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Ubhaya VedAntham : Part II

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The Upanishads celebrate the five guNams of Sriman NaarAyaNa ( Para Brahman)

as : Sathyathvam , Jn~Anathvam , Ananthathvam , Aanandhathvam and Amalathvam.


When one comprehends the Lord through these five guNams ( auspicious

attributes) , one can recognize His Sarva VilakshaNathvam ( being different

than all chEtanams and achEtanams) . These are the Svaroopa Niroopaka

dharmams for the lakshaNam(defining marks) of Iswaran . Our AchAryAs

( Swamy AlavanthAr and Udayavar ) have underlined the bhEdams

( differences) between Iswaran and the other two tattvams ( ChEtanams and



" SvAdheena thrividha chEtanAchEtana svaroopa sTithi pravrutthi bhEdam "


Swamy Desikan's Srimath Rahasya Thraya Saaram and other rahasya

granthams do not cite Upanishad /Sruthi Vaakyams as PramANams for

these five guNams , which one would normally expect . He cites instead

AzhwAr's aruLiccheyalkaLs as Tamizh MaRaikaL ( Tamil Vedams).Since

members of all the four varNams (Men and Women ) can study these

rahasya granthams , Srimath Azhagiya Singar concludes that Swamy

Desikan Quoted the divine pasurams of AzhwArs as the clinching PramAnams .

We must remember that Swamy Desikan defended twice the equality of

Tamil Vedams with the Sanskrit Sruthis , once at Kaanchi and another time

at Srirangam in front of BhagavAn . The Lords of Kaanchi and

Srirangam approved the defense of Tamil MaRais by

Swamy Desikan , that Samskrutha Upanishad as well as

DhramidOpanishad are celebrating the same Brahma

Svaroopam Srimath Azhagiya Singar ( HH the 45th Pattam

Srimath Azhagiya Singar ) gives plenty of instances that

connect the Svaroopa Niroopaka dharmams of Brahman

celebrated in Sruthi Vaakyams to their counterparts in

AzhwAr's aruLiccheyalkaL to illustrate the links between

the two VedAnthams. adiyEn will cover these aspects

in subsequent postings.


Daasan , V.Sadagopan

Srimath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi





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