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Ratha Sapthami-AruNam : Part XXIV (11th AnuvAkam : PanchAti 51-52 ).

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Dear VedhAbhimAnis:






51st Mantram Introduction


The pervasive presence of the Lord in all created entities ( sentients and insentients) , His vyApAram , His multifarious states of existence are described here .Jn~Ani is defined here .


51st Mantram Text


napumsakam pumAgumstrayasmi

stAvarOasmyatha jangama:

yajE yakshi yashDAhE cha

MayA bhUtAnyayakshata

paSavO Mama bhUtAni

anUBandhyOasmyaham Vibhu:


taa u mE pumsa Aahu:

paSayadhakshaNvAnniva chEtadhandha:

kavirya: putrassimAchikEta


Word by Word Meaning of the 51st Mantram:


napumsakam pumAn stree asmi=Here, the Supreme Soul says: I am existing as a Male, Female and neuter . I am all.


sthAvara: atha jangama: asmi=I am existing as the moving chEtanam and the non-moving achEtanam.


yajE ayakshi yashtAhE cha)=I am performing yAgAs; I did perform yAgAs; I am going to perform yAgAs.

( I am beyond time ; those worshipped thru Yaagams , those worship now and those who are going worship in the future-I am all of them .I am present at all times : Present, past and future).


bhutAni MayA ayakshata=all living things performed yAgams( worship) thru Me.


PaSava: Mama BhUtAni= the four legged ones ( cattle) have been created by Me.


Aham Vibhu: anUBantadh ya: asmi=I am pervasively present as Vibhu in all created beings and have relationships to their bodies .


sathee striya: taa u Me pumsa: Aahu:=

The rishis have said that the Jn~Anis

among Women are equal to Jn~Anis among the Men . There is no difference in status among the two.


paSyat akshaNvAn na vichEtat andha:

If a man with fully functioning physical eyes , he has to be considered a blind man , if he does not have discriminative intellect ( vivEkam).


ya: putra: imA: chikEta sa: kavi:=One who sees the things of the world as the manifestations of BhagavAn is a dheerga darsi and sama dharsi.Such putran brings glory to his parents and the Kulam in which he is born .


52nd Mantram Introduction

additional definitions of the Jn~Ani are provided in this Mantram.


Text of the 52nd Mantram


yastAvijAnAt Savitu: pitA sath

andhO maNimavindhat


agrIva: pratyamuchath

tamajihvA asaschata

UrdhvamoolamavAk chAkam

vruksham yO vEda samprati

na sa jAtu jana: SraddhadyAt

mrutyurmA mArayAdhiti

hasitam rudhitam geetam


Word by Word Meaning of the 52nd Mantram


Ya: taa: vijAnAt sa: Savitu: pitA = The Jn~Ani who has the vivEkam about Brahman and sees all created beings as the manifestations of Brahman becomes the father of his own father .


The worshipful status of the Jn~Ani is referred to here . The Jn~Ani, who has become a sanyAsi is eligible now for the

worship by his own father.


andha: maNim avindhat , tamm ananguli Aavayat, agreeva: pratyamunchat, ajihvA tamm asascchata=The Jn~Ani who comprehends the Supreme soul (Aatma vastu) is like a blind man who recieved a beautiful gem ,like one without finger placing that gem on his nonexistent finger , like one without a neck wearing that gem on his phantom neck and like one who has no tongue praising the glory of that gem .


The Upanishad vaakyams describing the sightless seeing , the lame running etc:

apANi paadhO javanOgruheetA paSyat-achakshu: sa SruNOtyakarNa:


Urdhvamoolam avAk chAkam vruksham ya: samprati vEdha , sa Jana: mrutyu maa marayAth iti jaatu na SraddhadyAt)=One who comprehends the tree of SamsAram with its roots growing upward and the branches growing downwards ,while he is still part of this universe , will not believe ever that Yamadharman will kill him .


KaDOpanishad and Bhagavad Geethai describe SamsAric world has upward spreading roots and downward stretching branches.The fruits of this tree are PuNyams and Paapams. Two birds( JeevAtma and ParamAtma) live on this tree.One who understands this tattvam

overcomes mrutyu .


hasitam rudhitam geetam= Laughter and crying takes place in this samsAra vruksham.


Bhagavat Geetai 13.6 describes this: love and hatred, pleasure and pain, laughter and sorrow are all linked to the body . They are not linked to the AatmA.






NamO Veda PurushAya ,Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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