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Picture of MakarakaNDi for Swami Desikan at ThUppul & Desikar NooRRandhAti : Paasuram 6-30[1 Attachment]

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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs :


Today , adiyEn will again invite your attention to the ongoing Makara Kandi Kaimkaryam for Swamy Desikan and request your generous Participation .


adiyEn will cover the simple meanings of the Paayirams 26-30 today .This is to share the adoration that MannappangAr , the Sishyar of NainAchArya had for his PrAchAryan , Swamy Desikan , which led him to compose the beautiful Paayirams of Desikar NooRRandhAti .My dear friend Sri V.N.Gopala Desikan's vyAkhyAnams for them are beautiful to share with you all.


Paayiram 26:


dEvar munivarkaLum siddharkaLum bhattarkaLum

poovin mazhai pozhinthu pORRavE -thaavi

ulahu aLantha Maalai uNarnthu uhakkum ThUppul

Kula GuruvE YengaL Guru


Devar MunivarhaLum siddharhaLum pattharhaLum poovin mazhai pozhinthu pORRavE= As the devAs , Sages , Jn~Anis and BhakthAs poured flowers like a torrential rainon Trivikraman and eulogized the Lord ,His feet ascended thru the heavens in leaps and bounds and measured the Universe ;


Thaavi ulahu aLantha MAlai uNarnthu uhakkum ThUppul Kula GuruvE , YengaL Guru:


Swamy Desikan , who comprehended well that Ongi Ulahu aLantha Uttaman , Trivikraman , enjoyed the bliss arising from that anubhavam . That same Swamy Desikan , who was a Parama Rasikar of Trivikrana avatAram and who incarnated in ThUppul agrahAram as the AchAryan of the VaishNava Kulam is our AchAryan as well .


Mahaa Bali took away the kingdom of the DevAs. Latter fell at the sacred feet of the Lord and asked for His help to restore them to their kingdom . Our Lord incarnated as the dwarf , Vaamanan and sought 3 feet of land as gift from MahA Bali. After receiving that gift ,Vaamanan grew and grew as Trivikraman and measured all the universes with His sacred feet . The DevAs , Rishis , Jn~Anis and the BhakthAs were amazed at the Lord's gigantic form and eulogized Him . Swamy Desikan understood very well Trivikraman's limitless KalyANa GuNams and divine deeds and derived great joy from that anubhavam and described His anubhavams in DaSAvatAra StOtram , Dayaa Satakam .


Swamy Desikan is the center piece (gem) in the Sri BhAshya KaalakshEpa Paramparai of AchArya RaamAnuja. Hence , He si considered as the AchAryan for the VaishNava Kulam . He created many sacred grantams and instructed all about the Prapatti

saastram for their uplift . He was saluted by NayinAcchAr as " ThUppul Kula MaNiyE" . Following that tradition , MannappangAr addresses Swamy Desikan as " ThUppul Kula GuruvE "and goes on to say that VaishNava Kula Guru is our AchAryan as well .


Paayiram 27:


Guruvum kulatthu arasum kuRamilaac-chuRRum

dharumamum ThAi TahappanArum varupunal soozh

ThUppul varum Thooy maRayOn toll aruLE yenRu intak-

kppu udayOm yaamm yenRE kooRu


In this paayiram , the poet says that Swamy Desikan is our Mother , Father and Guru . He says further that the limitless dayaa of Swamy Desikan towards us will result in us gaining MOksha sidhdi. He comforts his mind by instructing it not to worry anymore about gaining Moksham . Kavi identifies Swamy Desikan as "Thooy MaRayOn" or the blemishless , Parisuddha AchAryan rooted in the Tamil and Sanskrit VedAs .


Guruvum kulatthu arasum kuRRam ilaa suRRum dharumamum thAi-TahappanArum ( ThUppul varum Thooyi maRayOn)=

Swamy Desikan of blemishless vaibhavam is our AchAryan , Head of our VaishNava Kulam , sakala Vidha Bhandhu including the Father and the Mother as well as the embodiment of Dharmam.He incarnated in the sacred agrahAram of ThUppul as the Master of the Tamil VedAs (AzhwAr aruLiccheyalkaL , which clearly establish the supermacy of Sriman NarayaNan in a straight forward manner compared to the round about route of the Sanskrit VedAs . Therefore , Tamil VedAs ( MaRaikaL) are saluted as "Thooyi marai".


varu punal soozh ThUya maRayOn tholl aruL yenRu intak-kOppu yaam udayOmyenRe kooRu= Oh My mind ! Please say with joy that you are the beneficiary of the limitless dayaa of Swamy Desikan , who incarnated in Thuppul surrounded by cool waters , as the unfailing means for Your moksham . Swamy Desikan instructed us clearly thru many of His sacred works that

Prapatthi at the Lord's holy feet is the sure means for Moksha Siddhi . It is Swamy Desikan's KaaruNyam (Compassion ) for us that is the upAyam for our gaining Moksham thru the Lord .


