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Thirucchandhaviruttham- 2nd verse- aaya maayanE!

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


[Thanks for your appreciation on the first verse

through private emails.]

After singing the tattvarUpi Sriman Narayanan in first

verse, AzhwAr goes on to sing the HitharUpi Sriman

Narayanan and says: it is difficult to get to

comprehend the HitharUpi… and glorifies Him min second

verse. [Hitham- the way]


aaRumaaRu maaRumaay

Orainthumainthu mainthumaay,

ERuseeri raNdumoonRu

mEzhumaaRu mettumaay,

vERuvERu NYaanamaagi

meyyinodu poyyumaay,

ooRodOsai yaayavainthu

maaya aaya maayanE! (2)


On most wonderful Ascharya purushA! Lord! The

mysterious One! Who can comprehend You! Who is the

five (rupa, rasa, sparsa, gandha, sabda – read 1st

verse for explanation); who is the Truth and also is

Not the Truth (as per VaidIka matham and the vEda

bAhya matham- avaidIka mathams); who is the GREATEST

hitham (of one, three, six, eight ways); who is also

two ways;


Let us understand from Sri UttamUr Swamy's wonderful

explanation as to what these numbers signify- what all

they can mean:... amazingly numerous...


Hitham (ways) are basically anushtAnam and jnAnams.


For the GREAT Yogi AzhwAr, all these numbers would

have appeared in his front and he would have sung. For

us, it can only an inference- says Sri UttamUr Swamy

and hence Swamy lists various combinations of these..

for our enjoyment (Sri UttamUr Swamy only could infer

all of them)


Aindhu- The five- Pancha prANAhUthigaL- (praaNa,

apAnam, vyAnam, udhAnam and samAnam OR vadhIkaagnis

(fire manintained by VadIkas-

Gaarhapathyam, Ahavaneeyam, dhakshiNAgni, sapyam,



OR as mentioned in muNdaka Upanishad- aupAsanam,

agnihOthram, darsanapooNamasangaL, chaathurmaasyams,

agraYanam- nithyakarmas.


OR the VaiswadEvam, dEvayagnam, pithruyagnam,

bhUthayagnam, manujshayagnam.


OR the pancha kaala prakriyai- abhigamanam, upAdhAnam,

IjyA, swAdhyAyam, and Yogam


ARu- Six- yajanam, yaajanam, adhyayanam, adhyApanam,

dhAnam, prathigraham as ordained for Brahmins.

OR kshathriyas’ yajanam, adhyayanam, dhAnam,

karagrahaNam (tax from citizens- personal tax),

raajyagrahNam (from other kingdoms- under His rule-

corporate tax?), dharmeeka yuddham (battles)


VaishyAs’ six: yajanam, adhyayanam, dhAnam, making

profits on business; farming, cattle breed etc..


OR karmaanushtAna rudhus- the six seasons;


IRANDU- (two), jnAna vairAgyam (Knowledge and

detachment) (OR karma jnAna yOgam as prelude to

Bhakthi Yogam

moonRu Three- Aishwarya, kaivalya, mOksham (wealth,

realizing the jeevathmA and enjoyment of the same as

the ultimate; and enjoyment of Absolute Bliss at

Paramapadham at His Feet serving Him as well

eternally) OR ananya sEshathva- ananya upAyathva and

ananya prayOjanathva (means: being a servant and dasan

to Only Him and none else; considering His lotus feet

alone as the path and nothing else; and serving and

enjoying Him alone as the fruit and nothing else)

yEzhu (seven)- vivEkam, vimOkam, abhyAsam, kriyA,

kalyANa, anavasAdha, anuddhrsha (as mentioned in Sri

Bhashyam- says Sri UttamUr Swamy]


Arum ettumaay- six and eight

Six- the six anga (including the angi) prapatti (or


Eight- the eight angAs of AshtAnga yOgic bhakti..

(Thus six is mentioned before eight meaning- prapatti

is also an angam of Bhakti yogam…)


OR Six may mean: jnAna, bhakti, bhala, aishwarya,

veerya, shakthi and thEjas (eight Gunas of Bhagawaan-

Sriman Narayanan)

Eight may mean: apahathapaapmathvam (not touched by

imperfections of the chith and achith – jeevan and

matter); vijarathva, vimruthyuthva, visOkathva,

Vijighatsatva (meaning - free from hunger (pasi in

Tamil)); apipAsathva (meaning: free from thirst),

sathyakAmathva, sathyasankalpathva- of Sriman



[i did not understand these eight words when I read

the commentary and Sri MS Hari Swamin of Singapore

helped me with the explanation and vyAkhyAnam as



" apahatapApmA vijarO vimrutyu: viSOkO

vijighatsO-apipAsa: satya-kAma: satya sankalpa: " is a

Sruti vAkyam. The spelling (As per Sanskrit) for the

words must be noted as vijighatsO & apipAsa:


These 8 words denotes a set of eight guNams. paramAtma

SrIman nArAyaNan is free from sin, old-age, death,

sorrow, hunger and thirst. He has ubhaya-vibhUtis (he

is the SEshi of ubhaya vibhUtis) and satya-sankalpa.


vijighatsO & apipAsa: denotes that he is free from

hunger and thirst.

