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SrI UpakAra Sangraham Part - 55

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SrI upakAra sangraham – 55


adikAram – 1

poorva upakAra paramparai

(The Foremost Series of Favours)


SECTION – 5 (12)

(27 Favours of the Lord leading to the means for




After making the jIvas not to be attracted by the

dazzling theories of various religious systems which

either fall outside the arena of Vedas or those which

claim to be Vedic but not fully following the Vedic

tenets, the Lord now tries to enhance the qualities of

the favourable jIvas. Keeping this in mind Swami

Desikan states the next favour conferred by the Lord:


(12) “advESha-Abhimukhya-ngaLait tantatuvum;” – making

them to be without enmity but to be favourable towards



For the Lord, all beings are equal. He does not show

any discrimination among the jIvas. Generally, He does

not have likes and dislikes. At same time it does not

mean that He treats His ardent devotees like that. He

shows greater affection for those devotees who cannot

remain without thinking of Him even for a moment.


Sometimes a situation arises, when a devotee having a

great devotion for Him develops enmity towards others

by mistake, He steps in to correct them to give up the

enmity and become friendly to them. This is yet

another favour done by the Lord, says SwAmi Desikan in

this sub-section.


In His incarnation as SrI rAma, at least on two

occasions, He counselled His associates against

showing enmity and made them friendly towards others.


In the Chitrkoota, where SrI RAma and Sri Seeta were

enjoying the scenic beauty and the MaNdAkini river,

SrI RAma saw a huge dust raising in the skies at a

distance and all of a sudden herds of elephants

running helter-skelter in various directions following

a huge noise. He asked LakShmaNa to find out the

cause for this. LakShmaNa climbed up a sal tree and

found that a large army thick with elephants, horses,

chariots and foot-soldiers approaching that area. He

informed SrI rAma that Bharata, having secured the

throne of Ayodhya, was coming to kill both SrI rAma

and himself. He suggested that both should arm

themselves and destroy the army along with Bharata.

SrI rAma, however, pacified LakShmaNa who was looking

belligerent towards Bharata. He spoke to him:


“pituh satyam prtishrutya hatvA bharatamAhavE /

kim kariyiShyAmi rAjyEna sApvAden lakShmaNa // ”

(AyodhyakANda, 97-3)


(Oh LakShmaNa! Having decided to implement the pledge

of my father and killed Bharata in an encounter, what

shall do with a kingdom stained with infamy?)


“nahi tE niShturam vAcyO bharatO nApriyam vacah /

aham hyapriyamuktah syAm bharatasyapriyE krutE //”

(AyOdhyAkANda, 97-15)


(Bharata should never be spoken harshly to nor should

unkind words be addressed to him. If any offence is

given to Bharata, indeed it would mean that I am told

unpleasant things.)


“yadi rAjyasya hEtOstvamimAm vAcam prbhAShasE /

vakShyAmi bharatam druShtvA rAjyam asmai prdeeyatAm

//” (AyOdhya. 97-17)


(If you utter these words of killing him for the sake

of sovereignty, I shall speak to Bharata to let the

kingdom be given away to you.)


SrI rAma further says, “if I ask Bharata to do so, he

will surely accept my command.” Immediately, LakShmaNa

got down from the top of the tree and stood by the

side of SrI rAma with joined palms.

Thus the Lord removes the feeling of hatred in the

minds of His devotees.


On another occasion, when VibheeShaNa, along with his

four attendants, came to the camp of SrI rAma to seek

protection, Sugreeva was the first to see them. He

thought VibheeShaNa had come to kill all of them.

VibheeShaNa told Sugreeva that he was seeking SrI

rAma as a refuge and requested him to communicate his

request to the SrI rAma.


Hearing his appeal Sugreeva indignantly submitted to

SrI rAma in the presence LakShmaNa that VibheeShaNa

with four demons had come from RAvaNa’s side with a

plan of killing all in the name seeking refuge. SrI

rAma asked the leaders of monkeys, JAmbavAn and others

to tell their views about admitting VibheeShaNa in

their camp. Every one spoke against VibheeshaNa and

advised SrI rAma refuse shelter to him. Hanuman,

however, informed the group that VibheeShaNa appeared

to be good person as he saw him advising RAvaNa to

release Seeta immediately when he was in Lanka.

After hearing them all, Sri rAma gave his opinion. He

said they were speaking so being devoted to His

welfare and said,


“Mitra bhAvEna samprAptam na tyajEyam kathamcana /

dOShO yadyapi tasya syAt satAmEtadagarhitam // ”

(YuddhakANda, 18-3)


(I cannot refuse to receive under ay circumstances him

who has come to me in a friendly spirit. Even if there

is any wickedness in him, his acceptance is not

reprehensible in the eyes of good people.)

His advice is that no sAttvik person will turn

another away in enmity. Even if that person is really

a bad character, the sAttvika should not show enmity

towards that person who has approached him with a

request. To convince them, SrI rAma gave a beautiful

lecture explaining the dharma of giving access to one

who has come with a plea of safety. He finally told



“sakrudEva prapannAya tavAsmeeti ca yAcatE /

abhayam sarvabhootEbhyO dadAmyEtad vratam mama //”

“Anayainam harishrEShta dattamasyAbhayam mayA /

vibheeShaNO vA yadi rAvaNah svayam //”

(YuddhakANda, 18-33,34)


(I guarantee security against all living beings to him

who comes to me only once and seeks protection, saying

‘I am Yours’; such is My vow. Bring him hither, Oh

Sugreeva! Be he VibheeShaNa or rAvaNa himself,

security has already been granted in his favour by


After hearing SrI rAma’s opinion, Sugreeva spoke in

praise of SrIrAma. Addressing Him, he said, “You are

the knower of what is right. What wonder, You have

spoken right, full of goodness as You are and devoted

to the path of virtuous.”


This is yet another favour done by the Lord to

further refine His devotees by setting an example by

Himself. This is the message which SwAmi Desikan

conveys by this sub-section.


(To continue)


Anbil S. SrInivAsan










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