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Sundarakandam - sloka by sloka translation-chapter1

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21.yaani cha oushDhajaalaani

thasmin jaathaani parvathe


vishghnaani api naagaanaam na SekuH

Samithum visham.


The herbs grown on the mountain ,

though capable of deactivating the poison were not able to do so.


oushadhajaalaani- the groups of

herbs, jaala means group or rows


yaani jaathaani- which grew


thasmin parvathe- on that



vishghnaani api- even though

able to destroy poison


na Sekuh were not capable



Samithum- to quell


visham – the poison


naagaanaam- of the



The herbs were powerless to be

antidotes to the poison because of the immense quantity of it.


22. bhidhyate.ayam

giriH bhoothaiH ithi mathvaa tapasvinaH

trasthaa vidyaadharaaH thasmaath utpethuH



The sages thinking that the

mountain was being broken by demons flew away from the mountain and also the

vidhyadharas, frightened , flew from there with their women,


thapasvimnaH- the sages who

were doing penance there,


mathvaa –thinking that


ayam giriH – this mountain


bhidhyathe- is being broken


bhoothaiH- by demons


uthpethuH- flew above. The

verb path means to fall and when prefixed with uth it

means to fly or rise above.


thasmaath- from that



thrasthaaH- frightened.

From the verb thras to fear.


vidhyaadharaaH- a class of

celestial beings like gandharvas.







23.paanabhoomigatham hithvaa

haimam aasavabhaajanam

paathraNi cha mahaarhaaNi karakaan cha



leaving the golden jars of

liquor in the liquor-house, the golden cups and vessels of great value.,


hithvaa leaving behind.


aasavabhaajanam- jars of liquor.

aasava means wine. and bhaajanam is a container.


haimam- made of gold


paathraaNi cha- and vessels


mahaarhaaNi- of great value


kaarakaan cha – and cups.


hiraNmayaan- made of gold




24.lehyaan uchchaavachaan

bhakshyaan maamsaani vividhaani


aarshhabhaaNi cha charmaaNi khadgaan




and lots of food to be eaten and licked, various

meats, skins of oxen and golden hilted swords.


bhakshyaan – food that are

eaten by biting


lehyaan –food that is

eaten by licking like sauces.


ucchaacachaan- of various.

kinds. The word is made up of uccha and

avacha literally meaning high and low but together it means various.


viviDhaani cha – and

various kinds of


maamsaani- meat.


charmaaNi cha- and skins


aarshbhaaNi- of oxen.


cha –and


khadgaan – swords


kanakathsaroon- with golden




25. krtha

kaNThaguNaaH kshiibaaH rakthamaalyaanulepanaaH |

rakthakshaaH pushkaraakshaaH cha gaganam



The vidhyadharas , intoxicated,

garlands and on their necks and decorated with reflower garlands, red-eyed and

lotus-eyed, went up the sky.


Krtha kanTha guNaaH- The word guNa

means thread, and krtha kanTha means that they were tied on the

neck, kanTha. So it means the chains or nicklets.


ksheebhaaH- drunk or

intoxicated. From ksheeb to get drunk.


rakthamaalyaa- red flower



anulepena- covered with


rakthaakshaaH- red eyes due to



pushkaraakshaaH- lotus -like

eyes, denotes beauty.


prathipedhire- reached

towards. Padh to reach with prathi


gaganam- the sky.





paarihaaryaDharaah sthriyaH


vismithaaH sasmithaaH thasThuH aakaaSe

ramaNaiH saha


The vidhyadhara women , wearing

necklets, anklets, armlets and bracelets stood in the sky with their lovers

smiling and wondering.


Sthriyah- vidhyadhara




paarihaaryaDharaah- dharaaH,wearing, haara, necklets, noopura,

anklets, keyoora, armlets and paarihaarya, bracelets .


thasThuH -stood


aakaaSe- in the sky


vismithaaH- surprised, vismaya

is wonder. They were surprised at the mountain being upset which has never

happened before.


sasmithaaH- with smiles.

ramaNaiH saha- with their




27. darSayantho mahaavidhyaam

vidhyaaDhara maharshayaH

sahithaaH thasThuH akaaSe veekshaam

cakruH cha



The vidhyadharas and the sages

together stood in the sky showing their powers and saw the mountain.


