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Thuppul PiLLai- 43- Nyasa thilakam

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SrImathE Nigamantha Mahadesikaya namah:

SrImAn venkatanAthAryaH kavitArkika kesarI |

vedAntAcArya-varyo me sannidhattAm sadA hRdi ||


May the glorious Venkatanatha, the greatest of teachers of Vedanta, and the

lion among poets and debaters, reside forever in my heart.


Dearest Srivaishnavas,

Let us begin to enjoy the sthOthra granthas of Swamy Desikan [in

alphabetical order]

Nyasa tilakam [self- surrender- the Gem]


Nyasa tilakam is a sthOthra in 32 slokas which succinctly sets forth several

important aspects of Saranagathi. This praises Lord Sri Ranganatha as the

sole progenitor of the Doctrine of Prapatti through Acharyas like Sri Yamuna

and Sri Ramanuja in the latter period also.


The sthOthra begins with the surrender at the feet of Sri Mahalakshmi and

then at the feet of the Divine Couple (Divya Dampathi). Several doubts about

the utility and efficacy of Prapatti as the means for attaining a goal are

set forth and then dispelled with valid arguments. The important place of

Mahaviswasa (intense unconditional faith) and the four other angas of

Prapatti are described fully and beautifully [19]. The high place of Acharya

in the religious life of a person and the necessity for undivided devotion

to Bhagawaan are also dealt with [19, 20]. The poet prays that his mind;

word and body should always be with the Lord Sri Ranganatha and should not

think of seeking the help of worldly minded men [27, 28 and 29]. This

sthOthra is almost like an elucidation of Saranagati Gadya in which Acharya

Sri Ramanuja made Saranagati at the feet of Lord Sri Ranganatha and prayed

for a pure and spotless life here and eternal service to Sri Mahalakshmi and

Sri Ranganatha in this and in the other world.


Nyasa tilakam is the only sthOthra of Swamy Desika for which his son Sri

Nainacharya has written a commentary.


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


kavi-tArkika-simhAya kalyANa-guNa-SAline |

Srimate venkateSAya vedAntagurave namaH ||


Salutations to Sri Venkatesa, in whom all perfections reside, who is the

teacher of Vedanta and the lion among poets and debaters



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SrImathE Nigamantha mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


Forwarded is a posting made by Sri SatakOpan on the same subject few years

ago- Nyaasa thilakam and is sent to you for your further enjoyment to

aDiyEn's. He brought to my attention and when I read it today, I enjoyed

reading it so much that I do want to send to you all.


Nyasa Tilakam



We will start the reflections on Swami Desikan's Nyasa Tilakam in the

traditional manner with the salutations by his disciple and son , Sri Kumara

Varadacharya, who wrote a commentary onhis acharya and father's work :







The great Desika Bhaktha , Late Sri D.Ramaswamy Iyengar has translated the

above verse this way in his commentary on Nyasa Tilakam:


" That repository of all auspiciousness , Vedantha Desika,who is the

incarnation of the Bell (Ghanta) of the Lord of Venkataadhri --not only did

he delight the people of his times by his person and personality , but even

today he continues to be a source of delight to those rasikas who are

unflinchingly attached to his lotus feet -- and by his abundant grace gives

the feeling of personal presence , almost speaks , so to say . "


How true is the testimony of the loyal son and disciple !Swami Desikan

casts his majestic shadow across seven centuries and comforts us under the

shade of that giant presence .


Nyasa Dasakam is one of those master pieces given to us by the Most merciful

Swami . His genius as a poet and his skills in succinctly stating the

essence of Prapatthi are abundantly clear in this work .As Sri D.Ramaswamy

Iyengar describes , " In its metaphysical aspect , Nyasa Tilaka like

SaraNagathi Deepika is a poetic rendering of the salient features of

Saranaagathi as laid down in the Srimad Rahasyatrayasaara , with the

difference , that while Saranaagathi Deepika is an epitome of

Rahasyatrayasaara , Nyaasa Tilaka concerns itself more with the mentality

that should prevail in the Post-Prapatthi period . The importance of Nyasa

Tilakam ot Prapanna can not be overestimated. " Here Sri D.R .Iyengar refers

to the significance of Kumara Varadarya " s singling out this work of his

father for writing his commentary among all other works.


This work consists of 32 slokas in 8 different poetic metres:

Anushtup(2); sikarinI (4); Vasanthatilakaa (4) ; Saardhoola Vikriditham

(9);Nathkutakam (2); Mandhaakranthaa(3) ; Sragdharaa (5); Maalini (3) . Like

number of other works contained in 32 sections to be consistent with the

count of 32 Upanishadic Brahma vidyas,Nyasa Tilakam shines with Upanishadic



Sri Ranganatha is the object of Prapatthi for Swami here.In Nyasa Dasaka

and Nyasa Vimsathi and Tamil work, Adaikkalappatthu , he surrended to Lord

Varadaraja of Kanchi. IN Saranagathi Deepika , he offered his Saranagathi to

Lord Dipa Prakaasan of his own agrahaaram in Tuppul .


