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Bhagavatgita a detailed study-chapter1

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2.dhrshtvaa thu paandavaaneekam vyooDham dhuryoDhanaH


aachaaryam upasangamya raajaa vachanam abraveeth


The king Duryodhana seeing the army of Pandavas arrayed in battle went to his guru Drona and said thus


dhuryoDhanaH- he is the eldest son of Dhrtharashtra and who was solely responsible for the outbreak of war against Pandavas by refusing to gave them their rightful share of the kingdom. The word means `one who could not easily be fought against,' dhuhkhena yodDhum SakyaH He is also known as SuyoDhana, `one who fights with ease, ' sukhena yudhyathe ithi, denoting his valour.


Paandavaaneekam vyooDham- the array of battle of Pandavas. vyooha is the particular arrangement in battle though the word also means broad or wide

Duryodhana saw the wide army of Pandavas arranged for battle and got frightened. The army of Pandavas were not as big as his own but the arrangement was made skillfully so as to make it appear wider than it was. Moreover Duryodhana knew that he was adharmik and hence on seeing the Pandava army face to face he was unnerved as the thought of dharma winning in the end must have lurked at the back of his mind.


Dhrshtvaa –seeing

Aacharyam upasangamya- went near his guru. Approached Dronacharya. Sanjaya refers to Duryodhana as raja to denote that he is the master of the whole army yet he approached Drona instead of calling him because of respect for his guru and also because once the army is assembled under the respective leaders they should not be disturbed from their assigned places which will create confusion in the army.


Vachanam abraveet-said these words.


Whole of he first chapter forms the background of Bhagavatgita, which actually starts only in the second chapter.


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