Paayiram 28:


kooRi mudiyAg-guNatthanai nall nenjamE

naaRu thuzhAyAnai naNNum ohr-veeRudaya

ThUppul AnanatAriyanAr tholl puhazh sEr maintanai nee

mooppu varum munnamE paRRu


nal nenjamE kooRi mudiyaa guNatthanai , naaRu thuzhAyAnai , naNNUm ohr veeRu udaya ThUppul AnanthAriyanAr tholl puhazh sEr maintanai nee moopu varum munnamE paRRU = My good Mind ! Please seek refuge in Swamy Desikan of limitless fame , the son of AnantaSoori of ThUppul before old age cripples You .

Sawmy Desikan is the One , who is engaged in the worship of the Lord adorning TuLasi Maalai and possessing

countless auspicious attributes ( anantha kalyANa GuNams).


This is an upadEsamfor his mind by MannappangAr. He asks his mind to firmly hold on to the sacred feet of

Swamy Desikan as refuge and protection before the ills of old age incapacitate/overcome it .


The poet draws his inspiration from the BadareekAsrama Paasurams of Thirumangai , who instructed his mind to reach Badari and the worship the Lord there before illnesses and infirmity interfere ( Periya Thirumozhi: 1.3.1) : " muRRa mUtthukkOl tuNayAmunn adi nOkki vaLainthu iRRakkAl pOl taLLi meLLa irunthu angu iLayAmunn Vadari vaNanguthumE ". AzhwAr asks his mind to get to Badari before old age , when one needs a supporting stick to walk with halting steps and when one is bent over from osteoparesis and every step is a struggle.


Payiram 29:


paRRi adiyiNayai bhAvitthu nalvadivai

suRRig-guNangaLayE solli -patthyudan

niRRiyEl nee manamE neeL vayal soozh ThUppul iRai

muthi aruLum muyanRu


In this paayiram , the poet instructs his mind further about the assurance of Moksham , when it worships Swamy Desikan with true and unwavering bhakti. He describes Sawmy Desikan as " ThUppul iRai or the God of ThUppul known for its cool rice fields. He asks his mind to hold on firmly to the sacred feet of Swamy Desikan and to meditate on his beautiful eyes , which pour down the rain of dayaa and to engage in the dhyAnam of the dhivya mangaLa vigraham of ThUppul iRai . He asks his mind to praise constantly the auspicious guNams of Swamy Desikan and to stay away from the temptations of vishaya sukhams .


ManamE ! Nee neeL paranta Vayal soozh ThUppul iRai adiyiNayai paRRi = Oh My Mind ! Please hold on firmly to the pair of sacred feet of the Lord of ThUppul , which is surrounded by spreading and cool rice fields .


ThUppul iRai nalvadivai bhAvitthu suRRi guNankaLayE solli muyanRu = Please meditate on the lustrous ( tEjomaya) ThirumEni of Swamy Desikan and praise ceaselessly His kalyANa guNams.


muyanRu nee patthiyudan niRRiyEl mutthi aruLum = If You abandon the desire for nonlasting Vishaya sukhams and conduct your life this way , Swamy Desikan will surely grant you Moksha sukham.


In this Paayiram , the poet follows the path shown by NainAcchAr ( His own AchAryan) in PiLLai andhAti and that of AmudhanAr of IrAmAnusa NooRRandhAti and performs upadEsam to his mind for MOksha siddhi.



Paayiram 30:


muyanRu Mukundhan malaradi mEl anbhAl

bayam tuRanthAr paartthu irukka munnam--uyarnta

tuNivAn MaNimAdat-ThUppul vanta sOthi

paNivOm yaam pOmE bhaayam


In this Paasuram , the poet affirms the message of the previous Paayiram , where he instructed his mind about the power of Swamy Desikan to grant Moksham thru sambhandham with Him .


yaamm uyarntha tuNi vaann maNi maada Thuppul vantha sOti paNivOm=Oh my mind ! Let us prostrate with intense devotion before the jyOthi of ThUppul agrahAram , known for its priceless , gem-laden palaces .


( appadi sEvitthAl) , Mukundhan malar adi mEl muyanRu anbhAl bayam tuRanthAr paarthu irukka munnam bayam pOm= If we engage in this type of firm bhakti ,




DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


Dear BhakthAs of Swamy Desika :


The AabharaNam is two thirds completed now and we need your most welcome help to complete the rest of the one third work and get the AabharaNam ready for presentation to ThUppul Kula MaNi , Kavi Taarkika Simham , Sri VedAntha Desikan . Please support this Kaimkaryam and send your Tax free SamarpaNams to :


Nama Inc;

C/O Mrs. Nagu Satyan

7821 W.Alder Drive

Littleton , CO 80128-5522


Those in India can send your Tax Free SamarpaNams to :


Sri Krishnadhri Charities

C/O SrI V.N.Venkatanathan

25 Nachiappan St,


Chennai 600 034


Your SamarpaNams will be acknowledged right away . Please copy adiyEn on Your samarpaNams to keep track of the progress towards Completion of the fund assembly for the Kaimkaryam

Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchari Sadagopan

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