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Padhuka Sahasram-917

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


917. yAma: shrayanthi yAm DhatthE yaIna yAthyAya yAccha yA

yA asya mAnAya yaI vAnyA sA mAmavathu pAdhukA


May that PAADUKA protect me-

Which Vishnu takes up,

Which bears Vishnu on itself,

Which moves about because of Vishnu

Which is for Vishnu

Which originated from Vishnu for His purpose,

Which secures a respectability for Vishnu,

Which is attainable to us from (at) Vishnu


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 917: Summary of UtthamUr Swamy's special comments :


This slOkma is set up in the chithra poetry type known as

" Vivakshitha anEka naama vachanam " style. AnEka nAma

Vanchanam means the deception ( illusion) caused by

the inability to split the phrases in to their many forms through

the clever use of the seven case terminations defined by

the rules of the Sanskrit grammar.


Swamy Desikan uses the first letter of the alphabet " A "

denoting VishNu and uses all of its seven vibhakthis (case

terminations) successively. This type of use of the seven

vibhathis makes anyone stumble except Swamy Desikan ,

when they attempt to split the verse in to individual words

with appropraite meanings and ascending vibhakthis. The unique

genius of Swamy Desikan is abundantly seen in this slOkam

construction in front of Lord RanganAtha in the late hours of

the night as he races towards completion of the 1008 slOkams

of SrI RanganAtha PaadhukA Sahasram :


yAma: srayathi yAmm dhatthE yaina yAthyAya yAccha yaa

yA sya mAnAya yai vaanyA saa maamavathu PaadhukA (917)


The proper split of words is as follows: " (Yaamm A : srayathi ) ,

(Yaa Amm dhatthE ), (Yaa yEna yaathi) , (aaya Yaa) , (aath) ,

(cha) , (yaa) , ( Yaa asya maanAya ) , ( yaa ya vaanyA ) ithi



The fundamental principle behind this slOkam is the statement

" akArENOchyathE VishNu: SarvalOkEswarO Hari: " (i-e) VishNu

is represented by the letter " A " and He is the Supreme Lord

of all the worlds . The difficulty in splitting the first two words

of the slOkam ( Yaama: srayathi) is an illustration of this chithra

category of poetry recognized as " Vivakshitha anEka nAma

vanchanam " . The split of " Yaama: srayathi " in to meaningful

combination of " Yaam A: srayathi " is not at all obvious in

the beginning . Same situation is experienced in the remaining

section of this verse to fit the rules of this type of chithra

poetry .


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: What VishNu reaches out to ,

Which supports VishNu , which is moved by VishNu , which becomes

VishNu , Which becomes the possession of VishNu , Which appeared

from VishNu , Which is of utmost value to VishNu , which can be

obtained from VishNu , May the pair of that AkAra Vachyan's PaadhukAs

protect adiyEn !


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam:Oh PaadhukE ! I am of limited intellect

(aj~nan) and have no resources to protect myself ( akinchanan). I


become your object of protection (aasrithan). You on the other hand

have the Svaroopam , Sthithi and vyApAram dedicated to Your Lord


As a result , your Lord is very pleased with You and holds You dear

to Him.

You are indeed blesed. Please bless me with Tathva Jn~Anam and

Bhagavath PurushakArathvam .


3) NigaNDu states: " AkaarO VishNu vAchaka: " . The letter " A "

stands for VishNu. All the seven cases of " A " , the VishNu Vaakyam

are hidden in the seven words of this SlOkam :


a) A: yAmm srayathi = The Lord , who adorns the PaadhukAs during

His sanchAra Kaalam ..


b) Yaa Am dhatthE = The Paadhukai , which carries the Lord


c) Yaa ( PaadhukA ) yaathi = the Paadhukai which is enabled to

travel wit Him by the Lord


d) Yaa aaya = The PaadhukA , which is for the exclusive use of

the Lord ..


e) Yaa aath = The PaadhukA , which originate from Him


f) Yaa asya MaanAya = The PaadhukA , which is for His PoojA

as a SamarpaNa vasthu


g) Yaa yE vaanyA = The PaadhukA , which is the most fit for

devotion to the Lord


All the seven cases ( Vibhakthis) are thus connected to the Lord .


May those Paadhukais of the Lord having its Svaroopam , Sthithi

and vyApAram/Pravrutthi protect adiyEn ( Saa tadhadheena PaadhukA

Maam avathu ) !

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