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Desika NooRRanthadhi : Paayiram 13

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Dear Swamy Desika BhaktAs :


We will study Paayiram 13 today .


Paayiram 13:


ahaRRi vinai anaitthum antamil-tamm-seerAl

sahatthilsatirAha yemmai-uhappudanE

uyvikkum VedAntha DesikarAm uttamarai

vaimmin manam tannil vaikal


Tamm antamil seerAl vinai anaitthum pOkki= Through His limitless compassion , He removes all of our sins and


sahatthil yemmai uhappudanE satirAha uyvikkum = uplifts us in this universe happily and places us in a lofty position


(uyvikkum ) VedAntha DesikarAm uttamarai manam tannil vaikal vaimmin = Please place that great AchAryan ( Swamy VedAntha Desikan) in Your mind always.


The poet advises us to place and revere Swamy Desikan in our mind for His anugraham to remove all of our sins through His matchless compassion for us. His compassion ( KaaruNyam) is an unique auspicious attribute of Swamy Desikan. He blesses us with true Jn~Anam thru His divine works ( SrI Sooktis) and shows us the right way for our uplift . He chases away our sins and shows the means of Prapatti for our deliverance from the samsaaric ills.


Sriman V.N.Gopala Desikan cites a lot of passages from ThirukkuRaL , Swamy Desikan's AdhikAra sangraham and RaamAnuja NooRRandhAti in support of the appeal by Mannappa IyengAr to hold Swamy Desikan on a high pedestal in our minds as a

SrEshta AchAryan :


seyyaamal seytha udhavikku vaiyyahamum

vAnahamum AaRRal arithu --ThirukkuRaL 11.1


(meaning): The whole earth and the heavens will not be a proper present for those , who help us on their own , when we have not done anything for them . There is no prathyupakAram ( counter gift) for those generous and selfless people.


yERRi manatthu yezhil JN~Ana ViLakkai iruL anaitthum maaRRinavarkku oru kaimmARu Mayanum KaaNahillAn -- AdhikAra Sangraham : 38


(Meaning): For that AchAryan , who lit the lamp of true Jn~Anam in our mind and destroyed the darkness of nescience

(ajn~Anam) , even the Lord Himself would not know what would be the right kind of grateful response(pratyupakAram).


Swamy Desikan himself answers this puzzle . He says :

" pORRi uhappathum , pundhiyil koLvathum , pongu puhazh sARRi vaLarpathum--AdhikAra Sangraham 38"


(Meaning): As return for this great upakAram of the AchAryan , the grateful disciple should always feel happy to praise the AchAryan's auspicious attributes ( guNams). He should hold his AchAryan with reverence in his mind and meditate on Him.

He ( the sishyan) should spread the fame and glory of the AchAryan everywhere ( like Madhura Kavi did for Swamy NammAzhwAr ).


Sri RaamAnuja NooRRandhati-94


tavam tarum selvam tahavum tarum saliyAp-piRavi

bhavam tarum teevinai pARRit-tarum ParanthAmam yennum

tivam tarum teethil IrAmAnusan Tannaic-chArntavarkatkku

uvanthu aruntEn avan seer anRiyAn onRum uLL mahizhntE


(meaning): For those , who attain RaamAnujA , He will bless them with the gift of SaraNAgathy dharmam. He will also bless them with bhakti and grace. He will chase away the sins that land us in the ocean of SamsAram. He will present us with the Supreme Abode of the Lord, Sri Vaikuntham for them. Therefore , adiyEn will always meditate upon RaamAnujA's limitless auspicious guNams .


We hear the echos of all of the above passages in this Paayiram of Mannappa Iyengar's Desika NooRRandhAti .


Please take part in the Makara Kanti Kaimkaryam for Swamy Desikan at His avatAra stalam of ThUppul .


DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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