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sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,





the month of maargazhi, observing the “paavai nOnbu†is the

special [or reciting 'thirup paavai' – verses of the 'paavai'

aaNdaaL or the lady who lead our path by singing HIS glory]. This

month is - the 'maarga seersha' – the top route or the best route

or the best time to find the way of attaining moksha or the lord's

feet /path. “aham maasaanaam maarga seershah†is the words of

supreme lord krishNa in bagavadh geethaa. The young gOpees or the

girls observing vratham for the entire month - is perhaps the

'longest vratham' observed during a year. This 'month long'

observation of fasts culiminates in a happy marriage for these girls,

during the coming 'thai' or 'makara' maasam - as an 'immediate

result' – kai mEl palan - of observation of this 'paavai nOnbu'.





fast for that matter has to be observed with sincerity and with

“manas, vaak, and kaayam' – 'mind, speech, and the body' - all

three involved together. That too, if the fast is month long, perhaps

it may be more difficult to keep all 3 together for such a long

period. That is why during this season, being winter times, lot of

devotional music, telling/ and or listening to devotional stories,

and devotinal congregation are all arranged to help keep the mind

focussed, vaak pure and body pure by having an early bath.





part of this 'focussing' effort, now let us see the krithi of

thyaagaraaja in raagam 'aabhOgi' - wherein ST says, “mere

ritualistic worship with uncontrolled mind is of no useâ€.





krithi - Pallavi:


nilpa Sakthi lEka pOthE


ghaNTa virula pooja yEmi jEyunu -- manasu






durmadhuDai thaa munigithE


mandhaakiniyeTu brOchunu -- manasu





sogasu-gaaNDra kOrithE


svarga arhuDounO


krOdhuDu thapambonarchithE


rakshinchunO thyaagaraaja nutha -- manasu




O Lord [raama], praised by this thyaagaraaja! If one does not have

the capacity to restrain his mind, what can be accomplished by

worship with sweet-sounding bell and flowers alone? Being most

arrogant, if one takes a holy dip, how can kaavEri or gangaa save

him? If the wife of a sOmayaaji desires a beau, will the sOmayaaji be

eligible for heaven? If a person given to desires (or lust) and

anger, performs penance, will it protect him by fructifying?




- meaning as per dictionary - a frequent and attentive male

companion. 2. a male escort for a girl or woman]





let us try to link this krithi with an instance in raamaayaNam. That

instance can be 'seethaa raaVaNa samvaadham' in asOkha vanam in

sundhara kaaNdam. How the link is established and its details – are

as below.






As usually I mention, the first pointer is the selection of raagam by

ST – it is 'aabhOgi' – split that name so as to get 'aa' +

'bhOgi' = aabhOgi


is an exclamatory mark



in sanskrit has 2 meanings - 'enjoyer' and as well 'a serpent'.






per Monier williams sanskit english dictionary --



is in comp. for 1. bhogin


1 - mfn. (for 2. col. 3)


furnished with windings or curves or rings, curved, ringed (as a


m. a serpent or serpent-demon, a kind of shrub

(inī), f. a serpent nymph


2 - mfn. enjoying, eating, having or offering

enjoyments, devoted to enjoyments, wealthy, opulent,

suffering, experiencing, undergoing, using, possessing


m. a voluptuary, a king, the head man of a village, a barber

a person who accumulates money for a particular expenditure, Name of

a prince

(inī), f. a kind of heroine, the concubine of a king or a

wife not regularly consecrated with him

In our context, we

will use meanings 1. enjoyer, 2. snake.





2: What incident ST wants to link or point out or indirectly

indicate is a scene where



enjoyer is seeing or looking at or aiming at an object of enjoyment,

and makes an exclamatory 'aa or haa' noise, for simply he / she is




person is seeing a snake and makes an exclamatory 'aa or haa' noise,

may be in fear.






well known or identified enjoyer of woman in ramaayaNam is 'raavaNa'.