VidhyaaDhara maharshayaH- the

vidhyadharas and the great sages


thasThuH – stood


sahithaH together


aakaaSe- in the sky


dharSayanthaH- displaying


mahaavidhyaam – their great

skills, such as being able to fly etc.


cha – and


veekshaam chakruH- perceived.

Veekshaa means sight.


parvatham- the mountain (

being broken)


28. SuSruvuH cha thadhaa Sabdham




chaaraNaanaam cha sidDhaanaam

sThithaanaam vimale



Then they heard the words of the

siddhas, charanas and ages of contemplation who were in the clear sky.



Cha SuSruvuH- and heard




Sabdham the sound (words



rsheeNam – of the rshis


bhaavithaathmanaaam- who were

realized souls


chaaraNaanaam cha – of

chaaraNaas and


sidDhaanaam- of siddhaas


sThithaanaam –who were



ambare- in the sky


vimale –that was clear.



29. esha parvatha sankaaSo

hanumaan maaruthaathmajaH

thitheershathi mahaavegaH saagaram



This Hanuman the son of Vayu,

mighty like a mountain, with great speed, wishes to cross the ocean, the abode

of sharks and crocodiles.


Esha hanumaan-

"This hanuman,


maaruthathmajaH- the son of

Vayu. aathmajaH, son of maarutha, Vayu.


parvathasankaaSaH- large like the

mountain, sankaaSa means similar.


mahaavegaH- one who has

great speed,


thitheershathi- wishes to

cross. Tharthum icChathi, from the verb thr-thar to cross.


saagaram- the ocean. The

ocean got the name saagaram because the king Sagara caused it to be dug by his

sons insearch of the sacrificial horse stolen by Indra.


makaraalayam- the abode, aalaya, of sharks and crocodiles, makara.





30. raamaarTham vaanaraarTham

cha chikeershuH karma



samudhrasaya param paaramdhushpraapam




He wants to accomplish a difficult task for the sake of Rama and the

vanaras and wishes to reach the other shore of the ocean which cannot be

attained easily.


chikeershuH- wishing to do


karma- an act


dhushkaram- difficult to do


raamaarTham- for the sake of



vaanaraarTham cha- for the

sake of vanaras also sinc Sugiva will punish the vanaras if they did not obey

his command.


icChathi- he wants


praapthum- to reach


param paaram-

the other shore


samudhrasya- of the sea


dhushpraapam- which is

difficult to reach"


31. ithi vidhyaaDharaaH Sruthvaa

vachaH theshaam


tham aprameyam dhadharSuhH parvathe



Hearing this from the sages of

austerity the vidhyadharas saw Hanuman, the beat of the monkeys, on the

mountain immeasurably large.


Ithi Sruthvaa – hearing thus

vaachaH- the words of


theshaam thapasvinaam- of those sages


vidhyaadharaaH- the



dhadhrSuH –saw


tham- that hanuman


aprameyam- immeasurable


parvathe- on the mountain


32. dhuDhuve cha sa romaaNi

chakampe cha achalopamaH

nanaadha sumahaanaadham sa mahaan iva



Hanuman, who was like mountain,

shook his hairs, moved his body and

raised a great sound like a large



acahlopamaH- hanuman who was

like, upamaH, a mountain, achala.


dhudhuve- perfect

tense, meaning ,shook, from Dhoo

to shake.


romaaNi-hairs. Hanuman

shook the hairs on his body so that they stood on their ends.


Chakampe – He shook his

whole body. Perfect tense of kamp to shake.


nanaadha - sounded


sumahaanaadham- a very big roar


iva- like


sumahaan- very big


thoyadhaH- cloud, meaning

that the roar of him was like thunder from a big cloud.





33. aanupoorvyena vrttham cha

laangoolam romabhiSchitham


uthpathishyan vichikshepa pakshiraaja iva





About to rise up he shook

his tail, covered with hair ,vigorously from beginning to end in a

circle, like Garuda, the king of birds will revolve a snake.


Uthpathishyan- About to rise up. Pathana is falling and uthpathana

is rising.


