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Padhuka Sahasram-928

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


928. pApAkUpArapALIpA thripAdhIpAdhapAdhapA

krupArUpA japAlApA svApA mApAnnrupADhipA


The Paaduka of the Lord of Paramapada is capable of swallowing (and

extirpating) the rows of oceans of sins that we have accumulated. It

is an embodiment of supreme mercy. The singing of Paaduka's greatness

is as potent a purifier of a self as chanting of mantras (like

Ashtakshara). Notwithstanding all this, it is readily accessible and

easily worshippable. It is like the Queen over all kings, so

coronated duly. I resorted to it and it saved me effectively.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Note by V.Sadagopan (V.S) :


SlOkam 928


This slOkam is set in SakarNika shOdasa dhaLa Padhmam

form of sabdha chithram with 16 lotus petals . Sixteen of

the 32 aksharAs of this slOkam are represented in the wedges

formed by the petals and the central circle . The akshara " Paa "

appears 16 times in this verse and is given the central place

inside the heart circle . The space occupied by " Paa " at the epi-

center is known as KarNikai.


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Swamy Desikan says that the Lord's

Paadhukais protect His lotus feet and drink up all the sins of their

devotees. They are easy to access and to meditate upon . They are

superior to the kings of the land in glories . Those PaadhukAs have

protected me .


2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: adiyEn has no fear anymore about

SamsAram since the Lord's most merciful Paadhukais have banished

all of my sins in a trice and have made themselves easily accessible

to me and purified me. Through my repeated utterance of the dhivya

nAmam, " SrI RanganAtha PaadhukA , SrI RanganAtha PaadhukA " , the

glorious PaadhukAs of the Lord reveal their inestimable power ,

soulabhyam and DayA; they kindle the fire of the Lord as MokshOpAyam

and have given themselves as the objects of worship for me to protect

me from samsAric fears .


3) The Paadhukais drink away the waves and waves of my sins

resembling the great ocean ( Paapa akUpAra paaLi paa). They

are the embodiments of DayA ( KrupA RoopA ). They purify us like the

mantrams like AshtAksharam ( Japa aalapA ). They are easily accessible

( svaapA ).They are like the Lord's sTAnam with its three divisions

( NrupAdhipA thripAdhi ) . Those glorious PaadhukAs adorning

the Lord's sacred feet have protected me ( Paadha PaadhapA

maa apaath )...(V.S).

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