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Silver Jubilee Celebration at Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan Ashramam

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha


Adiyen wishes to salute AsmadAcharyan's Sarva BhUta Daya and remember

with gratitude the MahOpakAram bestowed upon adiyen. H.H. Sri

Paravakottai Andavan Swami blessed adiyen with Prapatti many years

back. Upon receiving Prapatti adiyen truly felt wedded to the Divya

Dampatis through H.H. Prior to granting Prapatti, H.H. instructed

adiyen to perform Sethu snanam at TirupullaNi. H.H. described with

great attention to detail, the route from Srirangam to TirupullaNi,

pointing out the places of significance to Lord Narayana along the

way. H.H. very affectionately described the Kaimkaryam of

Tirukoshtiyur nambi, when focussing on the Kshetram of


H.H. also informed adiyen of the place at TirupullaNi, from where

adiyen could partake of Perumal Prasadam after performing Sethu

Snanam. Adiyen was immensely moved by the overbearing concern of H.H.

for every aspect of adiyen's welfare. Adiyen's return to Srirangam


delayed by a few hours since we lost our way. Consequently, it was

10.30 pm when adiyen reached the Ashramam. Adiyen was shocked to see

H.H. waiting with concern at the entrance to the Ashramam. Adiyen

entered the ashramam with the words " apacharam apacharam " (for


so much concern to H.H.and keeping him awake at that late hour of the

night) on his lips. H.H. smilingly remarked " I just now came out of

the Ashramam upon hearing the noise of the car. I was not waiting

outside all along. " Adiyen was overwhelmed upon experiencing the

Vatsalyam of H.H. The term Vatsa denotes a calf. A cow that has just

given birth to a calf is called " Dhenu " . The affection of a Dhenu for

its Vatsa is known as Vatsalyam. It is an understatement to say that

H.H. exudes Vatsalyam at all times for all of Shishyas and

Abhimanis..In this context, adiyen is reminded of the

KaNNinunsiruthAmbu salutation " tirutthi paNikoLvAn " as he corrects

the faults of his Shishyas.


As adiyen was getting ready to leave for Bangalore the day after

receiving Prapatti, a Swami belonging to a pre-eminent Srivaishnava

lineage came up to H.H . and submitted a request for Prapatti.

Adiyen is reproducing verbatim the conversation between H.H. and

this supplicant (AP) below, which illustrates the compassion, and

concern of H.H. for the well being of the latter:


H.H. " Before we proceed with the discussion on Prapatti I want to

know if you perform trikala Sandhya everyday? "

AP: " Unfortunately, I do not do this "

H.H. " How did this happen? "

AP: " I was engaged in work and therefore did not have the time to do

this "

H.H. " Now you have retired can you not do this? "

AP: " Adiyen "

H.H. " One who is bereft of Sandhya is steeped in nithya ashuchi and

therefore is unfit for any Vaidhika Karma. The Gayathri mantram is a

pre-requisite for all Veda parayanam. Therefore, a person bereft of

sandhyavandanam is precluded from uttering any Vedic prayers. A

janma chandala is one, who is engaged in work at cremation grounds.

Consequently, he is not required to perform sandhyavandanam.

However, one who gives up the nitya karma of Sandhyavandanam is

verily a karma Chandala. Partaking of food is also a Vedic ritual.

Therefore, one who gives up Sandhyavandam becomes unfit even to

consume food! "


H.H. continued " When gruhasthas come to prostrate before me, I

advise the ladies that they can get BrAhmaNithvam only if their

husbands possess BrAhmaNathvam. This is possible only by performance

of Sandhyavandanam. Therefore, after your husband finishes his

morning bath do not offer him a cup of coffee. Instead, give him a

shombu full of water to perform Sandhyavandanam. Again when he

returns from work in the evening do not offer him coffee. Give him

the shombu full of water for performing Sandhyavandanam. "


H.H. " The most precious gift you can give to a friend/relative in

dire need is the safeguarding of their BrAhmaNathvam. When they are

unable to perform Sandhyavandanam due to being indisposed, offer

arghyam on their behalf and perform Sandhyavandanam. This simple act

is worth more than the most expensive of gifts that you can offer.

Performance of Sandhyavandanam confers the benefit of worshipping

Lord Narayana through the rendition of the three Vedas. Mastering

the three Vedas is an extremely arduous task. However, the simple

act of performing thrikAla sandhya readily confers this lofty

benefit. Need I say more about the importance of performing

Sandhyavandanam? "


H.H. continued " You belong to a pre-eminent Srivaishnava lineage

that has the rights to mudhal thIrtham at a famous dhivya desham.

Your ancestors were renowned for their austere practices. Therefore,

you should conform to this tradition and have the necessary

anushtanam to go with the rights to mudhal thIrtham. Do you read

Sanskrit or Tamil? "


AP: " Tamil "


H.H. then gave this Swami a Tamil book containing the procedure for

Sandhyavandanam and advised him " Read this book and start practicing

trikala Sandhavandanam right away. Come back after 10 days and I

will ask you the Sandhyavandana mantrams. Upon satisfactorily

completing this procedure, we can discuss the matter of your

receiving Prapatti "


In this entire conversation, there was not a trace of anger on the

face of H.H. Instead throughout there was a genuine concern for the

well-being of the supplicant.


Adiyen wishes to remember this experience with H.H. in the context

of Swami

Desikan's Hayagriva Stotram salutation " navam navam pAtramAham

dayAyA: " Adiyen is also reminded of Swami Desikan's tribute to Daya

Devi in 108 exquisite verses of the Daya Shatakam. In verse 15 of

the Daya Shatakam, Swami Desikan

states " Oh Daya Devi ! Lord Srinivasa, the house-holder at the

Thirumalai Hill shines with His qualities of Jnana, Bala, Aishwarya,

Veerya, Sakti and the like, only because of Your presence therewith.

If only You, Daya were not present, then all His qualities

would become devalued and turn out to be mere doshas or defects. You,

Daya Devi, make Him what He is. " In the Padhuka Sahasram, Swami

Desikan glorifies the Padhukas (Swami NammAzhwar and Sadacharyas in

his line) as verily the embodiment of the Lord's Daya. Adiyen wishes

to remember H.H.'s MahOpakaram in blessing adiyen and his family with

Prapatti through these salutations of Swami Desikan and the Stotra

Ratnam salutation of Swami Alavandar, a pre-eminent Acharya, of our



Swami AlavandAr, in a mood of intense naichyanusandhanam

(self-depracation) states in the Stotra Ratnam " na Dharma nishtOsmi

na.... " However these words characterize adiyen to perfection.

Consequently, the Lord's Daya is of paramount importance to

adiyen. The most merciful Lord Narayana blessed adiyen with


sambandham- " Pesum Daivam NadamAdum Daivam " for his reformation and

redemption. The compassion exuded by H.H. is similar to the Ganges

river, which cleanses everyone that takes a bath in it regardless of

caste, creed, sex, attainment or background. H.H. is totally

non-discriminatory in the matter of granting refuge to a Prapanna.

In this respect, he is verily the " Ashrita vatsalyaIka mahOdadhE "


Such a great Mahan-an incomparable ocean of mercy, the unfailing

refuge of one in distress completes 25 years of Sanyasa Ashramam on

February 14, 2007. Adiyen requests shishyas and Abhimanis to

participate in the function planned at the Ashramam for this most

sacred occasion.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan

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