It has been told that a study of Nyasa Tilakam is essential to remove our

doubts about the efficacy of Saranagathi . Let us offer our salutation to

Swami Desikan, the master intrepreter of Saranagathi saastra prior to

studying this important work.


The Name



The name of Nyasa Tilakam was chosen by Swami Desikan inview of his

conviction that this stotra grantham is the crest jewel among the various

works that he composed on Nyasam or SaraNagathi. Tilakam is the Pottu or

auspicious dot worn by women to bring out the beauty of their faces. Nyasa

Tilakam is the Tilakam for the Nyasa Vidya as indicated by Swami Desikan's

choice of the title for this grantham.



Source Literature



We will provide highlights from the commentaries of Acharya Kumara

Vardarya(Nainacharya ) , Sri D.R .Iyengar and Oppiliappan Koil Vidwan

Srirama Desikachar .


Structure/Organization/Metres of Nyasa Tilakam



First Slokam( Anushtub Metre) deals with salutations to the Guru Parampara.

The Second slokam (Anushtub metre) is an important one explaining the

significance of the Abhaya mudra (gesture) seen on the right hand of Sri



The third Slokam set in SikariNi metre contains Swami Desikan'straditional

SaranAgathi to the consort of the Lord. The fourth slokam set again in

SikariNi metre explains the tattvam of Maha Lakshmi (Sri Ranganayaki )

serving both as Upaayam (means ) and mediatrix (PurushakAram ).


The fifth and the sixth slokams continue in SikariNi metre and focus on Sri

Ranganatha. The fourth slokam houses Swami Desikan's Saranaagathi to the

Lord of Srirangam. The fifth slokam reveals that the Lord rests on his bed

of Adisesha at Srirangam for the express purpose of guiding people to

follow the way sanctioned by the Sastraas and the Vedas to reach Him .


The metre chosen for the seventh slokam is Saardhoola Vikrititham ( the gait

of a tiger). Here Swami explains in unambigous terms that the Divya

Dampathis of Srirangam are the ultimate Seshis , who are the object of our



In the eighth slokam , Swami shifts his attention to the Nathkutakam metre

and prays for the blessings of the compassionate glances of the Lord . In

the ninth and the tenth slokams, Swam's mind races like a tiger in the

Sardhoola Vikrititham metre in a manner consistent with the subject .The

ninth slokam deals with the Mahopakaaram rendered by Sri Ranganatha to Swami

.. The tenth slokam proudly recounts the glories of Prapatthi .


The eleventh slokam set in Mandaakraanthaa metre covers a prayer of Swami to

the Lord to make his mind seek out and enjoy the company and the works of

Prapannas , who have already been blessed by the Lord .


The twelfth slokam describes the state of Prapanna in the post-Prapatthi

period. The metre shifts here to Sragdharaa. The thirteenth slokam shares

the same Sragdharaa metre and points out that the Prapannas in the

post-Prapatthi period never trespass the injunctions of Saastraas

established by the Lord.


The fourteenth slokam reveals the reason why the Prapannas in their

post-Prapatthi period come across some sufferings (Dukkam/Sokham ) .


The fifteenth slokam set once again in Sragdharaa metre emphasizes that

Bhakthi and Prapatthi are two different upaayams(means )for securing the

blessings of MOksham.


The sixteenth slokam set in majestic sardhoola Vikrititham lists the the

different words in vogue to refer to Prapatthi and points out that all of

them refer to the same act of Prapatthi .


The seventeenth slokam is housed in Sragdhara metre and deals with the

points of difference between the two upaayaas (VIZ), Prapatthi and Bhakthi

to attain the blessings of MOksham .


The eighteenth slokam is set in the beautiful Maalini metre and states that

Prapatthi performed at the Lord's feet confers all the fruits (Sarva Hetu: )

. The NInteenth slokam reverts to Sardhoola Vikrititham metre and deals

with the pancha Sankaas (Five doubts ) that assail the minds of Prapannas

and explains how these doubts can be cleared .


The twentieth Nyasa Tilakam slokam set in the Vasantha Tilakam metre

celebrates the blessings of the comforting glances of the Acharya

(Kataaksham of the Acharya ) in the context of successful Prapatthi .. Swami

Desika hints that these blessings remind one of the experience of

spring(Vasantham )after the winter of distress (life during the

Pre-Prapatthi period ). The twenty first Slokam deals with one of the

methods of Prapatthi known as Acharya Nishtai . This slokam flows leisurely

in the Mandhaakraantha metre.


In the twenty second slokam set once again in the Vasantha Tilakam metre ,

the thought of the joy of spring and hope is invoked , when Swami recalls

the truths revealed by Sri Ranganatha to Sri Ramanuja at the time of

latter's SaranAgathi on a Panguni Uttaram day at the south-western

praakaaram of Srirangam .