And in front of him is his object of enjoyment – seethaa – who is

not budging to his desires. He is trying to woo her, entice her, by

offering concessions thru assurances of wealth, position, etc, in

sundhara kaaNdam by picking up a conversation with her.





also sees a snake in seethaa – for she is so beautiful to look at,

and at the same time dangerous to touch. He has his own fear of

touching that snake - seethaa – for he will die if he forces

himself on any lady without her will, [because of brahmaa's curse on

raavaNa, as stated to mhaa paarsvan, in that punjikasthala affair –

re slokam 6-13-14].





seeing seethaa as a snake is corroborated by vaalmeeki in



thatha aavishTaam pannagEndhra vadhoom iva |


grahENEva rohiNeem dhoomakEthunaa || 5-19-9

meaning: And also Seethaa was like a great

she-serpent writhing under the spell of an incantation. She

was like ROhiNee being fumigated by a smoke colored planet called



is approaching seethaa in the morning by entering asOka vanam.

Vaalmeeki describes from slokams 5-19-4 how raavaNa saw seethaa and

says raavaNa saw a snake in seethaa as in 9th slokam

above. At that time Hanumaan is sitting in simSubhaa tree, sees

raavaNa coming and picking up a conversation with seethaa, giving two

months time for her to budge etc. Hanumaan is witnessing all these






again same 'snake' description by vaalmeeki - after one round of

exchange of words between raavaNa and seethaa -



vaidhEheem kOpa samraktha lOchanah |


raavaNah seethaam bhujaNga iva nihshvasan || 5-22-30

meaning: With red eyes due to anger, RaavaNa was

looking at Seethaa, who was sighing like a serpant and spoke

to Seethaa.


in ST's view, raavaNa is the enjoyer bhOgi, and in awful position in

front of seethaa, so aabhOgi. And seethaa is a beautiful snake,

always fretting, fuming and making raavana, that enjoyer, to go in

fear whenever he tries to woo her. So snake – in essence raagam

used by ST is 'aa+bhOgi' for this krithi is a wonderful selection.





As per article on this raagam in web site


- aabhogi is said to increase appetite. Quote - Certain

Indian ragas are believed to produce effects on the human body or on

the environment. Abhogi is said to increase appetite

- unquote.



on seeing seethaa raavaNa's desire of enjoying her increases. Or in

other words his 'appetite' for 'enjoyment' with seethaa as his lady

partner is increasing. But once he touches her without her consent,

she is like a snake bite him [burn him as she herself says – i can

burn you with my own tEjas but i do not have mandate from raama –

re slokam 5-22-20].



dear readers, see how ST aptly selects raagams for his compositions,

and indicate the place in raamayanam from where he took matter for

his krithi.





4: This krithi is seethaa's advise to raavaNa to control his mind

and himself and enjoy with his wives rather than turning to her.





raavaNa says --


cha Ethath akaamaam thu na thvaam sprakshyaami maithili |


kaamah SareerE mE yathaa kaamam praarthathaam || 5-20-6

meaning: raavana says to seethaa, " O maithilee

- Seethaa! It is like this. Desire very much may behave in whatever

way it likes in my body. But I will not touch you with lust

[without seethaa's consent is to be understood for

he knows about his curse]. "

That is what ST also says 'kaama

krOdhuDu thapambonarchithE kaachi rakshinchunO' in charaNam.

What is the use of his thapas if one is giving way to kaamam –

desire or lust.

Point 5: ST krithi point of kaama [raavaNa's

kaama] is covered. Now on this krOdham.

RaavaNa says his anger and desire which are rising

is controlled, like how a good charioteer controls the horses pulling

the chariot. But he does not leave the scene without threatening

seethaa to bow down to his desire – so that krOdham remains -


mE krOdham thvayi kaamah samuththithah |


aasaadhya hayaan iva susaarathih || 5-22-3

meaning: RaavaNa says to seethaa, " In your

matter, the desire which has risen up is subdueing my anger, like

horses running obtaining a bad path being subdued by a good

charioteer. "


shows his mind does not have enough power to restrain other 2 'vaak

and kaayam' – ST says 'manasu nilpa sakthi lEkha pothE'. Also ST's

line of 'kaama krOdhuDu thapambonarchithE kaachi' is getting

authenticated. Then what is the use of all his poojaas to Lord Siva

and his thapas towards siva - asks ST.