In summary, this vAkyam says that SrIman nArAyaNan is

akhila-hEya pratyaneeka and has ananta-kalyANa-guNams.

apahatapApmA vijarO vimrutyu: viSOkO

vijighatsO-apipAsa: denotes that the Lord is free

from evils like sin, old-age, death, sorrow, hunger

and thirst. He is therefore akhila-hEya pratyaneeka.

The remaining portion denotes that the Lord has


[Thanks to Sri Hari for his elaboration]

vERu vERu jnAnamaay – bAhya kuthrushtis… non-vedic and

avaidIka religions distort vedic statements and

interpret in different manner violating some or all of

vedic statements. Their statements and knowledge is

referred to here.


meyyiNodu poyyumAy- EmperumAN Sriman Narayanan is

there right in front of the sincere devotees and NOT

there for others… (agalil agalum; AND patthudaiyaarkku

eLiyan; piRarkku ariya vitthagan; yaarumOr nilamaiyan

ena aRivariya EmperumAn* yaarumOr nilamaiyan ena

aRiveLiya emperumAn))


ooROdAsaiAya aindhum- Sparsa (touch), sabdham (sound),

plus roopa (form), rasa , gandham thus making five

[there are five subtle elements (tanmaathrAs)- these

are sound (sabda), touch (sparsa), form or sight

(roopa), taste (rasa) and smell (gandha). These subtle

elements are intermediate stages between two gross (or

basic elements- Bhuthas) like earth, water etc. [this

is what described above by AzhwAr].


We experience these. i.e. sound, touch, form, taste

and smell through out indriyas (senses) i.e. ear,

skin, eye, mouth and nose. These are called jnAna

indriyas. We hear sound through our ears, etc…(and get

jnAnam- knowledge about the subject). ]


Sri UttamU Swamy also adds: (in his commentary)


ARu- (Six) Saankhyam, yOgam, nyAyam, vaisEshikam,

jaimineeyam, vaiyAsikam- such vaidIka darsanas; OR

Chaarvaakam, jainam, and sauthrAnthika, vaibhAshika,

yOgAchAra, maadhyAthmika- four Buddhist subsects;

OR sikshai, vyAkaraNam, chandha, niurttham,

jyOthisham, kalppam, - Vedaangas;


Aindhu (Five)- four Vedas and ekAyana saakai; OR

dharma saasthras namely, smruthi, gruhya sUthras,

ithihaasas, puraaNas, paancharAthra etyc.. OR

vaartthai, dhaNdaneethi, Ayurveda, dhanurvEda,

gaandharvam etc..,


moonRu (three)- rik, yajur, saama manthras..

yEzhu- (seven)- vidhi, artthavaadham, manthram,

naamadEyam, nishEdham, AraNyakam, Upanishad etc..,


Aindhu- Prakriti, nithyavibhUthi, kaalam, chEthana,

dharmabhUtha jnAnam etc..


There is also a different way of interpretations: (as

per Sri UttamUr Swamy]


Arum Arum ARumaay (6+6+6) - the eighteen purANAs-

Eindhu (5)- bhAratha, Ramayanam, meemAmsam,

dharmasaasthram and VaikAnasam.

Aindhu (5)- jyOthisham, vyavahAram, praAyacchittham,

chikithsakam, yOgam.

Aindhu (5)- the six angAs (minus jYothisham

IraNdu (2)- Veda, yEkAyanam

moonRu (3)- nruttha, geetha vaadhyam

yEzhu- (7)- Saankhyam, vaisHsehika, jainam, plus four

Buddhist subsects

ARu- (6)-

Yettum (8- kaapAlam, kaaLAmukam, Saivam, Paasupatham-

four pasuapath matham.. plus four paancharaathra

siddhAntham namely, Agama siddhAntham, manthra

sidhhAntham, thanthra siddhAntham and thanthrAnthara



Thus some are non vedic and some are veidc and hence

some are accepted by Vedanthins and others are not and

hence are veR vERu jnAnamaagi meyyinOdu poyyinaay..


ARu- (six)- [Thus Sri UttamUr Swamy continues to

interpret these in many different manners as they are

to lead us towards the tattva hitha purushaartthams…

Sri UttamUr Swamy continues to list numerous

combinations and it is amazing to read even the lists

of these contemplated by AzhwAr when he wrote and also

interpreted by Abhinava dEsika Sri UttamUr Swamy..-

Swamy adds that there can be many more such lists and

all these need to be learnt from Vedaanthins who have

learnt saasthras formally. Let us proceed with the

next pAsuram.. ]


Thirumazhisai AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana







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