His life will be almost

like an animal’s life, to live to eat. So, he will not

hesitate to do any act, however horrible, for the sake

of the food.

The next higher birth is, though better, as a human

being in a family with material sources but without an

inclination towards spirituality. He will be only

after acquiring more and more wealth. This birth also

will not help him to turn towards the Lord unless he

happens to meet some good soul to guide him in a

proper way, even if it is in the later part of his


Still more fortunate souls are those who happen to be

born in a family which is already devoted to the Lord.

This will help him to acquire the right knowledge

right from the start of his life. This is indicated by

SwAmi Desikan:


“kAlakramattAlE, puNyasheelar kulangkaLilE,” -- as

the time passes, in virtuous families.


As the time passes, such souls who had began their

journey on the spiritual path in their previous

births, will be born in highly evolved families which

have been for some generations involved in the service

of the Lord. Here also, it is through the Lord’s

grace, such births take place. Once, the soul is

firmly on this right path, the Lord leads him further

in such a way that the relationship between the two

turn into an unbreakable tie.

SwAmi Desikan quotes a few words from a pAsuram of

SrI nammAzhvAr to specify the mental position of such

a soul, “ennudai nannencam”. Let us see the whole



“ennai nekizhkkilum ennudai nalnencan

tannai akalvikkat tAnum killAn ini

pinnai nedumpaNait tOL makizh peedudai

munnai amarar muzhumutlAnE.” (TiruvAimozhi, 1-7-8)


(Even if He thinks of leaving me because of my mean

qualities, He cannot leave me. He cannot throw out my

heart in which He has gained an entry. Because, the

Lord is fond of His devotees, as He has been so with

regard to the nitya sooris since unknown time, and

also because He enjoys embracing the long bamboo-like

arms of nappinnai PirAtti, whose servant my heart has



How the AzhvAr is sure about that the Lord will not

leave him? He is frank in admitting that he is of the

meanest nature. Then, how is the AzhvAr confident to

speak like this? If we know what happened earlier

which the AzhvAr himself describes in the previous

verse, this will not be a surprise for us.


The AzhvAr says, (in TiruvAimozhi, 1-7-7), “I was not

interested to keep Him in my heart. In fact, I didn’t

open my heart for His entry. But, by deceit, He made

an entry into my heart and occupied it on His own. He

captivated me by revealing His virtuous qualities and

actions and stick to my body in which I had great

attachment. After He became attached to my soul and is

sticking to it, will I be able to drive Him out?”


In the same way, the Lord attracts us for a reason

known only to Him and stays in our hearts as His

abode. As a result, our hearts have become purified

and become His servants. Hence, He will not leave us

nor can we allow Him to leave. The tie between us has

become strong and cannot be broken by either Him or



The message here is that, He has conferred a favour

on us in this manner for some reason, which may be a

good act we might have done accidentally and with out

knowing that it was a good act.


SwAmi Desikan next quotes from another pAsuram of SrI


“izhai nalla Akkai” ennumpadi; Let us see the full

text pf the pAsuram:


“ezhanaNNi nAmum nam vAnanAdanodu onRinOm

pazhananal nAraik kuzhAngkAL, payinRennini

izhainalla Akkaiyum paiyavE puyakkaRRatu

tazhainalla inbam talaippeitu engkum tazhaikkavE.”

(TiruvAimozhi, 9-5-10)


(I have decided to rise up to go near Him and joined

Him, Who is the Lord of SrIvaikuNta. Oh, Cranes

wandering in the fields! What are you all going to

achieve by discussing among yourselves about torturing

me? My body, precious like a jewel, has slowly and

steadily made way for my progress. Let the world

flourish with happiness!)


Here, the AzhvAr expresses the final decision of the

Lady-love who has been suffering in this world before

the link she got with the Lord. Now, she is clear in

her mind that the future is going to be very good as

she is fully established with Him. Since He is the

Lord of SrIvaikuNta, she has the surety of reaching

there to be with Him eternally. Then, all the

sufferings she has undergone are over. No one can

torture her anymore.

As stated by SrI nammAzhvAr, the Lord has conferred

on the soul this favour.

SwAmi Desikan explains:




sanghatTip-pittatuvum;” ---


As the Lady-love, whose words were quoted above,

those who got births in virtuous families, are now

determined to proceed on the lines drawn by the Lord.

They have attained the stage congenial to perform

self-surrender at the feet of the Lord. They are now

ready to offer themselves to the Lord.

So, the Lord also provides them with the appropriate

instruments to enable them to progress on the path

further. The instruments are nothing special. They

are the same physique, sense organs and other limbs.

But they are of sAttvika quality. This quality is

essential for a person who wants to proceed on the

spiritual path. Then only he can succeed in his

efforts without being diverted by bad persons or by

materialistic thoughts. Otherwise, he will again fall

into the cycle of births and re-births in this mundane

world. The Lord has done this favour of linking them

with a virtuous body and instruments like sensual

organs which will be obedient to his intellect and the

determined mind.


(To continue)


Anbil S.SrInivAsan








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