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Dear Sriman Anbil SrinivAsan Swamy :


Thanks for your mail .


I was not aware of the 60 year limit

on copy righted material .


Many times , the descendants of great

AchAryAs have problems in finding funds for

printing out of print volumes .Some times ,

the subject matter needs some level of erudition that

the content would be of limited interest from

a printing cost point of view and recovery of

costs . Foundations have been created for

this , where SishyAs and abhimAnis contribute funds

to cover the expenses and out of print books are

released on important Thirunakshatram days .


Our ebook series have been created to preserve

and protect these treasures to make this precious content

available digitally and globally . Scholars as well as beginners

can use them .


The important point is to get permission from copyright

owners and be respectful of their wishes .


Sriman Balaji Sunderrajan of Toronto has violated

wilfully many of these points and has released

material with no regard for copyrights in the past few

months .


Two recent cases in point are :


(1) Upanishad Sangraham by Sri UtthamUr Swami


(2) The release of VishNu PurANam authored by

Prakrutham Srimath Azhagiya Singar during

His PoorvAsramam days , whose copy right

is held by Sri Nrisimha Priya Trust . It is sold by

Sri Ahobila Mutt , North Anerica to raise funds for

Kaimakryams of Srimath Azhagiya Singar .

(3) ThiruppAvai UpanyAsams by Srimath

Azhagiya Singar : Same Background and

same violation !


I will not be surprised if Sri Nrisimha Priya Trust

Executives would take legal actions against

Sri Balaji Sunderrajan of Toronto , the owner of

maransdog.com web site , where such whole

copy right violations have taken place and recorded .


As an appointed Member of the Sri Nrisimha Priya Trust ,

I will recommend to the Sri Nrismha Priya Board to

take strong actions against Sri Balaji Sunderrajan

so that the material on Sri VishNu PurANam and

ThiruppAvai UpanyAsams are removed from his site .


The comparison of Sri VishNu PurANam to RaaNi comics

by Sri Balaji Sunderrajan is one of the most offensive

characterizations of this most revered Saatvika PurANam

used by great VaishNavite AchAryas . It is a tasteles

remark .


Chakkiriya Owners have protested in the past

against copy right violations of Sri Balaji Sunderrajan

and have not taken any legal actions sofar.


While we appreciate Sri Balaji's unbridled enthusiasm

" to educate" Sri VaishNavAs , we can not understand his

total insensitivity to the authors and creators of Intellectual

Property and respect their legitimate , legal rights as

copyright owners . It is as simple as that .


Sri Balaji should clear from here on every thing with

the owners of copyrights and get releases .If they do not

wish to give him permission , he should respect their

views independent of any reason they might have .


This is basic ethical approach to be followed in

relating to any copyrighted material .


We will be bringing out important Sri Sookthis covered by

VaikunTha Vaasi Sri TatachAr of Thirumalai and have obtained

the permission of Family members to do so .The Family Members are

happy that the writings of such a great scholar are being

made available widely . I thank Sri Adisesh for getting

this permission from the Family Members at Thirumala.


We will be releasing UpanyAsa Manjari , a collection of

UpanyAsams by Mahaa MahOpAdyaya Sri PerukkAraNai

Swamy with the help of Sri Gosakan . Swamy has given

permission and is happy about his upanyAsams being

made avialable to a wider audience .


In summary , let us observe a code of conduct in

handling copy righted material ; otherwise it will

be tantamount to piracy .


NamO SrI VenaktESAya ,








srinivasan sowmianarayanan


Friday, February 20, 2009 1:45 AM

Fw: "Ramarajya"









Dear Sri Raghuveeradayal Swamin, Please check the year of publication. If it is beyond 60 years back, copyright law does not apply as copyright is valid for 60 years unless a new edition is published later by the original publishers. If the book is published by any corporate publishers you have to get the permission from them for putting the book on website. Pl. check up. Otherwise you can give information about the book like the exact title, author's name, publisher's name and address and the year of publication and a brief summary of the contents.

Nowadays even the descendents of the author are touchy about their rights over old books written by their forefathers, but remain uninterested in republishing the same. It is unfortunate that many such works go into oblivion because of this. In this way, we have lost so many works from time immemorial.

I respect your eagerness to bring such works to light.



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