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Thirunakshatram of Kumara Varadanatha Nayanaracharya - Reflection s

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Swamy Deshikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam !!!

Swamy Varadanatha Nayanaracharya Maha Deshikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam !!!


Dear Bhagavathas,


Having enjoyed the Avatara vaibhavam of Srimath Nayanaracharya Maha

Deshikan, we shall in this posting celebrate the greatness of

Nayanaracharya, eulogising his acharya bhakti all along.


Though Swamy Deshikan sung and extolled Emperumaans at many divya deshams,

he still held Varada as his favourite. Not surprisingly, a son

(Varadacharya) was born to him as the divine amsham of Lord Varadan Himself.

Swamy Deshika held Varada very close to his heart. He wrote many works

eulogising the grace of Varada. It is perhaps for this reason that

Devarajaperumal considered Deshika as his son. But perhaps the Lord wanted

to have the rare privilege of studying under Swamy Deshika and so, He

incarnated Swamy Varadacharya with His amsham.


They in fact complimented each other through their works. Swamy Deshika

wrote some of his finest works dedicating it to Lord Varada including Nyasa

Dashakam, wherein Swamy performs prapatti at the feet of Devadhirajan. Out

of the many works of Nayanaracharya, a good number are written only

eulogising the greatness of Swamy Deshika.


Swamy Deshikan sung Nyasa dashakam in favour of Varada. But Nayanaracharya

didn't have to go that far. He sung ten verses on his acharya Swamy Deshikan

known as " Deshika prapatti " which is in purport, equivalent to any authentic

work on Nyasam. Swamy Nayanaracharya's acharya bhakti knew no bounds. He

held Swamy Deshikan, his father. as his acharya and God. He knew no world or

God other than his acharya Swamy Deshikan. It is evident from Varadacharya's

works that he held Swamy Deshika as the crown embellishment of vidwans. He

is extolled as the boatsman who has the capacity to ferry nomads across the

ocean of samsara. Varadacharya celebrates Deshika as his guru, matha, pitha,

daivam, praapya and praapakam.


Today, if we are able to perform Thiruvaradhanam to the archai of Swamy

Deshika at various divya deshams then it is only due to the untiring efforts

of Swamy Nayanaracharya, who was monumental in consecrating sannidhis for

Swamy Deshika in almost all of the divyadeshams.


Swamy Nayanaracharya was infact nominated directly by Ramanuja in a

spiritual epiphany as the " Sampradaya pravartakar " after Swamy Deshikan.

Amongst the kalakshepa paramparais, Sri Nayanaracharya beams as an acharya

in the Bhagavad Vishaya paramparai after Swamy Deshikan. The paramparai then

continues with Sri Brahmatantra Swatantrar, Hasti Nayakar et al.


Sri Brahmatantra Swatantrar, a direct disciple of Swamy Deshikan chose to

study Bhagavad Vishayam at the feet of Sri Nayanaracharya, though he was

senior to the latter. During this time, Sri Brahmatantra Swatantrar

submitted a taniyan at the feet of Nayanaracharya that we know as -

" srImallakshmana ... varadAryamaham bhaje || "


The acharya bhakti of Nayanaracharya is one of his most outstanding

qualities. Nayanaracharya lived for 97 years in vibhavam and wrote many

works mostly euologising Swamy Deshikan and providing rare and insightful

commentaries to Deshikan's works. Swamy Nayanaracharya along with Sri

Brahmatantra Swatantrar and the other direct disciples of Swamy Deshikan,

rendered monumental service in preserving and propagating the works of Swamy

Deshikan. He is rightfully glorified by his disciples as the victory flag of

Ramanuja darshanam and the beautiful full moon embellishing the ocean of the

lineage of Vishvamitra.


There is a sannidhi for Nayanaracharya in Thuppul. His archai also adornes

the asthanam of Parakala matham.


Shrimath TritIya Brahmatantra Swamy has sung a vAzhi thirunAmam on

Nayanaracharya -


iruvahaiyanika mAnthariyar tanayan vAzhiye

yatipatisiddhAnta jayavilangavanthOn vAzhiye

aruL varadar thirunAmamaNinduyarnthOn vAzhiye

AvaNiyurOhiNiyilavatarittAn vAzhiye

arumathi kANiyar chintAmaNiyaLittAn vAzhiye

avviyalA nUl palavumavaiththa nambi vAzhiye

oruthani ittarisha shattaiyuyarttepirAn vAzhiye

oNthUppul kulanayinAriNaiyaDihaL vAzhiye


The following link is attached containing a picture of Swamy Nayanaracharya

and Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Maha Deshikan standing with folded

hands next to their master Swamy Deshika.





This picture also shows Sri Lakshmi Hayagrivar, Sriman Nathamuni, Srimath

Yamunamuni, Srimath Ramanujamuni and Sri Maha Parakala Maha Deshikan - 21st

pattam acharya Parakala Matham.


With folded hands this series is concluded by singing the taniyans of this

acharya saarvabhouma. It is also a plea that theis acharya be included in

all the sambhavanai kramams from now on.


" shrAvaNe mAsi rohiNyAm jAtam venkatadeshikAt |

vishvAmitrAnvayAbdhIndum varadAryamaham bhaje || " - Brahmatantra Swatantra



" Bow we to the great Varadanatha, who was like the the full moon decorating

the ocean of Vishvamitra's lineage and who was born to the illustrious

Vedantha Deshika in the month of shrAvaNa and the asterism of rohiNi. "


" shrImallakshmaNa yogIndra siddhAntha vijayadhvajam |

vishvAmitrAnvayAbdhIndum varadAryamaham bhaje || " - Brahmatantra Swatantra

Parakala Jeeyar


" Bow we to the great Varadarya, born in the race of Vishwamitra and who

beams resplendently as the victory flag of the darshanam of Ramanuja. "


Srimath Sri VedAntha Deshika samyami sArvabhouma kaTAksha labdha sArvajna,

Srimath Sri kavikathaka kanteerava charaNa naLina yugaLa vinyasta


Srimath Sri Kumara Varadanatha Nayanaracharya Maha DeshikAya namaha




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