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SrI UpakAra Sangraham Part - 62

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SrI upakAra sangraham – 62


adikAram – 1

poorva upakAra paramparai

(The Foremost Series of Favours)


SECTION – 5 (19)

(27 Favours of the Lord leading to the means for




After showing how the Lord helps us in NOT being

inattentive, while learning at the feet of a

sadAchArya, true to His name, “HriSheekEshah” (the

Lord of the sense-organs), SwAmi Desikan now points

out yet another favour done by Him:


(19) Thirumanthiram muthalAn ceeriya shabdangkaLaic

cevippaduththi, chinthAmal koLLumpadi paNNinathuvum;


The perfect attention in the discourses is possible

only by controlling our sense-organs, particularly

j~nAnEndriyas (sense-organs of knowledge), and still

particular, the organs of sight and sound. During the

discourse, our eyes should be fixed on the AchArya’s

eye and our ears should be kept sharp-tuned to receive

the sound waves coming out of the AchArya’s lips.

Whenever some diversion takes place, we should

immediately utter the name as a mantra: “Ohm

HriSheekEshAya namah” and then, He will take care of

us and ensure that our mind is nailed to the AchArya’s


Only when we are able to keep our mind and the

sense-organs steady, we will be fir to receive higher

knowledge which is indicated in this sub-section by

SwAmi Desikan.

What is that higher knowledge is also referred to by

SwAmi Desikan:

“Thirumanthiram muthalAn ceeriya shabdangkaLaic

cevippaduththi,” --

Making us hear the excellent verbal authorities,

“Thirumanthiram” etc.

There are three rahasyas starting with the

“Thirumanthiram”. The other two are: “Dvayam” and

“Caramaslokam”. These three mantras are uttered by the

AchArya into the ear of the disciple at the time of

formally enlisting him as a SrIvaiShnava. These

mantras have to be retained fully in the heart by the

disciple, who should recite them repeatedly every day

after self-purification. This is what SwAmi Dsikan

says in these words:

“chinthAmal koLLumpadi paNNinathuvum;” -- The Lord

helps the jIvas to retain these highest mantras

without spilling even a letter or phonetic.

As these have to be learnt from the AchArya directly

face-to-face, they are not explained here


Thus, SwAmi Desikan speaks about another favour done

by the Lord to the sAttvik jIvas to take another step

towards Him.


(To continue)


Anbil S.SrInivAsan







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