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SipiviSTa: nAmam

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SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

Dear SrI VaishNavas,


A SrI VishNava had questioned me in a private mail on the name " SipiviSTa: " of

VishNu. Someone seems to have told him that it means " SipiviSTa: or Sipivishta

means bald " . He also reffered

sahasranAmam. This name occurs in shasranama also. Based on taittriya

samhita, yagnyO vai VishNu, paSava: Sipi: yagnya Eva paSusu pratitishTati,

Yagnyam is existing in cows.

One who has entered into them and doing sAnidhyam is SipiviSTa: who is

VishNu. Elsewhere it is held that Si is said to denoted water. The

kiraNams (Rays of sun) consume water and it is called Sipi. As VishNu

has entered into the kiraNams, he is called SipiviSTa:


I will write more about this nAmam from bhagavath guNa darpaNam (of SrImath

parASara bhaTTar) also this weekend. This nAma's meaning is also

mentioned in divya prabandams.


Thanks & Regards,

naidhruva mAdabhUshi S. HARI rAmAnuja dAsan (mshari)

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