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LAST CALL : SvarNa Mantapam for Malolan , Dolai KaNNan & other ArchA Moorthys at SrI Matam : Part II

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Dear SrI Nrusimha BahkthAs:


In my previous mail , adiyEn referred to the fast moving plans to create and present a Golden Mantapam for MalOlan , Dolai KaNNan and other AarAdhana Moorthys residing presently in the Silver Mantapam built in the year 1909 C.E by HH the 39th Pattam Srimad Azhagiya Singar .


Here is the status report on the plans and progress of this Kaimkaryam coordinated by Sriman Ramani , the President of Chembur SrI Matam , Mumbay :


Phase 1 : Copper & Sheet Metal Work

on Teak Base has been completed on

Sep 30


Phase 2 : Gold Rake application : Oct 16 to Nov 25


Phase 3 : SamarpaNam of the New SvarNa Mantapam to Srimad Azhagiya Singar on His 82nd Thirunakshatram day ( December 7 , 2008) for the Abhigamana AarAdhanam .


As Nrusimha BhakthAs and SishyAs of SrI Matam , we have a once in a life time opportunity to join in this Kaimkarayam to purchase the Gold and cover the costs for the work of the Goldsmiths . Even a KunthumaNi of Gold that gets united with this Kaimakryam will provide us the opportunity to express our Krutajn~atai for the MahOpakArams of Srimad Azahgiya Singar , who serves the dhivya Paadhukais of MalOlan as a niravadhya kaimakryam .adiyEn had suggested a samarpaNam of

Ten grams of Gold ( ~275 $ ) on the basis of the price of Rs.1,200 per gram of Gold) . Your samarpaNams can be less or more . The main goal is to have as many sishyAs as possible take part in creating this new Mantapam , which will be center of all kinds of worship from Dec 7 onwards forthe next century and beyond .


Few SishyAs have responded . Since the

opportunity window will close in a week's time , adiyEn requests you to advise me of your pledges and send your samarpaNams as soon as poosible.


Your Tax deductible samarpaNams can be sent to Srihari Raghavan Swamy at

39953 Cedar Blvd , Unit #120 , Newark , CA 94560 for transmittal to SrI Matam, Chembhur for inclusion in the Kaimakryam. Please address your cheque to Sri Ahobila Muth , Inc.,


Let us now reflect on the glory of SvarNam and its links with BhagavAn's limbs and His abode by studying selected SrI VishNu Sahasra nAmams:


1. HiraNya Garbha ( 71st and 412th NaamAs) : It literally means the One who has a lovely abode ( HiraNyagarbha: Sa: prOkta: tasmin vasati ya: sadhA) . HiraNya ( Golden) is the Supreme abode and the dhravyam that goes into the construction of that abode ( Kaanchana Mantapam) is nirdhOsha ( faultless) , eternal ( nitya) and Parama Suddha Satvamayam ( free of rajO & tamO guNams).


It ( HiraNyam as dhravyam) is recognized as agreeable ( hitam) and lovely ( ramaNeeyam).This svarNam ( HiraNyam) is said to be pregnant with Him because He is there ( inside that kaanchana Mantapam) always : "tasya garbhayUta: tatra nityavAsAth " says Swamy ParAsara Bhattar .


In this context , MuNdaka Upanishad ( 2.2.10) visualizes the Golden and lovely abode of the Lord as Supreme in stature . The Upanishad salutes the Brahman residing in that world as free from any blemish ( nishkalam and niravadhyam) and shining as the most sparkling luminary among all luminaries . That Supreme Brahman is our dear Lord MalOla Narasimhan . The text of the Upanishad is :


HiraNmayE ParE lOkE virajam Brahma nishkaLam

tat Subram jyOthishAm jyOthi: tadhyath AatmavidhO vidhu:


MalOlan with golden limbs ( HemAngan : Sahasra Naamam 744) is the resident of that golden treasure ( HiraNmaya kOSam) . YajurvEda AarNayakam passage identified by Swamy ParAsara Battar in this context for us is : " tasyAm hiraNmaya kOSa: , Puram HiraNmayeem BrahmA , vivavESa AparAjitA ". Here Sruti says : " There exists in it ( Golden KoSam) the creator , whose golden city

( dhivya MaNtapam) is known as AaprAjitA ( unconquerable) ".


ChAndhOgya Upanishad ( 1.6.6) celebrates this Parabrahmam residing in that AparAjitaa abode as the dhivya , nitya , satvamayamangaLa HemAngan :

The Supreme Devan of golden hue with limbs of His body that are eternal ,divine,

and Suddha Satvamayam is seen inside this Hema kOSam . The abode and the divine resident blend thus together in dazzling golden jyOthi .


This then is the Tattvam of having a Golden Mantapm for MalOlan after 100 years of residence in the Rajata Mantapam .


Let us join in this kaimakryam YathA Sakti and declare : " adhya mE saphalam Janmaa " ( adiyEn's life today has been rendered fruitful) and bow before

Sri MalOla dhivya PaadhukA Sevakar and His AarAdhana Moorthy .


(PraNavam) Tapta Kaanchana MaNtapa VaasinE Nama:

SrImatE Sundara SimhAya Nama:

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan







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