The twenty third and the twenty fourth slokams are set in the Maalini and

the Mandhaakranthaa metres . In the twenty third verse, Swami expresses his

regrets over earlier engagement in the enjoyment of fleeting worldly

pleasures. In the Twenty fourth verse, he consoles his mind over the past

mistakes and assures it that there is no more reason to worry at the stage

of Post-Prapatthi.


From Slokams 25 to 30 , we experience the firm Vairagyam of Swami Desikan ,

where he states that he will not approach any mortal for favors , while Sri

Ranganatha looms large as the ultimate succor and support. He also declares

that he will not seek any other Gods either for favors , since it is Sri

Ranganatha alone , who has the power the blessings of Moksham . He declares

his unwavering intent to serve the divya Dampathis alone during the rest of

his life on earth. The six slokams are set in Maalini(25), Saardhoola

Vikrititham(26-28),.Nathkutakam 29 ) and Sardhoola Vikrititham(30) metres



In the thirty first verse, Swami prays for eternal service in Sri Vaikuntam

to the Divya Dampathis in Sragdharaa metre. The thirty second and the final

verse is set in sikariNi metre and explains the fruits of reciting Nyasa

Tilakam . Swami reveals that the reciter will be blessed with the boon of

serving the Divine couple in both the Vibuthis (Leela and Nitya Vibuthis) .

They will be blessed with the double pleasure of serving the Divya Dampathis

on this earth as well as in Parama Padham as Nitya Suris.


In the earlier two postings , the structure , organization ,poetic metres

and the summary of thoughts enshrined in the master work of Swami Desikan

were covered .


In this concluding piece , I will focus on the second sloka of Nyasa

Tilakam that explains the significance and symbolism of the right hand of

Sri Ranganatha displaying the Abhaya Mudra , a gesture that assures freedom

form fear for the chetanas , who have sought refuge at his holy feet .

Although the other slokas of this master piece cover significant doctrines

related to Prapatthi and the post-prapatthi life of a Prapanna , this

particular slokam dealing with the Abhaya hastham of the Lord of Srirangam "

mesmerizes " me .


The slokam is so comforting and reassuring that each time we stand before

Sri Ranganatha that we should remind ourselves about the deep meaning of

this verse and the profound message it carries .


The moving second slokam of Nyasa Tilakm is as follows :





Swami prays for the protection of the right hand holding the Abhaya Mudraa.(

Sriranga Bharthu : Hastha: Maam avyaath ) . Why this special attention to

the right hand and the Abhaya gesture seen there ?


Swami Desikan suggests in the way of Utpreksha Alankaaram(poetic fancy) that

the Abhaya Pradhaana gesture symbolizesLord's " prohibition " against

repeating the act of Prapatthi since he has already assured that seeking

refuge once at his lotus feet will be sufficient to receive his unfailing

protection (Sakrudheva Prapannaaya Tavaasmithi cha yaachateh, Abhayam Sarva

BhoothebhyO Dadhaamyetath vratham mama ) .


Swami suggests that the Abhaya Mudra appears like the Lord's command to the

Prapanna to stop repeating the performance of Prapatthi . His Abhaya Mudra

appears like it is saying , " Halt ,Cease doing another Prapatthi ! Enough .

I will protect you for the Prapatthi that you performed already " .


Sri D. Ramaswamy Iyengar reminds us of what great Acharyas tell their

disciples at the time of Prapatthi . They say : " Now that you have become

a Prapanna , fix your gaze henceforth on the Abhaya Mudra of the Lord and

derive comfort and solace from the way it promises protection " .


Here we are reminded by the spirit of the two halves of the Charama sloka .

In the first half (Maamekam Saranam Vraja ) ,the Lord invites the Prapannas

to seek refuge at his sacred feet ; in the second half , He states

unequivocally ,Maa Sucha: and gives us hope and courage and says " do not

grieve any more " . The messsage then is to rely on Lord's Charanaaravindham

till Prapatthi and thereafter shift our focus to the Abhaya Mudra and the

message it carries .


Moved by this profound message housed in this slokam ,Swami Desikan used it

" in toto " as the second verse of his ManipravaaLa work Abhaya Pradhana

Saara , which extolls the SaraNaagathi SaastrA aspects of Srimad RamaayaNam

.. Once again , Swami Desikan included this message in his Tamil work

Adaikkala Patthu . Here, Swami was moved by the sight of the Abhaya Hastham

of Lord Varadaraja of Kanchi and said :






The Prapanna's statement during Prapatthi is " Umathu Adigalai adaihinrehn (

I seek refuge at your holy feet as my Means for Moksham ) " . The Prapanna

states once ( Orukkaal Uraithavarai ) that he sought refuge under the cool

shade of the Lord's lotus feet . The Lord responds with the Abahya Mudra and

seems to indicate " enough , it is enough that you asked My protection once

( Amaiyum ini yenbavar pol Anjal yena karam vaitthu ) . "


This then is the message of the Abhaya Hastham of the Saranaagatha Rakshaka

Kaaruneekan , Sriman NaarayaNan ..



Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana




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