6. another point on that 'thapambonarchithE kaachi rakshinchunO'

is - raavaNa claims to seethaa, 'raama is not equal to me in thapas'

– re slokam -




raamah thapasaa dhEvi na balEna vikramaih || 5-20-34


dhanEna mayaa thulyah thEjasaa yaSasaa api vaa |

meaning: raavaNa to seethaa, " O Seethaa! Raama


not equal to me by austerity,

not equal by might;

not equal by strength,

not equal by wealth,

not by brilliance and not by fame. "


main point as per ST here is - when the desire for other man's wife

is so much, what is use of his thapas – that is what ST places here

in that 'thapambonarchithE kaachi rakshinchunO'.




7: Seethaa replies to raavaNa's words – [here comes that famous

'thruNam antharathah kruthvaa' in reply of

seethaa – from vaalmeeki, - on which swamy periya vaachaan piLLai

PVP has given 26 points on these 3 words TAK]. [all 26 points as a

list is covered in one of my earlier article - available in archives]






manOmaththah svajanE kriyathaam manah || 5-21-3


maam praarthayithum yuktham susiddhim iva paapa krith |

meaning: seethaa says to raavaNa, " Turn your

mind back from me. Let your mind be made on your own wives. Like best

emancipation for a sinner, it is not appropriate to prey to me. "


oupayikee bhaaryaa parabhaaryaa sathee thava || 5-21-6saadhu

dharmam avEkshasva saadhu saadhu vratham chara |

meaning: she continues, " I am wife of another

and devoted to my husband, I am not suitable wife to you. Observe

righteousness well. Follow very well the course of right conduct of

virtuous. "


is what ST also says 'madhura ghaNTa virula pooja yEmi jEyunu' –

hey, do not prey to me, na praarthayithum maam – if you do

not hold your mind steady, no use of your prayers. Also see how

exactly ST uses words of vaalmeeki.





8: Seethaa says --



na mayaa kaaryam Eka pathnyaa vigarhitham || 5-21-4kulam

sampraapthayaa puNyam kulE mahathi jaathayaa |

meaning: seethaa to raavaNa, " I was born in a

great family. Getting such a family, having one great husband, a bad

deed which is blameable is not to be made by me. "


is what ST says 'sOmidhamma sogasu-gaaNDra kOrithE sOmayaaji svarga






seethaa claims, 'I am born in a great family' etc, ST puts that

matter in his own style - as sOmidhamma - how such a great vamsa born

is seethaa the sOmidhamma. King janaka has performed many yaagams and

yagnams and during one such only he got seethaa – so janaka is a

somayaaji – that sOmayaaji got this daughter seethaa – so she is

somidhamma. [re visvaamithra took raama to mithila during one such

yagnam only, which ended in raama seethaa marriage]





places - How, hey raavaNa, you expect she will do a blameable job –

of enjoying with another person than her husband raama.





raama is also a 'yaaga' born son – that one named puthra kaama

ishTi preceded by a aswa medham. So also his wife is somidhamma. Then

will that somayaaji raama be eligible for svargam if seethaa commits

an affair. This means raama - is he eligible to go to svargam, if

his wife commits adultery – so she says to raavana, 'I will not

oblige to you at any cost' – in the form of an advice. That is

ST's style of placing that advice matter.





9: It is quite common and a colloquial language to say when your

mind is dirty any amount of washing in a holi water is useless. PuNya

nadhi snaanam is useless if a man guilty of countless offences. Same

said as kaveri and mandakini etc by ST.




Conclusion: once again it has been come to

highlight how closely thyaagaraaja follows vaalmeeki and his

selection of raagam itself is to a large extent an indicator to the

instance in raamaayaNam. Perhaps this krithi is not so popular as the

other in same raaga – sabapathikku, but that does not in any way

lessen the portent in the krithi.




-- Vasudevan MG

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