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Bhagavatgita a detailed study-chapter3-karmayoga

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25.sakthaaH karmaaNi avidhvaamso yaThaa kurvanthi


kuryaath vidhvaan thaThaa asakthaH chikeershuH

loka sangraham


Just as the ignorant do the actions with attachment the wise should act without attachment wishing only the welfare of the world.

Vidhvaan- The normal meaning of the word is `learned one.' But here it is not mere learning that is indicated because of the adjective asakthaH which means one who is detached. So it means the enlightened one to whom it has been said earlier that there is no work need to be done.

avidvaamsaH- again this word meaning ignorant, refers to the one who is well versed in the sastras but has attachment to the result of the actions ordained in the Vedas and do them with faith but desiring the result.

The actions of the two kinds of men described above are similar as both do them with faith and sincerity but the vidhvaan does them without attachment and for the welfare of the world and the other does it and with attachment to the result of his actions.

It is partly in answer to Arjuna's question in the seccnd chapter of the Gita, `sthithadheeh kim prabashetha samaaseetha vrajetha kim', " How does a sthitha prajna speaks, acts and lives," Krishna now says, Sakthaah karmanyavidhvaamso yathaa kurvanthi bhaaratha kuryaathvidhvaan thathaasakthah chikeershshurlokasangraham, the enlightened one would act in exactly the same way as an unenlightened but without attachment.

But should not the wise teach the unwise to be detached? The answer is no and this is explained in the next sloka.


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