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Bhagavatgita a detailed study-chapter-3-karmayoga

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Arjuna uvaacha


1. jyaayasee cheth karmaNasthe mathaa budDhih janaardhana

thath kim karmaNi ghore maam niyojayasi kesava


Oh Krishna, if you deem that knowledge, budDhiH, is superior, jyaayasee, to action,karmaNaH, why do you insist, niyojayasi, on my doing this terrible deed, ghore karmaNi?


2. vyaamiSreNeva vaakyena budDhim mohayasi iva me

thath ekam vadha niSchithya yena Sreyo aham avaapnuyaam


You seem to confuse me with contradicting statements. Tell me for certain which will fetch me the highest good.

Krishna told Arjuna to fight and do his duty without attachment , which itself is baffling to Arjuna in his present state of mind , and in the same breath Krishna explains the path of renunciation by describing the state of the sthithaprajna. Arjuna now raises a legitimate doubt about the real intention of Krishna and says vyamisreneva vaakyena buddhim mohayasi iva me meaning, "I don't think that this is your intention but it looks as though you want to confuse me, by extolling about the path of knowledge after insisting the importance of doing my duty." He asks Krishna that if the path of jnana is superior, why should Krishna goad him to fight, which is dreadful, tatkim karmani ghore maam niyojayasi Kesava. Then Arjuna asks Krishna not to beat around the bush and tell him, ekam vadha nizschithya, which is good for him, sankhya the path of knowledge or yoga the path of action.

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