Vichikshepa- shook

vigorously, perfect tense from the verb kship to throw, which prefixed

with `vi' means vigorously


laangoolam –his tail


romabhiH chitham –

covered with hair. chitha means full of.


aanuporvyeNa vrttham-

rolled in a regular circle. Vrttha means a circle and anupoorva

means regular.


pakshiraaja iva –

like the king of birds, Garuda.(rolling )


uragaH- snake



34. thasya laangoolam aavidDham

aatthavegasya prshTathaH



dhdhrSe garudena iva hriyamaaNo mahoragaH


Affected by the speed of his

rolling the tail curled up behind like a large snake being carried by Garuda.


thasya laangoolam- his tail


aatthavegasya- affected by the

speed with which he shook it


aavidDham- curled.


prshTathaH- at his back

dhadhrse – appeared


iva- like


mahoragaH- a big snake


hriyamaaNah- carried


garudena- by Garuda



Valmiki describes the manoeuvre of

Hanuman in preparing to jump across the ocean in the following slokas.



35. baahoo samstambhayaamaasa

mahaaparigha sannibhou



sasaadha sa kapih katyaam charaNou samchukocha cha


Firmly steadying his arms, which

were like iron beams, relaxing his waist contracted his feet.


saH kapiH-

that Hanuman, kapi meaning monkey.


samsthamBhayaamaasa is called

periphrastic perfect and usually used in the sense of distant past. Sthambhanam

is making motionless. Samasthambhana adds emphasis meaning steadying



bahoo – two arms


Sannibhou – like or



Mahaaparighaa- great iron

beams. parighaa- Iron beam usually used as a bolt to the gates of fort



Sasaadha- relaxed. The

verb sadh usually means to sink

or to sit but here it means relaxing. sasaadha –perfect tense of the

verb `sadh.'


Katyaam – accusative

singular of katee- waist.


Samchukocha – contracted.

From the verb `kuch' to contract, chukocha is the perfect tense

of kuchathi. `sam' s added for emphasis.


charaNou- two feet.



36.samhrthya cha bhujou sreemaan

thaThaivacha SiroDharaam

thejassathvam thaThaaveeryamaaviveSa sa



Hanuman, valorous and glorious,

bending his shoulders and neck increased his power strength and valour.


Sreemaan- refers to

Hanuman who had sree, glory. sreeH asya asthi ithi sreemaan.


Veeryavaan – veeryaH,

valour, asya asthi ithi


Samhrthya, bending. From

the verb `hr' with `sam,' meaning to contract, here it means to bend.


bujou the two



SiroDharaam- neck. SiraH

Dhaarayathi ithi Sirodharaa , meaning that which holds the head. Feminine

noun. SiroDharaam accusative singular.


aaviveSa- increased. The

verb `viS' with `aa' means to attain a particular state, here it means `to



thejas- power.


Satthvam – strength


Thathaa – in this manner

eva cha , also


Veeryam- valour.


37. maargam aalokayan dhooraath




ruroDha hrdhaye praaNaan aakaaSam




Having his eyes directed upwards

seeing the way from at a distance, controlled his breath in his heart and

looked at the sky.

Aalokayan, seeing, or searching


Maargam the route he had

to follow.


dhooraath from a distance


praNihithekshaNaH, directing his

eyes, praNihitha means concentrating with attention at an object.


ruroDha, controlled .

From the verb ruDh, to stop.


praaNaan , the vital airs


hrdhaye, in his heart.

This denotes the pranayama or control of breath.



38.padhbhyaam dhrDam avasThaanam

krthvaa sa kapikunjarah


nikunchya karNou hanumaan uthpathishyan



That Hanuman who is of enormous

strength and an elephant among monkeys, stood firmly on his feet and bent his



SaH hanumaan, That Hanuman


mahaabalaH- of great strength


uthpathishyan desirous to leap



kapikunjaraH- who was like elephant among monkeys. Kunjara

means elephant.


avasThaanam krthvaa- firmly placing

himself. avsThaanam is from avasThaa meaning state or place avasThaanam

thus means placing.


padhaabhyaam with his two



nikunchya, bending,

meaning harking his ears, karNou. Normally all beings except man could

bend their ears to hear sound from a distance.

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