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Padhuka Sahasram-986

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


986. moULoU sThithA maKhaBhujAmaThavA shruthInAm

thadhrangarAjacharaNAvani! VaIBhavam thE

asmAdhrushAmapi yadhi praThitham thatha: syAth

soUlaBhyamamba! Thadhidham thava sArvaBhoUmam


Oh Mother, Ranganatha Paaduka! You sit on the heads of the Devas;

also on the head of the Vedas (You become the meaning of Vedanta).

Such a Deity surprisingly sits on the heads of persons like me. Yes,

it should be interpreted as the Sowlabhya quality (easy

accessibility to the high as well as the lowly) that manifests with

respect to all beings.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 986


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: After describing the benefits

accruing from the service to the PaadhukAs , Swamy Desikan

celebrates now his good fortune in having ease of access to the

PaadhukAs in this verse. He says : " Oh Rangaraja PaadhukE ! You rest

on the heads of DevAs , who accept the offerings from the YaagAs

(ritual sacrifices); better than that, You adorn the heads of

Upanishads, the heads of the VedAs. Therefore, Your glory is

many fold. The fact that You also rest on the heads of lowly ones

such as myself demonstrates your auspicious attributes known as

readiness of access to the low or mighty (Soulabhyam).


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam:My Mother PaadhukE protecting

the sacred feet of the Lord of Srirangam ! How can I describe Your

soulabhyam ? The eternally liberated ones (nithyAs) and the newly

libreated ones ( mukthAs) celebrate the combination of Your soulabhya

guNam along with Your happy state of union with Your Lord's

Thiruvadi as abhinnai (in an inseperable state). Concerned that this

recognition by the MukthAs would not help others outside Parama

Padham, You lent Yourself to become the object of praise by

Upanishads. Still You were worried about all the others in SamsAra

MaNDalam, who were not able to access You and joined therefore Your

Lord in archAvathAram to address that need. Now You made every one

in Parama padham and this world fit objects of Your limiless DayA .

You became clearly visible to us all with our physical eyes right

here at Srirangam. You stay on our heads and also accept our meagre

AarAdhanams. I am overcome by the depth of Your soulabhyam that

uplifts every one .


3) Oh Mother PaadhukE protecting the sacred feet of the Lord of

Srirangam (hE Ambha ! hE RangarAja charaNAvani ) ! You are used to

being on the heads of DevAs, who partake Havis from Yaj~nams ( Thvam

makhabhujAm mouLou sTithA). You are otherwise seen on the heads of

Veda Siras ( Upanishds), which reveal the most subtle TatthvArTams

and PurushArTams (aTa vaa srutheenAm mouLou sTithA ). As if this

were not enough, Your Vaibhavam is meditated upon by the nithyAs and

MukthAs in Parama Padham (tE vaibhavam tath). After that, Your

limitless dayA pravAham reaches out to even unfit and

helpless ones struggling in this samsAric world ( tatha: tath idam

soulabhyam asmAdhrasAmapi pravahathi). It becomes well known to all

jeevaraasis (tava Soulabhayam Saarvabhoumam praTitham syAth)...(V.S).

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