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Bhagavatgita a detailed study- chapter 11-cosmic form

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Bhagavatgita – Chapter11- The

Cosmic form


arjuna uvaacha



paramam guhyam


yathvayaa uktham vachaH

thena moho ayam vigatho mama



what has been said so far by you about the most profound knowledge of the self

out of mercy for me, my delusion is gone.



this point onwards Arjuna is transformed from a friend of Krishna to a great devotee. He realizes the magnificence of the Lord who

stood before him as Vasudevakrishna and becomes awestruck with the profundity

of what has been said so far. The delusion of Arjuna ,which he says is gone, is not that due to ignorance of reality which

goes only when the brahmajnana is acquired. But it is the wrong conception he

has had so far of the self by identifying himself with the body, mind and



2. bhavaapayayou hi

bhoothaanaam Sruthou vistharaSo mayaa

thvatthaH kamalapathraaksha

maahaathmyam api cha




origin and dissolution of all beings, and the imperishable glory of the divine

was heard by me in detail from you., Oh lotus-eyed one.



now knows that the origin , sustenance and dissolution of all beings is by the Lord only. He also understood that the Lord is

in everything by the narration of the divine manifestations.



Krishna is addressed by Arjuna as Kamalapathraaksha,

one with eyes like the petals of Lotus. Kam means to wish or to love. Kamala

is also the word for water because it is desired by all. The eyes of the Lord

is loved by all and also it is full of love. This agrees with the statement in

the previous sloka madhanugrahaaya , "out of mercy or love for me " of



3.evam ethath yaThaa aaTha thvam aathmaanam



dhrashtum icChaami the roopam aiSvaram purushotthama



being so, as you have said yourself, I wish to see your cosmic form, Oh Supreme




has understood by now the immanence of the Lord and also that He transcends His

manifestations and pervades all, which is only

a fraction of Him. Next Arjuna is impelled with curiosity to see the

transcendent form of the Lord. He knows well that it cannot be fulfilled just

by asking and implores the Lord to show his grace in the next sloka.


4. manyase yadhi thath

Skyam mayaa dhrashtum ithi prabho


yogeSvara thatho me thvam dharSaya

aathmaanam avyayam



you think that it could be seen by me , the master of yogis, show Yourself as

the imperishable self.



knows that without the will of the Lord He could not be seen or understood. As

the Lord Himself has said in the last chapter He only gives the wisdom to

understand Him. Arjuna did not know whether he had the necessary qualifications

to see the Cosmic form. Perhaps he thought that he has already been blessed by what Krishna told him so long and the Lord may or may not grant this wish. Hence

he asks Krishna to show him the cosmic form if he has the capacity

to see it. If the Lord wills anything

may happen.







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